Premium Technical Support:
Cincinnati Bell Premium Technical Support offers highly trained PC support
expert available 24/7 to solve hundreds of PC problems, like virus removal,
software support, driver installation, and much more. We also support Mac
and PC as well as phones, cameras, printers, and other devices.
Peace of mind that your home computer and other connected devices will
run smoothly
Personal, easy-to-understand, one-on-one support that you can trust
Assurance that Premium Technical Support is not outsourced overseas
No more dragging your PC into a shop or waiting around for a technician
to show up
Save when you bundle some of these popular features!
System Requirements
Currently, we support the following:
Web browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0+, Firefox 1.5+ and Safari
Operating systems: Windows 2000, XP, 7 or Vista, and Mac OS X
Processor: minimum Intel Pentium 600MHz
Available hard-drive space: 320MB
While other browsers and operating systems should work with our network,
Cincinnati Bell does not provide technical support for them at this time.
Our email allows for unlimited storage, so no need to worry about
constantly cleaning out your inbox.
Set Up Email
Now that you’ve got the best Internet in town, it’s really easy to set up your
new email account:
1. Go to http://cincinnatibell.net
2. Enter your email address and password
To add up to 4 additional email addresses or change your password:
1. Go to cincinnatibell.com/myaccount
2. Click the
My Services
link and follow the onscreen instructions
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