1. Lay out your batting cage inside the frame and find the top three ropes at each end. Tie the 3 end ropes (at
one end of the batting cage) to one of the end frame arches and then loosely tie the other top three end ropes
to the other end frame arch.
2. Attach the rope hangers to the lengthwise runners of the frame about 3' apart. Repeat this step for both sides
and attach one net hanger in the center of each arch section.
To hang the net, start on one side of the net and attach the carabiner, on the rope hangers on one
side of the frame, to the top rope border of the batting cage, every three feet. Stretch out the net on
the side finished and proceed to attach the middle rope of the net to the middle rope hangers. Attach
the other side the same as the first side.
You can now adjust the tension on your net by tightening the batting cages top ropes at one end of
the frame and then the other, if needed. The net should not quite reach the end arches.
4. Tie the four rope tails, on the bottom of the batting cage corners, to the bottom of the corner legs to help
prevent the wind from blowing the net inward.
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