3. The arrangement of food for storage, in particular the need to avoid cross-contamination, such as food to be stored
should be wrapped with clean plastic film or fresh keeping paper, then distributed to several frames even to avoid
contamination and the loss of water and smell mixture.
4. Fruits and vegetables should be put into the salad crisper to prevent excessive evaporation of water and freshness.
5. Cool hot food down to the room temperature before storing otherwise consumption of electricity will increase and
would lead to frost forming inside.
6. In the case of refrigerating appliances with chill compartment, a statement to the effect that some types of fresh
vegetables and fruits are sensitive to cold, and that therefore they are not suitable for storage in this kind of compartment.
7. The fact that effervescent drinks should not be stored in food freezer compartments or cabinets or in
low-temperature compartments or cabinets, and that some products such as water ices should not beconsumed too cold
Tips for keeping food perfect in the Fridge
1. Cooked meats should always be stored on a shelf above raw meats to avoid bacterial transfer. Keep raw meats on a
plate which is large enough to collect juices and cover it with cling film or foil.
2. This allows cold air to circulate around the Fridge, ensuring all parts of the Fridge are kept cool.
3. To prevent transfer of flavors and drying out, food should be separately packed or covered. Fruit and vegetables
need not be wrapped.
4. Allow pre-cooked food to cool down before placing in the Fridge. This will help to stop the internal temperature of the
Fridge from rising.
5. To prevent cold air escaping, try to limit the number of times you open the door. When retuning from shopping, sort
foods to be kept in your Fridge before opening the door. Only open the door to put food in or take it out.
Interruption of power supply or failure of the refrigerating system
The care required with regard to frozen food in storage in the event of an extended non-running of the refrigerating
appliance (interruption of power supply or failure of the refrigerating system)
1. Do not open the refrigerator door as much as possible so that even in hot summer food can be safely and freshly
kept for hours.
2. If you have a power outage notice in advance
1) Please an hour in advance will be temperature control stalls transferred to a strong cold position, so that the
refrigerator fully frozen. (Note that this time do not store new food!) To be restored after the timely supply of
temperature control gear to the original location.
2) You can also make some ice, with a watertight container, and put it in the upper part of the freezer. So that it is
necessary to extend the time for fresh food to be deposited.
Preparations for freezing
1. Leave cooked food to cool completely.
2. Chill food in a Fridge before freezing if possible.
3. Consider how you want to cook the food before freezing it.
4. Don’t freeze food in metal containers as you may want to microwave it straight from the Freezer.
5. Use special Freezer bags available from supermarkets, Freezer film, polythene bags, plastic containers, aluminum
foil for acidic foods(such as citrus fruits). Do not use thin cling film or glass. Do not use used food containers (unless
cleaned thoroughly first).
6. Exclude as much air from the container as possible. You could buy a special vacuum pump which sucks excessive
air out of the packaging.
7. Leave a small amount of “air space” when freezing liquids, to allow for expansion.
8. You can use the space in the Freezer most efficiently if you freeze liquids(or solids with liquids, such as stew) in
square blocks. This is known as “performing” Pour the liquid into a polythene bag which is inside a square sided container.
Freeze it like this, then remove it from the container and seal the bag.
Tips for shopping for frozen foods
1. When you are buying frozen food, look at the Storage Guidelines on the packaging. You will be able to
store each item of frozen food for the period shown against the star rating. This is usually the period stated as
“Best, Before”, found on the front of the packaging.
2. Check the temperature of the frozen food cabinet in the shop where you buy your frozen foods.
3. Make sure the frozen food package is in perfect condition.
4. Always buy frozen products last on your shopping trip or visit to the supermarket.
5. Try to keep frozen food together whilst shopping, and on the journey home as this will help to keep the food cooler.
6. Don’t buy frozen food unless you can freeze it straight away. Special insulated bags can be bought from most
supermarkets and hardware shops. These keep frozen food cold for longer.
7. For some foods, thawing before cooking is unnecessary. Vegetables and pasta can be added directly to boiling water
or steam cooked. Frozen sauces and soups can be put into a saucepan and heated gently until thawed.
8. Use quality food and handle it as little as possible. Freeze food in small quantities, it freezes faster, takes less time to
thaw and enables you to eat it in the quantity you need.
9. First, estimate the amount of food you will be freezing. If you are freezing large amounts of fresh food, remember to
turn the control dial to the low temperature range. This will lower the temperature in the Freezer, freezing your food
quicker and helping to keep the goodness in. However you should do this sparingly to conserve energy.
This appliance is designed as automatic defrosting ,no need to defrost by hand.
Moving the Fridge/Freezer
Do not place your Fridge/Freezer near a heat source, eg. Cooker, boiler or radiator. Also avoid direct sunlight in
out-buildings or sun lounges.
Leveling the Fridge/Freezer