Instruction Manual
B - Separation threshold between low voltage and zero voltage
This is the percent of the nominal voltage below which an out-of-range voltage incident is no longer
considered, but rather a zero-voltage incident. This value is initially set at 50%.
C - Upper voltage setpoint
This is a percentage over the nominal voltage that, when exceeded, the line voltage is deemed to
be excessive. Its value is set at 7%. Setting a zero value for this setpoint would effectively result in
over-voltage incidents not being calculated.
D - Lower voltage setpoint
This is the percentage below the rated voltage that, when exceeded, results in an under-voltage situa-
tion. Its value is set at 7%. Setting a zero value for this setpoint would effectively result in under-volt-
age incidents not being calculated. The value of this setpoint must be such that once subtracted from
the rated voltage, the result is a value that is higher than the threshold defined in the rated voltage.
E - Minimum incident duration
This is the minimum time that the voltage has to continuously remain outside the limit for an incident
to be recorded. This time is initially set at 3 minutes. Setting a zero value for this setpoint would effec-
tively result in both types of out-of-range voltage incidents not being calculated.
In order to correctly record any incidents involving no voltage, 3 parameters must be programmed into
the device. The base rated voltage for the calculation, the separation threshold between low voltage
and no voltage, and the minimum duration of the incident.
Ongoing incidents (still active) will be differentiated from closed incidents (that are over). For each
incident, the affected phase, the date-time the incident starts and the date-time the incident ends will
be recorded. The latter is recorded to the nearest second.
A - Rated voltage and separation threshold between low voltage and no voltage�
These are the parameters already defined in the previous point. When the line voltage is below the
rated voltage percentage indicated by the threshold, a no-voltage situation exists.
B - Minimum incident duration�
This is the minimum time that the voltage has to continuously remain below the threshold for an in-
cident to be recorded. This time is initially set at 3 minutes. Setting a zero value for this time would
effectively result in no-voltage incidents not being calculated.