Rev Z
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Load and Rate Calculation
SpreadSmart Rx ™
allows operator to calculate, properly load liquid and granular materials on
spreading vehicles and set the liquid and granular rate(s) to accomplish the following process
Fully consume the maximum amount of pre-wet salt brine capacity on a vehicle
for a
given length of route (fill the pre-wet liquid tanks full and consume all of it for a
particular route).
Allow the use of Anti-icing tanks (on board or pulled with trailer) for simultaneous
use with granular and pre-wet systems and fully consume the loaded liquid.
Using the amount of salt brine available on a fully loaded truck,
calculate the amount of dry
granular salt material to load onto that truck to deliver a particular total amount of salt
the planned route
(Total salt pounds for route = liquid salt + granular salt).
Calculation is increased by 10% for excess granular;
Operational Description of Rate and Load Function –
To begin: access the menu screen to select Rate and Load calculation screen:
System set up requirements:
SpreadSmart Rx ™
must have pre-wet and anti-ice set up in gallons per mile. Rate
and load calculator does not work when pre-wet is set to run in gallons/ton of
granular material.
SpreadSmart Rx ™
must be setup with the correct materials chosen for the
application. In the case of salt and brine spreading, the granular material must be set
for salt and the pre-wet material for brine (materials screen); If the correct material
names are not chosen, then accuracy of downloaded data can be compromised.
Tank volumes shown in
SpreadSmart Rx ™
setup menus must be accurate for both
pre-wet and anti-ice. The bar graph and % remaining displays are driven using the
tank volumes in the set up menu and not those from the rate calculator;
Select Menu Screen and move cursor to select Route/Rate Calculator –
note that the help
screen menu choice has been moved inside the Diagnostics screen menu choice;
Input Values – for this route
Pre-Wet (Gal/Liters) =
amount of pre-wet liquid loaded on this truck for this route;
This amount will be the basis of the gallons and % remaining display:
Complete fill
- the maximum gallons (liters) the truck will hold – (system
will not accept a larger value than maximum shown on set up page)
Partial Fill
= the number of gallons actually loaded in the tank(s);
Pre-Wet (gal / ltr.) is adjusted up or down using the Pre-wet +/- toggle.
Total Pre-Wet fluid capacity is entered during setup on the Pre-Wet setup screen.
When an occasional use device (such as a trailer) is added to the system, the
additional fluid volume capacity of the trailer must be added to the “permanent on-
board capacity” for a total system capacity shown in the Pre-Wet set up menu.
salt brine rate calculations; 230 lbs salt/100 gal f.