Chevrolet 1993 Blazer Скачать руководство пользователя страница 267

Содержание 1993 Blazer


Страница 2: ...ndthatyourChevroletdealerknows yourvehiclebestandisinterested in yourcompletesatisfaction Your dealer invitesyou to returnfor all ofyourserviceneeds bothduringandafterthe warrantyperiod Remember ifyou have a concernandneedhelphandling it toyour satisfactionseetheprocedureinSection 8 or intheChevroletTruck WarrantyandOwnerAssistanceInformationbooklet Thanksforchoosing a Chevroletproduct We valueyou...

Страница 3: ...l in it so thenewownercanuseit This manualincludesthelatestinformation at the time it was printed We reservetheright to makechanges in theproductafterthattimewithout furthernotice Forvehiclesfirstsold in Canada substitutethe name General MotorsofCanada Limited forChevroletMotorDivisionwhenever it appears in this manual I For Canadian Owners Who Prefer a French Language Manual Aux proprietairescana...

Страница 4: ...Mudel Reference This manual covers these models TYPE MODEL WAGON UTILITY iii ...

Страница 5: ...TABLE OF CONTENTS e ComfortConfrols Audio Systems 1 1 TO212 iv ...

Страница 6: ...oad and how todrive under different conditions 5 This sectiontells youwhat to do if youhave a problem while driving such as a flat tire or engine overheating Here the manual tells you how to keep your vehicle running properly and looking good Thissection tells youwhen to performvehiclemaintenanceand what fluids and lubricants to use This section tellsyou how to contact your GM divisionfor assistan...

Страница 7: ......

Страница 8: ... ll find it SECTIONS1 6 Eachsection of thismanualbeginswithabrieflistofits contents so youcanoften find ataglance if asectioncontainsthe informationyouwant SECTION 7 Thissectioncoversthemaintenancerequiredforyourvehicle SECTION 8 Thissectionincludesimportantinformationaboutreportingsafety defectsandgivesyoudetailsabout the RoadsideAssistanceprogram You willalso find customersatisfactionphonenumber...

Страница 9: ...hatcouldhurtyou if you weretoignorethewarning In the yellow cautionarea we tell youwhat thehazardis Then we tell you whatto do to helpavoid orreducethehazard Pleasereadthesecautions If youdon t youorothers could behurt You willalso find a red circlewith a slashthrough it in this book Thissafety symbolmeans Don t Don tdothis or Don tletthishappen AM002002 0 2 ...

Страница 10: ...notbecoveredbyyourwarranty and it couldbecostly Butthenoticewill tell youwhatto do to helpavoidthe damage Whenyoureadothermanuals youmightseeCAUTIONandNOTICE warningsindifferentcolorsorindifferentwords In thismanual we veused thefamiliarwordsandcolorsthatGeneralMotorshasusedforyears You llalsoseewarninglabelsonyourvehicle Theyusethesamecolors andthewordsCAUTION orNOTICE ...

Страница 11: ...d on an original battery I 1 1 Caution Protect Eyes Possible Injury by Shielding Avoid Sparks or flames CausricBatteryAcidSpark or FlameCould Could Cause Burns Explode Barfery These symbols are important for you and your passengers wheneveryour vehicle is driven Fasten Safety Door lock Unlock Belts PO335 0 4 ...

Страница 12: ... Flasher Headlight High Beam 0 50 I Parking Lights Fog Lights Off Daytime Running Lights These symbols are on some of your controls w 1 I RearWindowWiper Windshield Washer Windshield Defroster I Windshield Wiper I CYT I Rear Window Defogger L Ventilating Fan I I Hatch Release Rear Window Washer PO595 0 5 ...

Страница 13: ...Engine Coolant Temperature BRAKE Brake I Battery Charging System Fuel ANTI LOCK 11 4 Wheel Anti Lock RELEASE Parking Brake Release I Engine Oil Pressure I I SHIFT 1 Shift Light Here aresome other symbols you may see Fuse Hood Release Lighter Horn PO597 0 6 ...

Страница 14: ... SafetyBelts They reForEveryone 1 13 Why Safety Belts Work 1 15 QuestionsManyPeopleAskAboutSafetyBelts 1 18 How To Wear SafetyBeltsProperly 1 20 DriverPosition 1 20 Lap Shoulder Belt 4 E 1 21 SafetyBelt Use DuringPregnancy 1 26 PassengerPositions 1 27 Children 1 34 SmallerChildrenandBabies 1 34 Child Restraints 1 36 Larger Children 1 44 Checking Your Restraint Systems i 1 47 ReplacingSafetyBeltsAf...

Страница 15: ... AYou can lose control of the vehicle if you try to adjust a manual driver sseatwhilethevehicle is moving Thesuddenmovement could startleandconfuse you ormake you push a pedalwhenyou don twant to Adjustthedriver sseatonlywhenthevehicle is not movina K2102 Slidetheleveratthefront of theseattowardyourdoortounlock it Slide theseattowhereyouwant it Thenreleasetheleverand try tomove the seatwithyourbod...

Страница 16: Front Seatback Bucket or Split Bench Seat Pol91 To adjusttheseatback liftthefront of thislever If your vehiclehasa passengersideeasyentryseat yourseatbackleverwillbeslightlylarger but will work thesameway Releasethelever to locktheseatbackwhereyou wantit Pull up on the lever and theseatbackwill go toanuprightposition 1 3 ...

Страница 17: ...eltcan t do its job because it won t be againstyour body Instead it will be infront of you In a crashyou could go into it receivingneck or otherinjuries The lap beltcan t do i t s jobeither In a crash the beltcould go up over your abdomen Thebeltforceswould be there not at your pelvic bones This could causeseriousinternalinjuries For properprotectionwhen the vehicleisinmotion have the seatbackupri...

Страница 18: ...op oftherestraint is closest tothe top of yourears Thispositionreducesthechance of aneckinjury in acrash Seatback Latches 40 60 Reclining Split Bench Seat and Reclining Bucket Seat PO191 To foldaseatbackforward pull up on thefront of thisleverandfoldthe seatbackforward 1 5 ...

Страница 19: ...ed Easy Entry Seat Uti ity Model Front and Wagon Model Second Seat K2406 Therightfrontbucketseatortherightside of the 40160 splitbenchseat availableontheUtilitymodel has aneasyentryfeature Thismakes it easy to get in andout of therearseat To operatetheseat pushdown on therear of theleverattherearedge of the seat Whenyoudo theseatbackwillmovefullyforwardandtheseat bottom will release Justpullorpush...

Страница 20: ...t theseatbacktowardthefront of thevehicle When you do theseat bottomwillrelease Justpull or pushtheseatforwarduntil it stops To returntheseat toits regularposition returntheseatbacktoitsupright position thenpushthewholeseatrearwarduntillatches Afterreturningtheseat to itsregularposition trytomovetheseatwithyour body to makesure the seatislockedintoplace I CAUTION I If aneasyentryrightfront seat is...

Страница 21: Whnn ha sat is folded it willlavflatonthefloor I i PO273 To foldtheseat pull ontheleveratthefrontoftheseatcushionmarked RELEASE Then usingthehandleatthesideoftheseatback pullthe seatbackforwardandfolditintotheseatcushion 1 n I PO272 Whilethe seat is in thefoldedposition hangthelatchplateend oftheouter passengerpositionsafetybeltsonthehooks at thetopofeachretractor cover outoftheway 1 8 ...

Страница 22: ...e Folding Second Seat Wagon Models If yourvehiclehasa 60140 second seat eithersidemaybefoldeddown to giveyoumorecargospace Beforefolding makesurethatnothing is under or in front of theseat Whenthe seat is folded it willlay flat onthefloor i K2477 To fold the seat pushdown on theleverattheouterside of theseat cushionand usingthehandlemounted on theside of theseat pulltheseat cushion up and fold it ...

Страница 23: ...fterfoldingtheseatbackfullyforward pushdownontheleveragainand foldtheseatbackforwarduntil it is flat To createaloadfloor releasethepanelsfromtheseatbacksbypushing rearwardonthelatch andfoldthemouttocovertherearseatfootwell 1 10 ...

Страница 24: ...osition After returningtheseat to thepassengerposition pull forward on the theseatcushionhandle to makesure theseatislocked seatback andup on in place Removable Rear Ifyour vehiclehasa Seat Wagon Models rearseat itcanbetakenoutformorecargospace PO274 Beforeremovingtheseat unlatchtheoutsidepassengerpositionsafetybelts fromtheseatframe To do this press in ontheinside of thebucklecover 1 1 1 ...

Страница 25: ...opentherearloaddoors and entertheback of the vehicle Movetheseatbackreleaseleverattherightrear of the seat toward thecenter of thevehicle and fold theseatbackforwardintotheseatcushion K2356 To unlatchtheseat from thefloor pull up onthecenterreleasehandle at the rear of theseatand lift therear of theseatup out of thefloor Turn the seatsideways and take it out of thevehicle 1 1 2 ...

Страница 26: ...ty belt that is twisted or not properly attached won t provide I 1the protectionneeded in a crash The personwearing the belt could be seriously injured After installing the seat always check to be sure that the safety belts are not twisted and are properly attached Safety Belts They re For Everyone Thispart of themanualtellsyou how to usesafetybeltsproperly Italsotells yousomethingsyoushouldnot do...

Страница 27: ...arsafetybelts Here swhy They work Youneverknow if you llbe in a crash If youdohave a crash youdon t know if it willbeabadone A fewcrashesareverymild In them youwon tgethurteven if you renot buckled up And some crashescanbe so serious likebeinghitbyatrain thatevenbuckledupapersonwouldn tsurvive But mostcrashesare in between Inmanyofthem peoplewhobuckleupcansurviveandsometimes walkaway Without belts...

Страница 28: ...rashes buckling up does matter a lot I I AN110021R1 Why Safety Belts Work AM115001 AMllbUd2 When you ride in or on anything you go as fast as it goes Forexample if the bike is going 10 mph 16 km h so isthechild When thebikehitsthe block it stops But thechildkeepsgoing 1 15 ...

Страница 29: ...Seats Safety Belts b AM115003 AM115004 Takethesimplest vehicle Supposeit s just a seat onwheels Put someone onit I AM115005 Get it up to speed Thenstopthe vehicle Theriderdoesn tstop 1 1 6 ...

Страница 30: ...AM115006 Thepersonkeepsgoinguntilstoppedbysomething In arealvehicle it couldbethewindshield L i or theinstrumentpanel AM115007 1 17 ...

