Input Gain Control
You can adjust the input gain on any of the Line inputs so that you can align the volume levels of your
different sources. There are six steps, which are x0.50,, x1.00, x1.5, x2.00, x2.5 and x3.00. Most modern
input devices such as CD players have an unbalanced output voltage of 2.5V and a balanced output 5V
which does not require any increased gain amplification. In fact, to increase the gain on such an output
level can lead to distortion of the signal. However, older audio equipment may have an output voltage of
less than 2V, in which case you may like to adjust the input gain.
Note: When using the Chord QBD76 please set the line gain to 0.5.
Increasing the input gain
1. Select the Line and Bus with the source that requires increased gain ( e.g. Line2 Bus A).
2. On the remote control press BUS A ( or BUS B if you are using this bus ). The display will show the
currently selected gain for this input.
3. Press the Vol+ key on the remote control to increase the gain.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to continue increasing the gain.
Example increasing gain on Bus A
Decreasing the input gain
1. Select the Line and Bus with the source that requires the gain to be reduced ( e.g. Line2 Bus A).
2. On the remote control press BUS A ( or BUS B if you are using this bus ). The display will show the
currently selected gain for this input.
3. Press the Vol- key on the remote control to decrease the gain.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to continue decreasing the gain.
Example decreasing gain on Bus A