Chinavision CVABR-C389 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание CVABR-C389

Страница 1: ...Car Multimedia Player Thank you for buying this product Please read the provided userrnallual carcfuⅡ y bcforc installation and keep it f r future reference ...

Страница 2: ...rting any Disk UsB orsD card plcasc avoid any hair orimpuoty cntcring thc casscttc of Disk UsB or sD card Kccpthc unito1c ar Features M in dccodcr latcst MTK336o chip Playab1c Disk DVD R DVD RW VCD sVCD CD WMA MP4 MP3 AVI JPEG PNG Vidco dccodcr RMVB AVI l IPEG 2 MWV AsF wlth1080P high deflnltion Audio dccodcr based on sDP digital audio dccodcr BuⅡ tin Bluetooth and GPs BuⅡ tin AM FM with18FM stati...

Страница 3: ... Power ON 13scconds cntcrinto FM 1ong prcssthis kcy for PO VER FF undcrpowcr on modc short prcss this key for Mute function NA I or GPS Under po vcr on lnodc short prcss this kcy To cntcrinto GPS modcif GPs card is inscrtcd prcss again to Rcturn pcrvious modc Llcct D酞 blltton MENlJ Prcssthis kcy to changc between the1nain1ncnu and prcscnt mcnu VOL sholt prcss this to incrcasc Vol up to391cvcls VOL...

Страница 4: ...rcstore tllc currcnt statc ofphy PressI口 to return Previous andHto NEXT Press蚪 for back 丙 ard and for vard Press H forRDM prcss again for playing order Press 日 for REPEAT it work diffcrcntly according to different disk a For CD VCD defalIltin FULL CD VCD p1ay Prcss again for stop rcpcating t vicc for REPEAT oNE thrcctimcs for REPEAT ALL b For DVD disk defau1tin REPEAT OFF press once for title rcpe...

Страница 5: ...nd currcnt pagc of pIay in thc1niddle ofmenu it shoM s programs list BIuetoOth operation hcss圃 fol bluctoo血 hCss翮 ωturn Blllctoo曲 s对 clll砸 d龉 wi1l bc high hghtcd prcss this for BT conncction Connccting BT to usc Bluetooth hands ftcc function makc conncction flrst 血 atCh thc host with thc bluctooth lnobi1c phonc Opcrationˇ cthods setthc hostto bc alatching statc and opcn thc bluetooth of our mobi1e...

Страница 6: ...ime use the ne V MAP the system fan to flnd map nced t0insert thcˇIAP card chckthC GPs path icon on thc1nain1nCnu and you will enterthc bCloW interface choosc thC lnap thCn return to rnain1nenu to entcr Navigation or pressthe key NA Ion panc1 steel wheel controllearning Prcss ω e碰 凼 d whCd c 订 d忆ar 鸭 intcrface sec bc1ow This unit has10 ommon usCd stcel wheCl contro11earnning which suit for a11type...

Страница 7: ...e of the front pane丨 No川 ow audio output rnproper audio Output connection Check wiHng and cOrrect Vo丨 ume settoO丨 ovv Increase vo丨 ume丨 eve丨 丨 mproper MUTE nnedon Review wiHng diagrarT and check MUTE connecuon speakers damaged RepIace speakers Heav y biased vo丨 ume ba丨 anc Adjustthe channe丨 ba丨 ance to the center posⅡ ion speaker vviHng is in cOntact vvi meta丨 part of car 丨 nsu ate a speaker Ⅵ iri...

Страница 8: ...sCreen Use correct aspect ratio se ing l品 proper aspect ra刂o setup Prolonged image irnproper height Ⅵ odth ratio dispIay Extend antenna fu y or cOnnectthe auto antenna controI cabIe Auto antenna is notfu y extended Weak station searching Connectthe auto antenna control cabIe Auto antenna not proper丨 y connected Turn LOCAL funC刂 on off LOCAL func刂 on is ac刂 vated Reinstall Ⅱ Ies on UsB deVice nnicr...