Страница 31: ...even if you reupsidedown Andyourchance of beingconsciousduringandafteranaccident so you can unbuckleandget out is much greater if youarebelted Q Whydon ttheyjustput in airbags so peoplewon thavetowear safetybelts A Airbags orSupplementalInflatableRestraintsystems are in some vehiclestodayand will beinmoreofthem in thefuture Buttheyare supplementalsystemsonly so theywork with safetybelts notinstead...

Страница 32: ...romthingsbeyondyourcontrol such as bad drivers Mostaccidentsoccurwithin 25 miles 40 km of home Andthegreatest numberof seriousinjuriesanddeathsoccuratspeeds of lessthan 40 mph 65km h Safety belts areforeveryone Safety Belt Reminder Light K2443 Whenthekey is turned to RUN or START a lightwillcomeonforabout eightsecondstoremindpeople to fastentheirsafetybelts Unless the driver s safetybeltisbuckled ...

Страница 33: ...ildren And u therearedifferentrulesforbabiesandsmallerchildren If achildwill beridingin yourvehicle seethepartafterthisone called Children Followthoserulesforeveryone sprotection I First you ll wanttoknowwhichrestraintsystemsyourvehicle has We llstart withthedriverposition Driver Position Thispartdescribesthedriver srestraintsystem C I E I 1 20 ...

Страница 34: ... Seats intheIndex so youcansit upstraight 1 AN120120 3 Pickupthelatch plate andpullthebeltacrossyou On somemodels youmayheara clickingsound as theshoulderbelt is pulled out or whenreleasedback into the cover This is theshoulderbelttension reducingfeatureoperatingproperly Don tletthebeltgettwisted 4 Pushthelatchplateintothebuckleuntil it clicks 1 21 ...

Страница 35: ...nderthelapbelt If you slidunder it thebelt would applyforceatyourabdomen Thiscouldcauseseriousorevenfatal injuries Theshoulderbeltshould go overtheshoulderandacrossthechest Theseparts of thebodyarebestabletotakebeltrestrainingforces Thesafetybeltlocks if there sasuddenstoporacrash Q What swrongwiththis AM120015 A Theshoulderbelt is tooloose It won tgivenearlyasmuchprotectionthis way A You canbeser...

Страница 36: ......

Страница 37: ...sunderthearmrests 1 Q What s wrong withthis A 8 AM125001 A Theshoulderbeltiswornunderthearm It should beworn over the shoulderat all times A You canbeseriouslyinjured if you wear theshoulderbeltunderyour I I arm In acrash yourbodywouldmovetoofarforward whichwould increase the chanceofheadandneckinjury Also thebeltwould applytoomuchforce to the ribs whicharen tasstrong as shoulder bones You couldal...

Страница 38: ... injured by a twisted belt In a crash you wouldn t have the full width of the belt to spread impad forces If a belt i s twisted make it straight so it can work properly or ask your 1 dealer to fix a 1 r AN120123 To unlatchthe belt just push thebuttononthebuckle Thebeltshould go back out of the way 1 25 ...

Страница 39: ...n Likealloccupants theyaremorelikelytobeseriouslyinjured if theydon twearsafetybelts A pregnantwomanshouldwearalap shoulderbelt andthelapportion shouldbewornas low aspossiblethroughoutthepregnancy Thebestwaytoprotectthefetus is toprotectthemother Whenasafety belt is wornproperly it smorelikelythatthefetuswon tbehurtinacrash For pregnantwomen as for anyone thekeytomakingsafetybeltseffective isweari...

Страница 40: ... safetybelt See DriverPosition earlierinthissection Whenthelapportion of thebeltispulledout all the way it willlock If it does letitgobackallthewayandstartagain Center Passenger Position Except Wagon Models Second Seat If yourvehiclehasfrontandrearbenchseats someonecansit in thecenter positions 1 27 ...

Страница 41: ...atchplateandpullitalongthebelt I AN145041 AN145043 To makethebeltshorter pullitsfreeend as shownuntilthebeltissnug Buckle positionandrelease it thesamewayasthelappartofa lap shoulderbelt If thebeltisn tlongenough see SafetyBeltExtender attheendofthis section Makesurethereleasebuttononthebucklefacesupwardoroutward so you wouldbeable to unbuckle it quickly if youeverhadto 1 28 ...

Страница 42: ... thewagonmodelsecondseat you havealapsafetybeltwhichhasaretractor r AN145053 I Pickupthelatchplateand in asinglemotion pullthebeltacrossyou 2 Push thelatchplateintothebuckleuntil it clicks If thebeltstopsbefore Don tlet it gettwisted it reachesthebuckle let it gobackallthewayandstartagain 1 29 ...

Страница 43: ...tononthebucklefacesupwardoroutward so you would beable to unbuckle it quickly if youeverhadto AN145054 Rear Seat Passengers It sveryimportantforrearseatpassengers to buckleup Accidentstatistics show thatunbeltedpeople in therearseatarehurtmoreoftenincrashes thanthosewhoarewearingsafetybelts Rearpassengerswhoaren tsafety belted canbethrownout of thevehiclein acrash Andtheycanstrikeothers in thevehi...

Страница 44: ...velap shoulderbelts Here showto wearoneproperly 1 Pickup the latchplateandpullthebeltacrossyou Don tletitget twisted AN14702 2 Push the latchplate into thebuckle until it clicks If thebeltstopsbefore it reachesthebuckle tilt thelatchplateand keeppullinguntilyou can buckleit 1 31 ...

Страница 45: ...unbuckle it quickly if youeverhadto AN147096 To makethelapparttight pull down on thebuckleend of thebeltas youpull uptheshoulderpart L 1 I 1 AM120007 Thelappart of thebeltshouldbe low andsnug on thehips justtouching thethighs In a crash thisappliesforce to thestrongpelvic bones And you d be lesslikely to slideunderthelapbelt If youslidunderit thebelt 1 32 ...

Страница 46: ...ts of thebodyarebestable to take belt restrainingforces Thesafetybeltlocks if thereisasuddenstopor a crash You canbeseriouslyhurt if yourshoulderbeltis too loose In a Theshoulderbeltshouldfitagainstyourbody b crash you would moveforwardtoomuch whichcouldincreaseinjury I L I CAUTION r AN147030 To unlatchthebelt justpushthebutton on thebuckle 1 33 ...

Страница 47: ...erestrainedin a child or b infantrestraint Theinstructions for therestraint will say whether it is theright type andsize for yourchild A veryyoungchild shipbones are so smallthat a regularbeltmightnotstay low onthehips as it should Instead the belt will likely be over the child s abdomen In a crash the belt would apply forcerighton the child s abdomen which could cause serious or fatalinjuries So ...

Страница 48: ...ghmuch untilacrash Duringacrashababy will become so heavyyoucan tholdit Forexample in a crash at only I mph 40 km h a12 pound 5 5 kg baby will suddenly become a 240 pound 110 kg force on yourarms The baby would bealmost impossible to hold Secure the baby in an infantrestraint I I 4 AN15003 1 35 ...

Страница 49: ...rsthereforerecommend that you putyourchildrestraint in therearseatunlessthechildisaninfant andyou retheonlyadult in thevehicle In thatcase youmightwant to securetherestraintinthefrontseatwhereyoucankeepaneye on the baby Wherever you installit besure to securethechildrestraintproperly CAUTION I A Anunsecuredchildrestraintcanmovearound in acollisionor A sudden stop andinjurepeople in thevehicle Be s...

Страница 50: ...sectionaboutthe top strap if thechildrestraint has one 1 Puttherestraint on theseat Follow theinstructionsforthechild 2 Securethechildinthechildrestraintastheinstructionssay restraint I AN160147 3 Pull out thevehicle ssafetybelt Makethebelt as long aspossibleby tiltingthelatchplateandpulling it alongthebelt 1 37 ...

Страница 51: ...face orneck If so put it behindthechildrestraint AN160136 AN160062 5 Bucklethebelt Makesurethereleasebuttonfacesupwardoroutward 6 To tighten the belt pull upontheshoulderbeltwhileyoupushdown on so you llbeable to unbuckle it quickly if youeverneed to thechildrestraint i A AN160067 7 Push and pull thechildrestraintindifferentdirections to be sure it is secure 1 38 ...

Страница 52: ...r Securing a Child Restraint in the Center Seat Position Except Wagon Models Second Seat C I c Whenyousecure a childrestraint in a centerseatingposition except in the secondseat of a Wagon model you llbeusingthelapbelt Seetheearlier partaboutthetopstrapif the child restrainthasone 1 Makethe belt as long aspossibleby tilting thelatchplateandpulling it alongthebelt AN163028 1 1 39 ...

Страница 53: ...ownonthe child restraint 7 Pushand pull thechildrestraintindifferentdirectionstobesure it is secure If thechildrestraintisn tsecure turnthelatchplateoverand buckle it again Thensee if it issecure If itisn t securetherestraint in adifferentplaceinthevehicleandcontactthechildrestraintmakerfor theiradvice restraint To removethechildrestraint justunbucklethevehicle ssafetybelt It will be ready to work...

Страница 54: ...ns say restraint 3 Pullthelapbelt all the way outwithoutstopping 4 Whileholding it out runthebeltthroughoraroundthechildrestraint The child restraintinstructionswillshowyouhow AN163056 AN163057 5 Bucklethebelt Makesurethereleasebuttonfacesupwardoroutward so you llbeable to unbuckle it quickly if youeverneed to 1 41 ...

Страница 55: ...or anadultorlarger childpassenger Securing a Child Restraint in the Right Front Seat onthechildrestraint secure You ll beusingthelap shoulderbelt Seetheearlierpartaboutthetopstrap if the child restrainthasone 1 Puttherestraintontheseat Follow theinstructionsforthe child restraint 2 Securethechild in thechildrestraint as theinstructions say 3 Pulloutthevehicle ssafetybeltandrunthelappartthroughorar...

Страница 56: ...rd or outward so you llbeable to unbuckle it quickly if youeverneed to 5 Pulltherest of thebelt all the way out of the lap retractortosetthe lock AN165123 AN165015 6 To tighten the belt feedthelapbeltbackintotheretractorwhileyou push downonthechildrestraint 1 43 ...

Страница 57: ...ndbeready to work foranadult or larger child passenger Larger Children I AM170057 Children whohaveoutgrownchildrestraintsshouldwearthevehicle ssafety belts If youhavethechoice achild should sitnext to a window so the child can wearalap shoulderbeltandgettheadditionalrestraint a shoulderbelt canprovide Accidentstatisticsshowthatchildren are safer if theyare restrainedintherearseat Buttheyneed to us...

Страница 58: ... t buckled up can strike other people who are r i l AM170058 bNever do this Here two children are wearingthe same belt The belt can tproperly spreadtheimpactforces In a crash the twochildren can be crushed togetherand seriouslyinjured A belt must be usedby only one nerson at a time I I 1 45 ...

