101. Why can’t you kneel or stand on the pilot and passenger seats? Because
you’ll crush the seat bottom’s integral aluminum honeycomb core, which is
designed to crush under impact and absorb downward loads that would occur
during a parachute landing.
102. How can you carry bulky cargo that exceeds the baggage compartment’s
length? Unlatch the rear seat backs from within the baggage compartment and
fold the seat backs down.
103. When the shoulder harnesses are attached you have complete freedom of
movement. How, then, are you protected in the event of a crash? The harnesses
are attached to inertial reels which automatically lock during sudden deceleration.
104. How could you evacuate the airplane if the cabin doors were jammed shut?
Use the ball-peen type hammer that’s located in the center armrest to break the
acrylic windows and form an escape path.
105. You are required to visually inspect the fire extinguisher before each flight.
What must you ensure? The nozzle is unobstructed, the pin has not been pulled,
and the canister has not been damaged.
106. Are the rudder pedals connected to the nose gear for steering? No.
107. So how do you steer the airplane? Differential braking.
108. Describe the brake system: A master cylinder for each rudder pedal, one
hydraulic fluid reservoir, a parking brake valve, and a single disc brake on each
main wheel.
109. How do you set the parking brake? Apply the rudder-pedal toe brakes, and
while set, pull the PARK BRAKE knob aft. It’s located near the pilot’s right ankle
on the left side of the console.
110. What is the minimum quantity for engine oil? 6 quarts.
111. Describe the fuel injection system: It’s a continuous-flow system. The engine
driven fuel pump draws fuel from the selected wing tank and sends it to the fuel
pump’s integral mixture control valve. This valve proportions fuel in response to
the pilot operated mixture control lever position and automatically provides
altitude compensation to supply the proper full rich mixture at any altitude. Fuel is
Cirrus SR-20 POH Summary
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