The Model 538NH can measure
the beam profile and slice thickness
of ultrasound imaging systems by
evaluating the appearance of a thin
plane of echogenic material against
an anechoic background.
Scanning the scattering plane from
one surface, perpendicular to the
thin plane, obtains an image of the
beam profile at varying depths of the
538NH. This image contains a great
deal of information about the sound
beam as it propagates through the
tissue-mimicking media such as the focal length, focal zone, beam width, side and
grating lobes, and far-field beam divergence. In addition, the near field region of the
beam can be easily distinguished from the far field as varying degrees of brightness
close to the scan surface versus the homogeneous amplitude further down.
Scanning the scattering plane from a second surface, 45 degrees from the scat-
tering plane, allows users to evaluate the slice thickness of an imaging system at
varying depths. Slice thickness or elevational resolution, the third component of
spatial resolution, displays reflections produced by structures in front of or behind
the beam’s main axis. The effect of changes in the slice thickness is identical to
those seen with axial and lateral resolution. The thinner the slice thickness, the
better the resolution: as the slice thickness increases, the degree of spatial resolu-
tion decreases. All ATS urethane phantoms are guaranteed for the useful life of the
phantom, defined as 10 years.
Key Tests with Model
• Tissue Harmonic Imaging
• Beam Profile/ Focal Zone/
Lateral Response Width
For more information on these tests, see
"Testing Procedures" starting on page 4
For best results the phantom should be kept clean at all times. In particular a build-
up of dried coupling gel on the scan surface should be avoided. The phantom may
be cleaned with warm water using a lint free cloth. Particularly stubborn stains and
dirt may be removed with a mild household cleaner. The use of petroleum solvents
should be avoided since they may adversely react with the rubber-based material.