Страница 59: ...childissittinginaseatthathasalap shoulderbelt butthe shoulder part is behind the child If the child wears the belt in this way in a crashthechildmightslideunderthebelt Thebelt sforce wouldthenbeappliedrightonthechild sabdomen Thatcould causeserious or fatalinjuries Whereverthechildsits the lap pottion of thebeltshouldbewornlowand snug on thehips justtouchingthechild sthighs Thisappliesbeltforceto ...

Страница 60: ...ired Replacing Safety Belts After a Crash If you vehad a crash doyouneednewbelts After a very minorcollision nothing maybenecessary Butifthe belts were stretched astheywouldbeifwornduring a moreseverecrash thenyou need newbelts Ifyoueversee a label on a rightfrontsafetybeltthatsaystoreplacethe belt besureto do so Then it willbetheretohelpprotect you in an accident You wouldseethislabelonthebeltnea...

Страница 61: They can rip apart under impact forces I f a b0R is tom or frayed get a new on0 right away Beforereplacinganysafetybelt seeyourdealerforthecorrectpartnumber You llneedthemodelyearandmodelnumberforyourvehicle Themodel yearisonyour title andregistration Andyoucanfindthemodelnumberon the certificationhre label ofyourvehicle 1 48 ...

Страница 62: ...A A b 1 I K2447 Themodelnumberonthereplacementbeltmustbelistedonthesafetybelt youwant to replace 1 49 ...

Страница 63: ......

Страница 64: ...operly andwhat to doifyouhaveaproblem For explanation of vehicle symbols in thissection refer to Vehicle Symbols in Section 0 Keys 2 3 YourDobrS andHowTheyWork 2 5 Side Doors 2 5 Door Locks 2 6 Tailgate TailgateGlassandRearDoors 2 7 Tailgate 2 8 Panel Doors 2 9 Theft 2 10 NewVehicle Break In 2 11 Ignition Switch 2 11 Starting Your Engine 2 14 Driving Through Water 2 15 Automatic Transmission 2 17 ...

Страница 65: ...t Wheel 2 35 Multifunction Lever 2 36 Turn SignalandLaneChangeIndicator 2 37 Headlight High Low Beam 2 38 Windshield Wipers 2 39 Windshield Washer 2 40 Cruise Control 2 41 Headlights and Vehicle Lighting 2 46 Mirrors 2 51 Sun Visors 2 53 Rear Window Wiper and Washer 2 54 Cigarette LightedAshtrays 2 55 Storage Compartments 2 55 WarningLights GagesandIndicators 2 68 Instrument Cluster 2 62 Gages 2 7...

Страница 66: ...itionkey is dangerous b formanyreasons A child or otherscouldbebadlyinjuredoreven killed They could operatepowerwindows or othercontrolsorevenmake the vehiclemove Don tleavethekeys in avehiclewithyoung children K5127 Theignition keys are for the ignition only 2 3 ...

Страница 67: ...hicle is delivered thedealerremovestheplugsfromthe keys andgivesthemtothefirstowner Eachplughasacodeon it thattellsyourdealer or aqualifiedlocksmith how tomakeextra keys Keeptheplugs in asafeplace If youloseyourkeys you llbeabletohavenewonesmadeeasilyusingtheseplugs 2 4 ...

Страница 68: ...ifyou ever lock So be sure you have extra kevs x keysinside You may evenhave to damageyourvehicle to get in Your Doors and How They Work Side Doors To open the door from the outside pull the handle up and pull the door open _ _ z j _ _ K2130 I TO open the doorfrom the inside pull the lever toward you and push the door open 2 5 ...

Страница 69: ...vious You increasethechance of being thrownout of thevehicle in acrash if the doors aren t locked Wear safetybeltsproperly lockyourdoors andyouwill be farbetter off whenever you drive your vehicle I I down or stop your vehicle Thereareseveralwaystolockandunlockyourvehicle From theoutside useyourdoorkey From theinside To lockthedoor slidethelever on aside doordown To unlockthedoor slidetheleveronth...

Страница 70: ...e Glass andRearDoors I CAUTION I Itcanbedangeroustodrivewiththetailgate tailgateglass or arear b dooropen CarbonMonoxide CO gascancomeintoyourvehicle You can tsee or smell CO It cancauseunconsciousnessandeven death Ifyoumustdrivewiththetailgate tailgateglass or areardooropen Makesureallwindowsareshut Turnthefanonyourheatingorcoolingsystemtoitshighest speedwiththesettingon VENT Thatwillforceoutside...

Страница 71: ...the key in the lock turnthekey to therighttoreleasetheglass thenlift it up Openthetailgate by lifting upon thehandlewhilepullingthetailgatetoward you Closethetailgatebeforeclosingtherearglass Afterclosing makesurethe tailgate is securelylatchedby pulling it toward you Afterclosing the rear glass pull up on its handle to make sure it is locked 2 8 ...

Страница 72: ...l up onthehandleand pull the door open t g P p K2177 To openthe left door pull thehandle on the door edge out and pull the door open To close me doors closetheleftdoorfirst Besurebothdoorsarelatched securely PO285 Thereardoorshaveacheckassembly to keepthemfromopeningfarther than you want 2 9 ...

Страница 73: ...fessional thieves sodon t do it When youpark your vehicleandopenthedriver sdoor you llhearatonereminding you to removeyourkeyfromtheignitionandtake it with you Alwaysdo this Your steeringwheelwillbelocked and so will yourignition If youhave anautomatictransmission takingyour key outalsolocks your transmission And remember to lockthedoors Parking at Night Parkinalightedspot close all windowsandlock...

Страница 74: ...urnthe ignitionswitch to fivedifferentpositions Acc Accessory Acc letsyouusethingsliketheradioand the windshield wiperswhen the engine is off To getinto Acc push in thekeyand turn it towardyou Your steeringwheelwillremainlocked just as it was beforeyou insertedthe key 2 1 1 ...

Страница 75: ...r vehicle in motionwhile example if yourvehicleisbeingpushed Run Thisisthepositionfordriving Start Thisstartsyourengine turnthesteeringwheel 1 theengine is off for a Onmanualtransmissionvehicles turningthekeyto LOCK willlock thesteeringcolumnandresultina loss of ability to steerthe vehicle This could causeacollision If youneed to turntheengine off whilethevehicleismoving turnthekeyonlyto OFF Don t...

Страница 76: ...eismoving do notpressthekeyreleaselever turn thekeyonlyto Off Turningthekey to LOCK will lockthesteering column and result in loss of ability to steer the vehicle I I To Remove the Key Onmanualtransmissionvehicles turnthekeytothe LOCK positionwhile pressingthekeyreleaseleverdown Keepingyourfingeronthelever pull thekeystraightout Onautomatictransmissionvehicles turnthekeyto LOCK andpull it straight...

Страница 77: ...holdtheclutchpedaltothe floor whilestartingtheengine Your vehiclewon tstart if theclutchpedalis not all the waydown that s asafetyfeature 2 Don tpushtheacceleratorpedalbeforestartingyourengine In some othervehiclesyoumightneedtodothis butbecause ofyourvehicle s computersystems youdon t key Theidlespeedwillgodownasyourenginegetswarm 7 4L Engine Cold Start In cold weather below 60 F 16 C startthe en...

Страница 78: ...eyourestartyour engine Whentheenginestarts letgoofthekeyandacceleratorpedal rn rn I NOTICE 1 four engine is designed to work withtheelectronicsinyourvehicle I f you 1 electricalparts or accessories youcouldchange the way thefuel tctionsystemoperates Beforeaddingelectricalequipment checkwith h r dealer I f you don t yourenginemightnotperformproperly I you everhave to have your vehicletowed seethepa...

Страница 79: ...let I 4 1 Plugging the cord into an ungrounded outlet muld cause an electrical Lshock Also the wrongkind of extension cord could overheat and cause a fire You could be seriously injured Plug the cord into a properly grounded threeprong 110 volt outlet If the cord won t reach use a heavy duty threepmng extension cord rated for at least 15 amps I I NOTICE teryou veusedthe block heater besure to stor...

Страница 80: we askthat you contact a GeneralMotors dealer in theareawhere you ll be parking your vehicle Thedealer can give youthebestadvice for thatparticular area Automatic 7Pansmission K2362 Thereareseveraldifferentpositions for yourgearlever P Park This locks yourrearwheels It sthebestposition to use when you startyour enainebecause your vehiclecan tmoveeasily 2 1 7 ...

Страница 81: pulling a trailer alsosee Parkingon Hills or Towinga Trailer in theIndex R Reverse Usethis gear to backup I NOTICE I Shifting to R Reverse while your vehicle is moving forward could damage jour transmission Shift to R Reverse onlyafteryourvehicle is stopped To rockyourvehiclebackandforth to getout of snow iceorsandwithout damagingyourtransmission see IfYou reStuck In Sand Mud Ice or Snow intheI...

Страница 82: ...tions D Third Gear Thisislike OD butyounevergointoOverdrive You shoulduse D when towingatrailer carryingaheavyload driving onsteephills orforoff road driving 2 Second Gear Thispositiongivesyoumorepowerbutlowerfueleconomy You canuse 2 onhills Itcanhelpcontrol yourspeed as yougodownsteepmountain roads butthenyouwouldalsowant to useyourbrakes off and on If youmanuallyselect 2 thetransmission will dri...

Страница 83: ...d orwere up against a solid ect You could damage your transmission isgi so if you stopwhengoinguphill don t hold your vehicle there wi onl heaccelerator pedal This couldoverheatanddamagethetransmission Jse your brakes or shiftto P k to hold your vehicle in position on a ill e FivemSpeed Manual 7Pansmission I 2 20 ...

Страница 84: ...dGear Presstheclutchpedalasyouletuponthe acceleratorpedalandshiftinto2 Then slowlyletupontheclutchpedal asyoupresstheacceleratorpedal samewayyou do for2 Slowlyletupontheclutchpedalasyoupress theacceleratorpedal 3 4 and 5 Third FourthandFifthGears Shiftinto 3 4 and 5 the To Stop Letup on theacceleratorpedalandpressthebrakepedal Just beforethevehiclestops presstheclutchpedalandthebrakepedal and shif...

Страница 85: ... thebestfueleconomy accelerate slowlyandshiftwhenthelightcomeson Whileyouaccelerate it is normalforthelighttogoonandoff if youquickly changetheposition of theaccelerator Ignorethe SHIFT lightwhenyou downshift Four wheel DriveVehicles Only Ifyourvehiclehasfour wheeldriveandis equippedwithamanualtransmission disregardtheshiftlightwhenthe transfercaseisin 4 LOW Locking Rear Axle If youhavethisfeature...

