Screw hole for the assembly of the power supply and the balancer
There are screw holes at the bottom of the power supply that allow the unit to be mounted on CHP spring
balancer (optional accessory) and the fixed board. Please follow the instruction below:
7. Troubleshooting
The screwdriver is not operating:
- Please ensure that the power plug is correctly plugged into the designated power source.
- Check voltage (DC) between pin 1(-) and pin 4(+). If there are no output voltage, replace the power supply.
For 6 pin power supplies, connect pin 3 and pin 5 before measuring the output voltage.
- Check for short/open circuit in the DC connection cord.
- Please contact our customer service if the issue persists and/or other issue have occurred.
American Hakko Products, Inc.
28920 Avenue Williams
Valencia, CA 91355
Rev 2017.11
Fixed board
Screw M3.5x10mm
Back of the Balancer
Screw M4x7mm