reception, the user can send SMS“move+pspace+0200” to the tracker
(Suppose area of a radius of 200 meters, it supports 4 digits at most. Unit: Meter).
It will reply “move OK”. In case of such a movement (the default distance is 200m),
it will send SMS “Move+ latitude & longitude” to the authorized numbers.
Cancel: Send SMS “password” to deactivate the movement alarm.
Over speed alarm
Set up: Send SMS “speed+pspace+080” to the unit (suppose the speed is
80km/h), and it will reply “speed OK!”. When the target moves exceeding 80km/h,
the unit will send SMS “speed+080!+ latitude & longitude” to the authorized
numbers ,
it will send only one SMS in 3 minutes in SMS mode.
Cancel: Send SMS “password” to deactivate the overspeed alarm.
Remark: The recommended speed should be not less than 30km/h. For below that
rate, it will be effected the accuracy by GPS signals drift etc.
Shock sensor Alarm
The built-in shock sensor can detect it when the vehicle move, tilt or vibrate.
Activate Shock alarm: Send “shock+password” to tracker, it will reply
“Shock is activated!”, “Sensor alarm+latitude&longitude will be sent to
authorized phone number when detecting vibration.
Cancel: Send “password” to tracker to deactivate Shock alarm.
Configure sensitivity of vibration:
There are 3 different levels of the sensor:
First level: alarm will be triggered after detect slight vibration; send SMS command
Second level: alarm will be triggered after detect medium vibration; send SMS
command “senspspace+2”;
Third level: alarm will be triggered after detect heavy vibration; send SMS
command “senspspace+3”;
Sleep Mode
Sleep mode
SMS mode
GPRS mode
Set Less GPRS Traffic in GPRS Mode
No sleep
Always working
Always online
No vibration and any other
triggered alarm, GPRS disconnect
and switch to “sleep by Shock” in
SMS mode, GPRS will back to
online when detect vibration or any