Страница 86: ...thebrakesystem warninglightwillcomeon To release the parkingbrake Hold theregularbrakepedaldown Pullthelevermarked RELEASE If youareonahill See ParkingonHills in theIndex That part showshow to turn your front wheels If you are towinga trailer and are parkingonanyhill See Towinga Trailer in theIndex Thatpartshowswhat to do firsttokeep thetrailerfrommoving 2 23 ...

Страница 87: ... doesoccur youmayhave to haveanothervehiclenudge yourvehicleuphill a little to takesome of thepressure off thetransmission whileyou pull theselectorleveroutof P Park Shifting lnto P Park Automatic Transmission Models Only It canbedangerous to getoutofyourvehicle if theshiftleverisnot I Afully in P Park withtheparkingbrakefirmlyset Your vehiclecan roll If youhavelefttheenginerunning thevehiclecanmo...

Страница 88: ...P Park positionlikethis Pullthelevertowardyou K2316 Movetheleverup as farasitwill go 3 If youhavefour wheeldrive be sure thetransfercase is in a drive gear not in N Neutral 4 Move the ignitionkey to LOCK 5 Removethekeyandtake it withyou If you can walkawayfromyour vehiclewiththeignitionkey in yourhand yourvehicleisin P Park 2 25 ...

Страница 89: ...u have toleaveyourvehiclewiththeenglnerunnmg De sureyour vehicleis in P Park andyourparkingbrake is firmly set beforeyouleave it If youhavefour wheeldrivewithamanualtransfercaseshiftlever besure thatthetransfercase isin adrive gear not in N Neutral Afteryou vemovedtheshiftleverintothe P Park position hold the regular brakepedaldown Then see if youcanmovetheshiftleverawayfrom P Park withoutfirstpul...

Страница 90: ...Parking Over Things That Burn L 8 AM220009 Thingsthatcanburncouldtouchhotexhaustpartsunder your 4vehicleandignite Don tparkoverpapers leaves drygrass or other I things that I 2 27 ...

Страница 91: ...sounds strange or different Yourvehicle gets rustyunderneath Your vehiclewasdamaged in a collision Yourvehiclewasdamagedwhendriving over highpoints on the m Repairsweren tdonecorrectly e Your vehicle or exhaustsystem had beenmodifiedimproperly roadoroverroaddebris If you ever suspectexhaust is comingintoyourvehicle 0 Drive it onlywith all the windowsdown to blow out any CO and I Have it fixed imme...

Страница 92: ...s to get out of yourvehicle if the shift lever is not fully in P with theparkingbrakefirmly set Your vehicle can roll Don t leave yourvehicle when the engine is running unless youhave to If you ve left theenginerunning thevehicle can move suddenly You or others could be injured To be sure your vehicle won t move even when you re on fairly level ground always set your parking brake and move the shi...

Страница 93: ...ler see Parking onHills or Trailer Towing in theIndex fully in P Park withtheparkingbrakefirmlyset If youhave If yourvehiclehasfour wheeldrive youcansendyourengine sdrivingpower to all four wheels forextratraction To getthemostsatisfactionout of four wheeldrive you mustbefamiliarwithitsoperation Read the pan that followsbeforeusingfour wheeldrive You should use 2H for mostnormal drivingconditions ...

Страница 94: ...tdoesnot go outafteryoushift out of four wheeldrive haveyourdealercheckyour system Whenyour headlights or parkinglightsare on rotatethe dial to theright of yourheadlightswitch to adjustthebrightness ofyourtransfercaseindicator light Rotatethedial up to brighten ordown to dim theindicatorlight Transfer Case Shift Positions 2H High Thissetting is for drivingin most streetandhighwaysituations Your fr...

Страница 95: ...o or out of 4L or N Neutral 1 Slowthevehicle to a roll about 3 mph 5 km h andshiftyour transmissionintoneutral 2 Shiftthetransfercaseshiftlever in onecontinuousmotion Don tpause in N Neutral asyoushiftthetransfercaseinto 4L or your gearscouldclash Remember thatdrivingin 4H or 4L mayreduce fuel economy Also driving in four wheeldriveon dry pavementcouldcauseyourtirestowearfasterand makeyourtransfer...

Страница 96: ...erwindows thecontrolsareoneach of theside doors Thedriver sdoorhasaswitchforthepassengerwindows aswell Your powerwindowswillworkwhentheignitionhasbeenturned to ACC or Run Pushtherear of theswitchwiththepowerwindowsymbolon it tolowerthe window Pushthefront of theswitchwiththepowerwindowsymbolon it to raisethe window 2 33 ...

Страница 97: ...ction Theelectrichatchreleasebutton locatedbelowtheheadlightswitch letsyou releasethetailgateglass To useit slidethebuttontotherightuntilyou hearthelatchreleasethewindow If youhaveanautomatictransmission yourshiftlevermustbe in P Park or N Neutral fortherelease to work Withamanualtransmission youmust applytheparkingbrakefortherelease to work 2 34 ...

Страница 98: ...lonit Thepadis located in thecenter of thesteeringwheel Tilt Wheel Option K2185 A tiltsteeringwheel allows you to adjustthesteeringwheelbeforeyoudrive You canalsoraise it to thehighest level to giveyourlegsmoreroomwhen youexitandenter the vehicle 2 35 ...

Страница 99: ...ringwheel to a comfortablelevel thenreleasetheleverto lock thewheel in place Multifunction Lever K2239 Theleverontheleftside of thesteeringcolumnincludes your TurnSignalandLaneChangeIndicator HeadlightHigh LowBeam PassingSignal Windshield Wipers Windshield Washer Cruise Control Option 236 ...

Страница 100: ... willreturn by itselfwhenyoureleaseit As yousignala turn or alanechange if thearrowsflashtwiceasfastas normal asignalbulbmaybeburnedoutandotherdriverswon tseeyour turnsignal If abulb is burnedout replace it tohelpavoidanaccident If thegreen arrowsdon tgoonatallwhenyousignalaturn checkthefuse see Fuses in the Index andforburned outbulbs Operation of Lights Althoughyourvehicle slightingsystem headli...

Страница 101: ...lywithparkinglights especially at dawn or dusk It is recommendedthatyoucheckwithyourownstateorprovincialhighway authorityforapplicablelightingregulations Head ight Hiah Low Beam F p h K2242 To changetheheadlightsfrom low beamtohigh or highto low pulltheturn signalleverallthewaytowardyou Thenrelease it Whenthehighbeams areon thisbluelightontheinstrumentpanel also willbe on 2 38 ...

Страница 102: ...e Thecloser to LO theshorterthe delay Forsteadywipingatlowspeed turnthebandawayfromyou to the LO position For highspeedwiping turn the bandfurther to HI To stopthe wipers movethebandtothe off symbol A Damagedwiperbladesmaypreventyoufromseeingwellenough to drivesafely To avoiddamage besure to cleariceandsnowfrom thewiperbladesbeforeusingthem If they refrozen to the windshield carefullyloosen or tha...

Страница 103: ...ewindowandtheneither stop or returntoyourpreset speed CAUTION A Driving without washer fluid can be dangerous A bad mud I splash can block your vision You could hit another vehicle or go 9 In freezingweather don tuseyourwasheruntilthewindshield i s off theroad Checkyourwasher fluid level often warmed Otherwisethewasherfluid can formice on the I windshield blocking your vision 2 40 ...

Страница 104: ...inaspeed of about 25 mph 40 km h ormorewithoutkeepingyourfootontheaccelerator Thiscanreallyhelp onlongtrips CruiseControldoesnotworkatspeedsbelowabout 25 mph 40 krn h Whenyouapplyyourbrakes ortheclutchpedal if youhaveamanual transmission theCruiseControlshuts off 2 41 ...

Страница 105: ...osecontrol Don t use CruiseControl onslipPeryroads To Set Cruise Control A K2248 MovetheCruiseswitchto ON I CAUTION If you leave your Cruise Control switch on when you re not using I want to You could be startled and even l o s e control Keep the Cruise Control switch OFF until vou want to use it I ACruise you might hit a button and go into Cruise when you don t I Getuptothespeedyouwant Pushinthes...

Страница 106: ...49 A If you holdtheswitch at WA longerthanhalfasecond thevehicle willkeepgoingfaster until youreleasetheswitch orapplythebrake You could be startledandevenlosecontrol So unlessyou want to gofaster don t hold theswitchat WA I To increase Speed While Using Cruise Control Thereare two waystogo to ahigherspeed Here sthefirst 1 Usetheacceleratorpedal to get to thehigherspeed 2 Pushthebuttonat the end o...

Страница 107: ...dthenreleasetheswitch 2 To increaseyourspeed in very smallamounts movetheswitch to WA for less thanthreequarters of a secondandthenrelease it Each time you do this your vehiclewill goabout 1 mph 1 6 km h faster To Reduce Speed While Using Cruise Control i b K2260 1 Push in thebuttonattheend of theleveruntilyoureachthelower speed you want thenrelease it 2 44 ...

Страница 108: ...andthesteepnessofthehills Whengoingupsteephills youmay havetostepontheacceleratorpedal to maintainyourspeed Whengoing downhill youmayhave to brakeorshift to a lowergeartokeepyourspeed down Ofcourse applyingthebraketakesyouout of CruiseControl Many drivers find thisto be too muchtroubleand don t useCruiseControl on steephills To Get Out of Cruise Control Thereareseveralways to turn off theCruiseCon...

Страница 109: ...ights Sidemarker Lights Taillights License Plate Lights RoofMarkerLights ifyouhavethem Instrument Panel Lights TransferCaseShiftIndicatorLight Pushtheleftside of theswitchwiththemasterlightingsymbolonit to turn on theheadlights togetherwith Parking Lights Sidemarker Lights Taillights License Plate Lights RoofMarkerLights if you havethem Instrument Panel Lights TransferCaseShiftIndicatorLight 2 46 ...

Страница 110: ...illflicker onand off If thisever happens haveyourheadlightwiringcheckedrightaway Headlights On Reminder A buzzerwillsoundwhenyourheadlightsareturned on andyourignitionis in Off LOCK or Acc Daytime Running Lights DRL Indicator Light Canada Only K2318 If yourvehiclewasfirst sold whennew in Canada youwillhavethislight ontheinstrumentpanel It goesonwhenevertheDaytimeRunningLightsare on Daytime Running...

Страница 111: ...n Whenyouturnonyour exteriorlights thislightwillgoout Of course youmaystillturnon the headlightsanytimeyouneedto To idleyourvehiclewiththeDRL off settheparkingbrake TheDRL will stay off untilyoureleasetheparkingbrake Dome Lights Thedomelights will come on whenyouopenthedoorsortailgate You can alsoturnthedomelights onbyturning the interiorlightdimmerdialonthe headlightswitch all theway up untilitcl...

