China Aerospace Telecommunications Ltd
When device into half save power model ,the terminal will ready for : ACC
on ,Door open ,Cut power ,SOS theft ,Abnormal Temperature ,Abnormal
Fuel ,calling ,unplug of OBD, wake up to normal working state ,GPS power
on ,GPRS ready ,terminal upload alarm data (whatever locate or not ,if can’t
locate ,will upload last value location ) Meanwhile keep online working state
and upload data( whatever locate or not ) until second detect ACC off ,will
goes into sleep mode after 5 minutes.
6)Location Query
After sending command from call center, the device can upload GPS info
7) Command from call center
The call center can send text message to device via GPRS ,the text
message will show on LCD screen& handset.
8)Maintenance reminder
The user can do maintenance reminder on the platform according to time
period or mileage, after setting it on platform, the system will remind once
the time/mileage is up to the data pre-set.
5.2 Locate and tracking function
9)Vehicle location query
User can check vehicle current location on any computer with network.
10)Tracking by interval