10G Core Routing Switch User Manual
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SNMP Configuration Example
I. Networking requirements
Network Management Station and the Ethernet switch are connected via the Ethernet. The IP address of Network
Management Station is and that of the VLAN interface on the switch is Perform the
following configurations on the switch: setting the community name and set trap host address.
II. Networking diagram
SNMP configuration example
III. Configuration procedure
# Configure community string
snmp community readwrite public
# Configure trap host
snmp trapreceiver add
File System Management
This chapter describes how to update the software image of MCU Board and LPU board.
This system software images include the software image of MCU board and LPU board.
This system support FTP client, so you must prepare a FTP server for update the software image.
Update the software image of MCU board
Updating the software image of MCU board, please refer to follow steps:
Step 1:
Please prepare FTP server and connect the FTP srever’s Ethernet port to the MCU board’s aux port. Setting the
ftp username
password and image file path.
Step 2:
Connect the serial port of a PC (or a terminal) to the Console port of the switch with the Console cable. And run
terminal emulator (such as Terminal on Windows 3X or the Hyper Terminal on Windows 9X) on the Computer. Set the
terminal communication parameters as follows: Set the baud rate to 19200, databit to 8, parity check to none, stopbit
to 1, flow control to none and select the terminal type as VT100.
Step 3:
Setting aux port ip address. After you login the system (by default the login username is admin, the login
password is empty; enable password is empty all).