Страница 112: ...t on Pressthebaragain to turn the light off K2161 If yourvehiclehasanoverheadconsolewithreadinglights theycanbe swiveledtopoint in the direction you want To turn the light on pressthe button next to the lightwiththemaster lighting symbolonit Press the button again to turn the light off 2 49 ...

Страница 113: ... Youcanuse it asaflashlight To usethelight pull upon thereleaseleverandpullthelightout The cord willunreel as you pull thelight K2253 Whenyouaredone using thelight reelthe cord back intothehousing by turningthehandle Then slidethelightintothe holder Press PUSH onthe releaselever to lock thelight into theholder 2 50 ...

Страница 114: ...abunderthemirrortoreduceglarefromheadlightsbehind you afterdark Outside Mirrors K2295 Adjust youroutsidemirrors so you can just see the sideofyourvehicle and have a clearview of objectsbehindyou Somemirrorscan be foldedinto enternarrowdoorways 2 51 ...

Страница 115: ... thanthey really are If you cut too sharply into theright lane you could hit a vehicle on your right Check your inside mirror or glance ov0r yourshoulder before chanaine lanes Electric Outside Mirrors m I If youhaveelectricmirrors theycanbeadjustedtopointwhereyouwant frominsidethevehicle Selectthemirrorbymovingthecenter of theswitch locatedonthedriver sdoorarmrest to R rightor L left Then adjustth...

Страница 116: ...heside K2465 Your visormayhaveastrap to holdsmallitems such as maps Somevisors havemirrors onthem i PO284 Somevisorshaveanextenderontheinsideedge Whenthevisor is down pulltheextenderoutforextraglarecoverageatthefront orside Somevisorshavemirrorswithlights Themirrorlightswillcome on whenyou lift themirrorcover 2 53 ...

Страница 117: ...per control The wiper willcycleeverynineseconds Forsteadywiperaction movetheslideleveralltheway to theright To washthewindow push in ontheend of thelever Windowwasher Therearwindowwasherusesthesamefluidbottle as thewindshieldwasher If the fluid levelis low in thewasherfluidbottle you may notbeable to wash your rearwindow If youcanwashyourwindshield butnotyourrear window checkthe fluid level fluid ...

Страница 118: ...l popbackbyitself To removetherearashtrays pressdownontheinsidetabsandpull Don tputpapersandotherthingsthatburnintoyourashtrays If you do cigarettesorothersmokingmaterialscouldsetthemonfire causingdamage Storage Compartments Your vehiclehasavariety of storagecompartmentsprovidedforyour convenience 2 55 ...

Страница 119: ...lders are provided for yourconvenience Center Floor Console Your vehiclemayhaveaconsolecompartmentbetweenthebucketseats To openit justsqueezethebuttonsonbothsides of thekeyhole andpull up Useyourroundkeytolockthiscompartment Your console also includesa handyplacetoholdcups 2 56 ...

Страница 120: PB002 If yourvehiclehas a fullorsplitbenchseat youmayhave a cupholder attachedtotheinstrumentpanel To use thecupholder pullthehandleandslidethecupholdertrayoutuntil it stops Then letthecupholderswingdownintoposition To closethecup holder liftthefrontandslidethetray all thewayin 2 57 ...

Страница 121: ... used to convenientlystoretheopener To install thegarage door opener first open thecompartment door by pressingthereleasebutton forward Peeltheprotectivebacking from thehookandlooppatch Press it firmlyto theback of yourgaragedooropener as close to thecenter of theopener as possible 2 58 ...

Страница 122: ... openerfirmly into place r0059 Use thepegsinsidethecompartment door to make sure the button on the compartmentdoorwillcontact the controlbuttononthegarage door opener Add onepegatatime until thegaragedooropeneroperateswiththe compartmentdoorclosed when you pushthe button marked PUSH 2 59 ...

Страница 123: ...reyour sunglasses To openthecompartment pressthereleasebuttonlocatedatthe rear of thecompartmentdoor K2147 Therearoverheadcompartmentcanbeused to store a smallitem likea book To openthecompartment pressthereleasebuttonlocatedattherear of thecompartment door 2 60 ...

Страница 124: ... K2238 Somevehicleshavestorageareas in theinstrumentpanel Usethesespaces for itemssuchasgloves or small books K2269 Some modelshaveastoragepocketoneach of the frontdoors You can usethepocket to storeavariety of small items 2 61 ...

Страница 125: ...Features Controls f i i i K2320 2 62 ...

Страница 126: ...X 0 rn if 0 z L 0 a 0 W rc 3 3 0 U c 3 L 0 5 v n W k E L W 3 43 L a W K2203 2 63 ...

Страница 127: ...Features Cuntmls c D 0 e 0 CD I 0 fn i 0 3 c K2119 2 64 ...

Страница 128: ...4 0 a0 i 0 c A J E L K211B 2 65 ...

Страница 129: ...edometer and Odometer I K2322 Yourspeedometer letsyouseeyourspeed in bothmilesperhour mph and kilometersperhour km h Yourodometershowshowfaryourvehicle has beendriven in eithermiles usedinthe U S orkilometers usedin Canada Tamper Resistant Odometer Your odometeristamper resistant Theodometerwillshowsilverlines betweenthenumbers if someonetries to turnitback Youmaywonderwhathappensifyourvehicleneed...

Страница 130: ...trip odometer fully presstheresetbuttonlocatednearthe readout If theresetbutton is notfullypressed thetripodometermay not go all thewayback to zero If itdoesn t youmayhavetopressthereset buttonagain to resetthereadouttozero Tachometer K2324 If youhave a tachometer it displaystheenginespeedinrevolutionsper minute rpm 2 67 ...

Страница 131: ...y Warninglightsgoonwhentheremaybeor is aproblemwithoneofyour vehicle sfunctions As youwill seeinthedetailsonthenextfewpages somewarninglightscomeonbrieflywhenyouturntheignitionkey just to let youknowthey reworking If youarefamiliarwiththispart youshouldnotbe alarmedwhen this happens Gagescanindicatewhentheremaybe or isaproblemwithoneofyour vehicle sfunctions Oftengagesandwarninglights worktogether...

Страница 132: ... and it willstay on if your parkingbrakedoesn treleasefully If it staysonafteryourparking brake is fullyreleased itmeansyoumayhave a brakeproblem If thelightcomesonwhiledriving pull off the road andstopcarefully You maynoticethat the pedal is harder to push Or thepedal may go closer to thefloor Itmaytakelonger to stop If thelight is still on havethevehicle towedforservice See Towing YourVehicle in...

Страница 133: ...mal If thelightdoesn tcomeon have it fixed so it willbereadytowarnyou if there is aproblem If thelightstayson orcomesonwhenyou redriving yourvehicleneeds service Unlesstheregularbrakesystemwarninglight is alsoon youwillstill havebrakes but notanti lockbrakes If theregularbrakesystemwarning light is alsoon see BrakeSystemWarning Light earlierinthissection 2 70 ...

Страница 134: ...ertheenginestarts thelightshouldgoout If it stays on orcomes on whileyouaredriving youmayhaveaproblemwithyourelectricalcharging system It could indicatethatyouhavealoosealternatordrivebelt or that youhavesomeotherelectricalproblem Have it checkedrightaway Driving whilethislight is oncoulddrainyourbattery If youmustdriveashortdistancewiththelight on be certain to turn off all youraccessories suchas...

Страница 135: ... to showyou it isworking If itdoesnotcome on at all haveitfixedrightaway If it stayson or comesonwhileyouaredriving thecomputerisindicatingthatyouhaveaproblem You shouldtakeyour vehicle in for service soon If youkeepdrivingyourvehiclewiththislight on afterawhiletheemission controls won twork aswell yourfueleconomywon tbeasgood and yourenginemaynot run as smoothly Thiscouldlead to costlyrepairsnot ...

Страница 136: ...ourvariousgages to see if theyareinthewarning zones C 5 X K GAGES K2330 Daytime Running Lights DRL Indicator tight Canada Only K2318 If your vehiclewasfirst sold whennew in Canada youwillhavethisgreen lightontheinstrument panel Itwilllight just above the speedometer whenevertheDaytimeRunningLightsareon Formoredetailsabout DRL see Headlightsand Vehicle Lighting in thissection 2 73 ...

Страница 137: ...odel your vehicle maynothave this light The SHIFT indicator light will helpyou get thebest fuel economy See Shift Light or Shift Speeds VehiclesWithoutShift Light in thissectionfor more information Headlight High Beam Indicator Light I K2331 Thislightwith the blue high beamsymbol is on theleftside of the instrumentcluster The high beamindicatoris on wheneveryouuseyourhigh 2 74 ...

Страница 138: ...m Changer earlier in this section Turn Signal and Lane Change Indicator K2444 These lights withthegreenarrows areoneachside of theinstrument cluster Thesignal indicator willcomeonwhenever you signal a turn or lane change See TurnandLaneChangeSignal earlier in this section 2 75 ...

Страница 139: ... I I Tachometer Cluster I K2114 UNLEADED FUEL ONLY 1 4 K2115 Thefuelgage whentheignition is on tellsyouabout how much fuelyou haveleft in yourtank The gage will first indicateemptybeforeyouare out of fuel and you shouldget more fuelassoonaspossible 2 76 ...

Страница 140: ...seindicate a problem withthefuelgage For information onhow to fill your fuel tank see Fuel FillingYourTank in theIndex Foryour fueltankcapacity see Fuel TankCapacity in theIndex Engine Coolant TemperatureGage 260 Thisgageshowstheenginecoolanttemperature If thegagepointermoves intotheredarea about260 F 145 C ormore yourengine is toohot It meansthatyourenginecoolanthasoverheated If youhavebeenoperat...

Страница 141: ...Theoilpressuregageshowstheengineoilpressureinpsi poundsper squareinch whentheengine is running Canadianvehiclesindicatepressure inkPa kilopascals Oilpressuremayvarywithenginespeed outside temperatureand oil viscosity butreadingsabovethelowpressurezone indicatethenormaloperatingrange 2 78 ...

Страница 142: ...e your vehicle serviced e NOTICE I Damage to your engine from neglected oil problems can rnstly at notcoveredbyyour Avanty I Voltmeter Standard Cluster 14 Tachometer Cluster 19 G L K2336 Whenyourengineisnotrunning buttheignitionison inthe Run position thisgage shows yourbattery sstate of chargein DC volts When the engine isrunning thegageshowsthecondition of thechargingsystem Readings betweenthelo...

