Trainer System:
The trainer system allows two compatible transmitters to be linked together via a trainer
cable (available separately). This allows the student to control the model with the “student”
transmitter while allowing the instructor to take over at any time by releasing the trainer
switch on the “instructor” transmitter.
When using the trainer system, the DPR-5FM transmitter should be used as the
instructor transmitter.
The trainer cord plugs into the DIN socket on the back of the transmitter.
The student transmitter can be on a different frequency than the instructor transmitter,
although it must be FM or able to operate in PPM mode. The student transmitter should not
be turned on when operating the trainer system.
Only the instructor transmitter should
be turned on.
When setting up the trainer system, it’s important that the student transmitter be set up
identical to the instructor transmitter. Verify that the trim levers and reversing switches are
set up the same. Also verify that the airplane’s controls work properly using BOTH
To activate the trainer system and give control to the student transmitter, pull back and
hold the trainer switch on the instructor transmitter. At this point, the student has control of
the airplane. If the student gets into trouble and the instructor needs to take over,
immediately release the trainer switch and control will revert to the instructor transmitter.
Using Optional NiCD Batteries and Charger:
The transmitter features a charge jack in the right side
that allows you to charge NiCD batteries using a 110V
AC wall charger (available separately). This allows you
the option of using 1.2V NiCD cells in place of the 1.5V
“AA” Alkaline cells and being able to recharge them
inside the transmitter without having to put them in a
separate, special charger.
Never attempt to charge Alkaline cells. Doing so can cause the cells to catch
fire and/or explode, resulting in serious injury and/or property damage.