SKU 67089
For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
Page 8
the bit exits the workpiece. Lubricate
the Drill Bit with cutting oil when drill-
ing iron or steel. Use a coolant when
drilling nonferrous metals such as
copper, brass, or aluminum.
When the hole is drilled, remove the
drill bit from the hole while the Drill is
still running. This prevents the Drill Bit
from getting caught in the hole and
causing damage.
please note:
The Drill/Driver has an
LED light that shines on contact area.
Lightly tapping on the Trigger will
activate the LED light.
To prevent accidents, turn off the tool
and disconnect its power supply after
use. Clean, then store the tool in-
doors out of children’s reach.
maintenance and
Procedures not specifically
explained in this manual
must be performed only by a
qualified technician.
tO preVent
SeriOuS injurY
FrOm accidental
OperatiOn: turn power
Switch of tool to its “OFF”
position and remove Battery
pack from tool performing any
inspection, maintenance, or
cleaning procedures.
tO preVent SeriOuS
injurY FrOm tOOl
Failure: do not use
damaged equipment. if
abnormal noise or vibration
occurs, have the problem
corrected before further use.
cleaning, maintenance, and
BeFOre eacH uSe,
inspect the
general condition of the tool. Check
for loose screws, misalignment or
binding of moving parts, cracked or
broken parts, and any other condition
that may affect its safe operation.
aFter uSe,
clean external surfaces
of the tool with clean cloth.
Warning! do not use if either
the Battery pack or charger are
damaged in any way.