Страница 143: ...uddenmaneuver You or others could be injured When you aredoneusingtheconveniencenet always storeitinitsoriginalstoragepouch and securelyreattachthepouch on therearside of thespare tire cover I PO22 If youhavetheoptionalluggagecarrier youcan load thingsontop of your vehicle Theluggagecarrierhasslatsandsiderailsattachedtotheroof and crossrailswhichcanbemovedforeandaftinthesiderailstohelpsecure cargo...

Страница 144: ...fitinsidethecrossrails andsiderailstospreadtheload If plywoodisused tie it totheside railsupports Tietheloadtothecrossrails or thesiderailsupports Usethecross railsonly to keeptheloadfromsliding Ifyouneedtocarrylongitems movethecrossrailsasfarapartas theywillgo Tietheloadtothecrossrailsandthesiderailsorsiderail supports Alsotiethe load tothebumpers Do nottiethe load so tightly thatthecrossrails or...

Страница 145: ...connector andshouldbewiredbyaqualifiedelectricalserviceperson Securelyattachtheharnesstothetrailer thentapeorstrapit to your vehicle sframerail Besureyouleaveit loose enough so thewiringwon t bind orbreakwhenturningwiththetrailer butnot so loosethat it dragson theground Storetheharnessinitsoriginalposition Wraptheharnesstogetherandtieit neatly so it won tbedamaged 2 82 ...

Страница 146: ...s 3 2 Flow Through Ventilation System 3 2 Heating System 3 4 Electronic HeatinglAir Conditioning System 3 5 RearAirConditioningandHeatingSystems Wagon Models 3 8 Rear Window Defogger 3 11 Audio Systems 3 12 FM Stereo 3 12 AM 3 12 AM Stereo 3 13 How to Operate YourAM ETR Radio 3 13 How to Operate YourAM FMStereoAudioSystemand Cassette Player 3 14 How to Operate YourAM FM StereoAudioSystemand Casset...

Страница 147: ...ves Theheateranddefrosterwillworkfar better reducingthechance of foggingtheinside of yourwindows Whenyouenteravehicleincoldweather turntheblowerfan to HI for afewmomentsbeforedriving off Thishelpscleartheintakeductsof snowandmoisture andreducesthechance offogging theinside of yourwindows Keeptheair path underthefrontseatsclear of objects Thishelpsair to circulatethroughoutyourvehicle Your vehicle ...

Страница 148: ...hevents to directtheflow of air or closethevents altogether Whenyoucloseavent it willincreasetheflow of air coming out ofany ventsthatareopen If yourvehicledoesnothaveairconditioning there areairventsbelowthe instrumentpanel Eachventhasahandlewithaventsymbol on it Usethe handle to openandclosethevent 3 3 ...

Страница 149: ...mperatureoftheairflowing into your vehicle Movetheleverrighttoward forwarmerair Movethe lever left toward forcoolerair Function Lever Thetoplevercan be moved to threedifferentheatingfunctions Defrost Right Thissettingoperatesthedefroster Heatedaircomesout nearthewindshield Usethiswhenyougetfog or ice onthewindshield Heater Center Heatedaircomesoutnearthe floor Thisisbest for cold weather Vent Left...

Страница 150: ...meheat as soon asyoustarttheengine Theuseofanengineblockheateralsoreducesthetime it takesforthe enginetoreachnormaloperatingtemperature andshortens the time it takes the heater to reach full output Formoreinformation See EngineBlock Heater intheIndex Electronic Heating Air Conditioning System FunctionDisplay I I K2 If yourvehiclehasairconditioning yourheating airconditioningsystemwill looklikethis...

Страница 151: ...nyouturntheairconditionerbackon the systemwilloperate in themodethatyoulastselectedunlessthe OFF button was pressed OFF Button Pressthisbutton to turn the air conditioning heatingsystem off Pressing OFF willerasethepresentmode of operationfromthesystem s memory Outsideairwillstillcomeoutoftheheateroutletwheneverthe vehicle is movingforward If the OFF button waspressed youmustpress NC MAX orone of ...

Страница 152: ... the areawhereyouwouldlike moreairflow Thesystemwillautomaticallybegin to blendtowardtheposition chosen To stopthesystembetweenpositions justpressthe SAME side of thebuttonagain Temperature Selector Bar Thebarunderyoursystemdisplayletsyouselectthetemperature of theair comingintoyourvehicle Press COLD forcoolerairandpress HOT for warmerair Releasethebarwhenthesystemreachesthetemperatureyou want The...

Страница 153: ...ning withoutrearheater thecontrolsare locatedabovethefrontandsecondseats Thefrontandrearoverhead controlslet youincreaseanddecreasetheairflowattherearvents To operatethe rearairconditioningsystem thefrontairconditioningsystem mustbeon Withthefront air conditioningsystem off therearsystem controlscan beused to circulateairinthe rear of thevehicle To operatethe rearsystem usingthefrontcontrol justtu...

Страница 154: ...easeanddecreasetheflow of heated air to therear floor vents movetheswitchwiththefansymbolon it to the blowerspeedyouwant Movetheswitchalltheway to the left position to turntherearblower off andeachposition to therightincreasestheflow of heatedair Movetheswitch all theway to therightposition to turntheblower onhigh providingmaximumflow of heated air 3 9 ...

Страница 155: ...coolerair turntheknobtotheleft blue side To regulatetheairflowlocation adjustthecenterknobonthecontrolpanel Turntheknobtowardtheleftforfloorventairflowortowardtherightfor headlinerventairflow Generally theupperventsareusedforair conditioningandthefloorventsforheating however thecontrolknob maybe settoallowanydesiredblend of airflow To adjusttheairflowspeed turnthefancontrolknobontheleftside of the...

Страница 156: ...hewindow of asmuchsnow or ice as possiblefirst To turn ontherearwindowdefogger findtheswitchmarked REAR DEFOG onyourinstrumentpanel justbelowtheheatersystem Presstherightside of theswitch withthedefogsymbol on it untilthelightintheswitchcomes on thenrelease it Therearwindowdefogger will onlywork if theignition switch is turned to RUN You canturnthedefogger off atanytimebypressingtheleft lightedsid...

Страница 157: ...egettingthemostout of theadvancedengineeringthatwentintoit CAUTION Hearingdamagefromloudnoise is almostundetectableuntil it is too e Your hearingcanadapt to highervolumes ofsound Sound that seemsnormalcanbe loud andharmful to yourhearing Take precautions by adjustingthevolumecontrolonyourradio to asafe soundlevelbeforehearingadapts to it To helpavoidhearing loss ordamage Adjustthevolumecontroltoth...

Страница 158: ...r AM ETPRadio 1 2 3 4 5 TUNE RCL SET K2186 To Play the Radio Pressthe PWR VOL TONEknobtoswitchtheradioonand off Thisknob does two otherthings rotatedclockwise It controlsthevolume The VOL knobincreasesthevolumewhen Theknobbehindthe PWR VOL knobisthe TONE knob Rotatethis knobcounterclockwiseformorebassandclockwiseformoretreble RCL Button When the ignitionis off pressthe RCL button to displaythetime...

Страница 159: ...ereo Audio System and Cassette Deck 1 P 6 PO200 To Play the Radio Presstheamber PWR buttontoswitchtheradioonand off VOL Controlsthevolume Pressing increasesvolume decreasesvolume RCL Whentheignitionis off pressthe RCL button to displaythetime Withthe ignitionon press RCL to recallthestationfrequencyandvolumesetting whenthetime is showing BAUFADE To balanceandfadethesoundbetweentherightlleftorfront...

Страница 160: ...xpushbuttonsletyoureturntofavoritestations You cansetthe pushbuttonsforuptotwelvefavoritestations 6 AM and 6 FM To setthe pushbuttons just Tune in thestationyou want Pressthe SET button SET appearsinthe VF displayfor a few seconds Within 5 seconds pushone of thesixpushbuttonstostorethestation Afterthat wheneveryoupressthatbutton thepresetstationwillreturn Clock To settheclock just Pressthe SET but...

Страница 161: ...thatthey maynotwork well in this player Once the tapeisplaying usetheradiocontrolknobsforvolume balance andfade justasyou do fortheradio Thearrowsontheplayerindicate whichside of thetapeisbeingplayed REV To rapidlyreversethetape press REV Thetapewillrapidlyreverse until you pressthe FWD buttonlightly FWD To rapidlyadvancethetape press FWD Thetapewillrapidlyadvance until youpressthe REV buttonlight...

Страница 162: ...esstheamber PWR buttontoswitchtheradioonand off VOL Controlsthevolume Pressing t increasesvolume decreasesvolume RCL Whentheignitionis off pressthe RCL buttontodisplaythetime With the ignition on press RCL torecallthestationfrequencyandvolumesetting whenthe time is showing BAUFADE To balanceandfadethesoundbetweentherighvleft or fronthear speakers usethefourbuttonswiththespeakersymbols on them Pres...

Страница 163: ...nsetthe pushbuttonsforup to twelvefavoritestations 6 AM and 6 FM Toset the pushbuttons just Tune in thestationyouwant Pressthe SET button SET appearsinthe VF displayforafew seconds Within 5 seconds pushoneofthesixpushbuttons to storethestation Afterthat wheneveryoupressthatbutton thepresetstationwillreturn Clock To settheclock just Pressthe SET button Theword SET willlightup in the VF display With...

Страница 164: ...otorola Inc If yourDelcosystemcangetC QUAM signals your STEREO light will comeonwhenyouarereceivingstereo Cassette Deck with Graphic Equalizer I Pressthe PWR button on theradio to turntheuniton Theradiowillplay until acassetteispushedintothecassetteentrydoor thetapeside goesin first Thecassettedeckisbuilt to work bestwithtapesthatare 30 to 45 minuteslongoneachside Tapeslongerthanthatare so thintha...

Страница 165: ...narrowwouldindicatethatside 2 or B y hadbeenselected Theplayerwillautomaticallyswitch to theother side of thetapewhenthefirstsideends EJECT Press EJECT toejectthecassettetapefromtheplayer theradiowillthen play FWD To rapidlyadvancethetape press FWD Thelight in thebuttonwillbe lit andthetape will rapidlyadvance until youpressthe REV buttonlightly SEEK To searchforthenextselectiononthetape forwardor...

Страница 166: ...tapeortheplayerisatfault If thisothercassettehasno improvement in soundquality cleanthetapeplayer Cleanyourtapeplayerwithawiping action nonabrasivecleaningcassette andfollowthedirectionsprovidedwithit Cassettesaresubject to wearandthesoundqualitymaydegradeovertime Alwaysmakesurethatthecassettetapeisingoodconditionbeforeyou haveyourtapeplayerserviced K1313 Fixed Mast Antenna Thefixedmastantennacanw...

