DKHiQV-PCI (Fab. Rev. B) User’s Guide
DKHiQV-PCI (Fab. Rev. B) Subject to Change Without Notice
Revision 1.3 7/2/99
The DKHiQV-PCI has the following features when running a HiQVideo
High Performance Flat Panel/CRT GUI Accelerator running on PCI Bus
Flexible display memory configurations support up to 4MB with a B65555. (The memory resides on the
daughtercard for the B65555.)
50-pin flat panel connector for interfacing to most types of flat panels (up to 24 data bits).
26-pin flat panel connector for 12 additional data bits for panels having up to a 36-bit data word width
15-pin standard VGA connector
40-pin MPEG connector for interfacing to an MPEG video card
Two 25-pin and one 12-pin connector for interfacing to the multimedia daughtercard.
PCI BIOS ROM support, located on the daughtercard
Flexible power supplies individually configurable to 3.3V and 5V for different blocks of the video sub-
Onboard power sequencing
VGA to NTSC/PAL conversion to provide S-VHS video and composite video outputs
Interrupt signal added for 69xxx support (INT# to INTA on PCI bus)
TV out and CRT enable/disable under software control
Note: Limited solution, CRT HSYNC/VSYNC only, not RGB
ACT125 buffer for CSYNC to TV out encoder (AD722) to met Vih spec
32 kHz improvement for better rise/fall times
+5V removed from VCC jumpers; 3.3V-only for VGA controller VCC pins
Note: +5V can be reconnected with only one wire if needed for older products.
RAMVCC separated from MVCC55X so that +5V can be used for DRAM while using 3.3V for VGA con-
troller VCC
On daughtercard header, GVCC can be 3.3V instead of 5V to allow 3V EPROM to be used on the
daughtercard if desired
Four new GND test points have been added and two existing GND points have been moved out from
under the daughtercard to be more accessible
Low voltage option for VEESAFE (1K pot, fed by VDDSAFE)