Страница 167: ......

Страница 168: ... 13 Braking 4 13 Steering 4 18 Steering in Emergencies 4 19 Passing 4 21 Loss of Control 4 23 Driving Guidelines Utility Models 4 24 Off RoadDrivingWith Your Four wheel DriveVehicle 4 24 Driving at Night 4 35 Driving in the Rain 4 37 Driving in Fog MistandHaze 4 40 City Driving 4 42 Freeway Driving 4 43 Driving a Long Distance 4 44 Hill and Mountain Roads 4 47 Parking on Hills 4 49 Winter Driving ...

Страница 169: ...Signs I n rD0 NOT1 rn WRONG AM402001 RED means STOP It may alsoindicatethat somemovement is notallowed Examplesare DO NOT ENTER and WRONG WAY RAIL1 4D ADVANCE CROSSING NO PASSING ZONE NARROW BRIDGE AM402002 YELLOW indicates a generalwarning Slowdownandbecarefulwhenyou seeayellowsign It may signal a railroadcrossingahead a nopassing zone orsomeotherpotentiallydangeroussituation Likewise ayellow sol...

Страница 170: ...eclosed off or torn up Andtheremaybeworkersandmaintenancevehiclesaround too SMALLTOWN WEsTr l t c J 1 U I I 1 MILE AM40200 GREEN is used to guide the driver Greensignsmayindicateupcoming freewayexitsorshowthedirectionyoushouldturntoreach a particular place H HOSPITAL AST I roWN I E X I T 444 AM402005 BLUE signs with white letters showmotorists services 4 3 a INFORMATION ...

Страница 171: ...MING AM402006 BROWN signspointoutrecreationareasorpoints of historicorcultural interest Shape of Road Signs Theshape of thesignwilltell you something too ISTOP AM402007 An OCTAGONAL eight sided sign means STOP Itisalwaysredwithwhite letters ...

Страница 172: ...curve steephill soft shoulder oranarrow bridge AM402009 A TRIANGLEpointeddownward indicatesYIELD Itassignstheright of way to trafficoncertainapproachestoanintersection AM402010 ATRIANGULAR sign also is usedontwo lane roads toindicate a NO PASSINGZONE Thissign will beon theleftside of theroadway 4 5 ...

Страница 173: ...g regulations givedirections andsuchinformationasdistancestocities Symbols on Road Signs AM402012 Therearemanyinternationalroadsigns in usetoday Thebasicmessage of many of thesesigns is inpictures orgraphicsymbols A picturewithinacirclewith a diagonallineacrossitshows what NOT to do NO U TURN NO PARKING NO BICYCLES I I AM402013 4 6 ...

Страница 174: ... proceedwithcaution yieldingtheright of way to pedestriansand sometimes to othervehicles Sometraffic lights alsouseredarrows to signifythatyoumust stop before turningonred REVERSIBLE LANE ON ROADWAY MULTI LANE AM402015 Manycityroadsandexpressways andevenbridges usereversible lane traffic control during rush hours A red X lightabove a lanemeansnodriving in thatlaneatthattime A greenarrowmeansyoumay...

Страница 175: ...wayssignalwhenyouplantoturnor changelanes Ifnecessary youcanusehandsignals outthe window Left armstraightout for a leftturn downforsloworabout to stop andupforarightturn Slowingdown If timeallows tapthebrakepedalonceortwice in advance of slowing or stopping Thiswarnsthedriverbehindyou Disabled Yourfour wayflasherssignalthatyourvehicleisdisabledoris a hazard See HazardWarningFlasher in theIndex Tra...

Страница 176: ...terparkinglotwhere there are well markedlanes directionalarrows anddesignatedparkingareas expect somedrivers to ignore all thesemarkingsanddashstraighttowardonepart of thelot Pedestrianscanbecareless Watch forthem Ingeneral youmustgiveway topedestrianseven if youknowyouhavetheright ofway Rear endcollisionsareaboutthemostpreventable of accidents Yet theyare common Allowenoughfollowingdistance It st...

Страница 177: ...t of someonewho wasdrinkinganddriving Over 25 000 motorvehicle relateddeathsoccur eachyearbecause of alcohol andthousands ofpeopleareinjured Justhowmuchalcohol is toomuch if apersonplanstodrive Ideally no one shoulddrinkalcoholandthendrive But if onedoes thenwhat s too much It canbealotlessthanmanymightthink Although it dependson eachpersonandsituation hereissomegeneralinformationontheproblem TheB...

Страница 178: ...AC bydrinkingthree4 ounce 120ml glasses ofwineorthreemixeddrinks if eachhad1 1 2ounces 45 ml ofaliquorlikewhiskey ginorvodka It stheamount of alcoholthatcounts Forexample if thesamepersondrank threedoublemartinis 3 ouncesor 90 mlofliquoreach within an hour the person sBACwouldbecloseto0 12percent Apersonwhoconsumes food justbeforeorduringdrinkingwillhaveaslightlylowerBAClevel HOUR AM407002 4 1 1 ...

Страница 179: ...saretwenty fivetimesgreater And the bodytakesaboutanhour to riditself of thealcoholinonedrink No amount of coffeeornumberof coldshowerswillspeedthatup I ll becareful isn ttherightanswer What if there sanemergency aneed to takesuddenaction aswhenachilddartsintothestreet A personwitha higherBACmightnotbeabletoreactquicklyenough to avoidthecollision There ssomethingelseaboutdrinkinganddrivingthatmany...

Страница 180: ...ception time Thenyouhaveto bring upyourfootand do it That s reactiontime Average reactiontime isabout 3 4 of a second Butthat sonlyanaverage Itmightbelesswithonedriverandaslongastwoorthreeseconds or morewithanother Age physicalcondition alertness coordination and eyesightallplay a part So do alcohol drugsandfrustration Buteven in 314 of a second a vehiclemovingat 60 mph 100 kmlh travels 66 feet 20...

Страница 181: ...tingyourleftfootrestlightlyonthebrake pedalwhiledriving AM410001 Riding yourbrakescancausethemtooverheattothepointthat htheywon tworkwell Youmightnotbeable tostopyourvehiclein time to avoidanaccident If you ride yourbrakes theywillget so hottheywillrequire a lotof pedalforcetoslowyoudown Avoid riding thebrakes Riding the brakeswearsthem out muchfaster You wouldneed costly wake replacementmuchsoone...

Страница 182: ...ndercontrol Whenyoustartyourvehicleandbegin to driveaway youmayhear a momentarymotororclickingnoise Thisisthe ABS systemtestingitself AM415006 Here showanti lockworks Let ssaytheroadiswet You redrivingsafely Suddenlyananimaljumpsoutinfront ofyou You slamonthebrakes Here swhathappenswith ABS A computersensesthatwheelsareslowingdown Thecomputerseparately worksthebrakesateachfrontwheelandattherearwhe...

Страница 183: ...he brake pedal I f you get too close to the vehicle in front of you you won t have time to apply your brakes if that vehicle suddenly slows or stops Always leaveenough room up ahead to stop even I though you have anti lock brakes I To Use Four wheel Anti Lock Don t pumpthebrakes Just hold thebrakepedaldownandletanti lockwork foryou You may feel the brakesvibrate oryoumaynoticesomenoise but this is...

Страница 184: ...maycomeandgoorbeheardallthetimeyourvehicle is moving except when youarepushing onthebrakepedalfirmly ICAUTION Thebrakewearwarningsoundmeansthatsoonerorlateryouryour brakeswon tworkwell Thatcould lead to anaccident Whenyou hearthebrakewearwarningsound haveyourvehicleserviced I NOTICE Continuing to drive with worn outbrakepads could result in costly brakt repair omedrivingconditions or climatesmayca...

Страница 185: ...tthembybacking upandfirmlyapplyingthebrakesafew times Braking In Emergencies Useyour anti lockbrakingsystemwhenyouneedto Withanti lock youcan steerandbrakeatthesametime Inmanyemergencies steeringcanhelp youmorethaneventheverybestbraking Steering Power Steering If youlosepowersteeringassistbecausetheenginestopsorthesystem failstofunction youcansteerbut it willtakemuchmoreeffort SteeringTips Driving...

Страница 186: ...fthecurve andthenaccelerategentlyintothestraightaway Whenyou driveinto a curveat night it shardertoseetheroadaheadof youbecause it bendsawayfromthestraightbeams of yourlights Thisis one good reason to driveslower Steering in Emergencies Therearetimeswhensteeringcanbemoreeffectivethanbraking For example youcomeover a hill andfind a truckstoppedinyourlane or a carsuddenlypullsoutfromnowhere or a chi...

Страница 187: ...tionsarealwayspossible is agoodreason to practicedefensivedrivingatalltimes Off Road Recovery Youmay findsometimethatyourrightwheelshavedropped off theedge of aroadontotheshoulderwhileyou redriving If thelevel of theshoulder is onlyslightlybelowthepavement recovery shouldbefairlyeasy Ease off theacceleratorandthen if thereisnothing in the way steer so thatyourvehiclestraddlestheedge of thepavement...

Страница 188: ... Passing Thedriver of avehicleabout to passanotheronatwo lanehighwaywaits forjusttherightmoment accelerates movesaroundthevehicleahead then goesbackintotherightlaneagain A simplemaneuver Not necessarily Passinganothervehicleonatwo lanehighway is a potentiallydangerousmove sincethepassingvehicleoccupiesthesamelane asoncomingtrafficforseveralseconds A miscalculation anerror in judgment orabriefsurre...

Страница 189: ... If the way is clear to pass youwillhavea runningstart that morethanmakesupforthedistanceyouwouldlose by droppingback And if somethinghappens to causeyou to cancelyourpass youneed onlyslow downanddropbackagainandwaitforanotheropportunity If othercars are linedup to passaslowvehicle waityourturn But takecarethatsomeoneisn ttrying to passyouasyoupullouttopass the slow vehicle Remember to glanceovery...

Страница 190: ...celeratorpedal If yourvehiclestartstoslide aswhenyouturn acorneronawet snow or ice coveredroad easeyourfoot off the acceleratorpedalassoonasyoufeelthevehiclestart to slide Quicklysteer the wayyouwantthevehicle to go If youstartsteeringquicklyenough your vehiclewillstraightenout As itdoes straightenthefrontwheels Of course traction is reducedwhenwater snow ice gravel or othermaterial isontheroad Fo...

Страница 191: ...four wheeldrive Also see Anti lockBrakes intheIndex If yourvehicledoesn thavefour wheeldrive youshouldn tdriveoff roadunlessyou reon a level solidsurface Off roaddrivingcanbegreatfun But itdoeshavesomedefinitehazards Thegreatest of theseistheterrainitself Off roading meansyou ve leftthegreatNorthAmericanroadsystembehind Trafficlanesaren tmarked Curvesaren tbanked Therearenoroadsigns Surfacescanbes...

Страница 192: ... if the vehicle rolls over Put heavyloadsinsidethecargo area not on the roof Keep cargo in thecargo area as far forward and low as possible I You ll findotherimportantinformation in thismanual See VehicleLoading LuggageCarrier and Tires intheIndex Traveling to Remote Areas Itmakessensetoplanyourtrip especiallywhengoingtoa emotearea Knowtheterrainandplanyourroute You aremuchlesslikely to getbad sur...

Страница 193: ...tion Thiscouldcauseyou tolosecontrolandcrash So whetheryouaredrivingonor off the road youandyourpassengersshouldwearyoursafetybelts Scanning the Terrain Off roaddrivingcantakeyouover many differentkinds of terrain You need to befamiliarwiththeterrainand its manydifferentfeatures Herearesome things to consider Surface Conditions Off roadingcantakeyouoverhard packed dirt gravel rocks grass sand mud ...

Страница 194: ...wn goodjudgmentaboutwhatissafe andwhatisn t I CAUTION Drinkinganddrivingcanbeverydangerous onanyroad Andthisis b certainly true for off road driving At theverytimeyouneedspecial alertnessanddrivingskills yourreflexes perceptionsandjudgment canbeaffectedbyevenasmallamount of alcohol You could have a serious or evenfatal accident if youdrinkanddriveorridewith a driver whohasbeen drinking See Drunken...

Страница 195: ...e tire slipping Isthereastraightpath up or downthe hill so youwon thave to make turningmaneuvers Are thereobstructions on the hill thancanblockyourpath boulders trees logsorruts What sbeyondthehill Is thereacliff anembankment adrop off a fence Getoutandwalkthehill if you don tknow It s the smartway to find out Isthehillsimplytoorough Steephillsoftenhaveruts gullies troughs andexposedrocksbecauseth...

Страница 196: ...Q Whatshould I do if my vehiclestalls or is about to stall and I can t makeitup the hill A If thishappens therearesomethingsyoushoulddo andtherearesome thingsyoumustnotdo First here swhatyoushoulddo Pushthebrakepedal to stopthevehicleandkeep it fromrolling backwards Also applytheparkingbrake If yourengine is stillrunning shiftthetransmissionintoreverse release theparkingbrake andslowlybackdown the...

Страница 197: ...nsmissioninfirstgear andturn off theengine Leavethevehicleandgo getsomehelp Exit on theuphillsideandstayclear of thepaththevehicle wouldtake if it rolleddownhill Do notshiftthetransfercase to N Neutral whenyouleavethevehicle Leave it insomegear Shifting thetransfer case to N Neutral can cause your vehicleto manualtransmission even if you re in gear Thisis because the N Neutral position on the tran...

Страница 198: ...heincline of the hill A hillthat snot too steep to drivedownmaybe too steep to drive across You could roll over if youdon tdrivestraightdown Nevergodownhillwiththetransmissionin N Neutral orwiththeclutch pedal depressed in amanualshift Thisiscalled free wheeling Your brakeswillhave to doalltheworkandcouldoverheatandfade Q Am I likely to stall whengoingdownhill A It smuchmorelikely to happengoingup...

Страница 199: ...nmore reasonslikethese youneed to decidecarefullywhether to try to drive acrossanincline Justbecausethe trail goesacrosstheinclinedoesn tmean youhave to driveit Thelastvehicle to tryitmighthaverolledover CAUTION ADrivingacrossaninclinethat s too steep will makeyour vehicleroll over You couldbeseriouslyinjured or killed If youhaveanydoubt aboutthesteepnessoftheincline don tdriveacrossit Findanother...

Страница 200: ...egear Inreallydeepmud theideais to keepyourvehiclemoving so youdon tgetstuck Whenyoudriveonsand you llsenseachangeinwheeltraction But it will dependuponhowlooselypackedthesandis Onlooselypackedsand as on beachesorsanddunes yourtireswilltendtosinkintothesand This hasaneffectonsteering accelerating andbraking Youmaywant toreduce theairpressure in yourtiresslightlywhendrivingonsand This willimprove t...

Страница 201: ...ailpipeunderwater And aslongasyourtailpipe is underwater you ll never beable to startyourengine Whenyougothrough water rememberthatwhenyourbrakesgetwet it may take youlonger to stop CAUTION CDrivingthroughrushingwatercanbedangerous Deepwatercan sweepyourvehicledownstreamandyouandyourpassengerscould drown Ifit sonlyinchesdeep it canstill washaway theground fromunderyourtires andyoucouldlosetraction...

Страница 202: ...cetheglarefromheadlights behindyou Sinceyoucan tseeaswell youmayneed to slowdownandkeep morespacebetweenyouandothervehicles It shard to tell howfast thevehicleaheadisgoing just by looking at itstaillights Slowdown especiallyonhigherspeedroads Your headlightscanlight In remoteareas watchforanimals uponly so muchroadahead If you retired pull off the road in asafeplaceandrest Night Vision No onecanse...

Страница 203: ...e of headlights to makecertain thatone of thevehiclesisn tstarting to moveintoyourlane Onceyouare past thebrightlights giveyoureyestime to readjustbeforeresumingspeed HighBeams If thevehicleapproachingyouhasitshighbeamson signalbyflickingyours to highandthenback to low beam Thisistheusualsignaltolowerthe headlightbeams If theotherdriverstilldoesn tlowerthebeams resistthe temptation to putyourhighb...

Страница 204: ...nandwetroadscanmeandrivingtrouble Onawetroadyoucan tstop accelerateorturn as wellbecauseyourtire to roadtractionisn t as goodas ondryroads And if yourtiresdon thavemuchtreadleft you llgeteven lesstraction It salwayswise to goslowerandbecautious if rainstartsto fall whileyou aredriving Thesurfacemaygetwetsuddenlywhenyourreflexesaretuned fordrivingon dry pavement Theheaviertherain theharder it is to...

Страница 205: ...p and may cause pulling to oneside You couldlosecontrol of the vehicle Afterdrivingthrough a largepuddle of wateroracar wash apply yourbrakepedallightlyuntilyourbrakes work normally Hydroplaning Hydroplaningisdangerous So muchwatercan buildupunder your tiresthat theycanactuallyrideonthewater Thiscanhappen if theroadiswet enoughandyou regoingfastenough Whenyourvehicleishydroplaning it haslittleorno...

Страница 206: ...areful Some Other Rainy Weather Tips Turnonyourheadlights notjustyourparkinglights tohelpmake you morevisibletoothers Lookforhard to seevehiclescomingfrombehind Youmaywanttouse yourheadlightsevenindaytime if it sraininghard Besidesslowingdown allowsomeextrafollowingdistance Andbe especiallycarefulwhenyoupassanothervehicle Allowyourselfmore clearroomahead andbepreparedtohaveyourviewrestrictedbyroad...

Страница 207: ...og is probablythickening Slowdowntogivetrafficbehindyouachance to slowdown Everybodythenhasabetterchance to avoidhittingthevehicle ahead A patch of densefogmayextendonly fora fewfeet meters orformiles kilometers youcan treally tell whileyou re in it You canonlytreatthe situationwithextremecare Onecommonfogcondition sometimes called mistorgroundfog can happen in weather that seemsperfect especially...

Страница 208: ...stobefogmayactuallybemoistureonthe outside ofyourwindshield Treatdensefogasanemergency Trytofindaplace to pull offtheroad Of courseyouwanttorespectanother sproperty butyoumightneedtoput somethingbetweenyouandmovingvehicles space trees telephonepoles aprivatedriveway anythingthatremovesyoufromothertraffic If visibilityisnearzeroandyoumuststopbutareunsurewhetheryouare awayfromtheroad turnyourlights ...

Страница 209: ...untrytrip Try to usethefreewaysthatrimandcrisscrossmostlargecities You ll savetimeandenergy Seethenextsection FreewayDriving Treat a greenlight as awarningsignal A trafficlight is therebecause thecorner is busyenough to need it Whena lightturnsgreen andjust before youstart to move check both waysforvehiclesthathavenot clearedtheintersection ormaybe runningthe red light Obey all postedspeedlimits B...

Страница 210: ...minewhereyouexpect to blend withtheflow If traffic is light youmayhavenoproblem But if itisheavy find agap as youmovealongtheenteringlaneandtimeyourapproach Try to mergeintothegapatclose to theprevailingspeed Switchonyourturn signal checkyourrearviewmirrorsasyoumovealong andglanceoveryour shoulderas often asnecessary Try to blendsmoothlywiththetrafficflow Driving on the Freeway Onceyouareonthefree...

Страница 211: ...endo your brakingbeforemovingontotheexitramp Unfortunately notalldeceleration lanesarelongenough somearetooshortfor all thebraking Decidewhen to startbraking If youmustbrakeonthethroughlane and if thereistraffic closebehindyou youcanallowalittleextratimeandflashyourbrakelights inaddition to your turnsignal asextrawarningthatyouareabout to slow downandexit Theexitrampcanbecurved sometimesquitesharp...

Страница 212: ...s Theyarevitallyimportant to asafe trouble freetrip I s the tread goodenoughfor long distancedriving Are thetiresallinflated to the recommendedpressure WeatherForecasts What s theweatheroutlookalongyourroute Shouldyoudelayyour trip ashorttime to avoidamajorstormsystem Maps Do youhaveup to datemaps the Road Unlessyouaretheonlydriver it is good to sharethedrivingtaskwith others Limitturnsbehindthewh...

Страница 213: ...highwayhypnosis First beawarethat it can happen Thenherearesometips Makesureyourvehicleiswellventilated withacomfortablycoolinterior Keepyoureyesmoving Scantheroadaheadand to thesides Check yourrearviewmirrorsfrequentlyandyourinstrumentsfromtime to time Thiscanhelpyouavoidafixedstare Weargoodsunglasses in brightlight Glarecancausedrowsiness But don twearsunglasses at night Theywilldrasticallyreduc...

Страница 214: ...alsothe brakes tires coolingsystemandtransmission These parts can work hardonmountainroads Knowhow to godownhills The most important thing to know is this let yourenginedosome of theslowingdown Don t makeyourbrakes do it all Shift to alowergearwhenyougodownasteep or long hill That way you willslowdownwithoutexcessiveuse ofyourbrakes ICAUT oN A If youdon t shift down yourbrakescouldget so hotthatth...

Страница 215: ...hecenter of theroad Drive atspeedsthatletyoustay in yourownlane Thatway youwon t be surprisedby a vehiclecomingtowardyou in thesamelane It takeslonger to passanothervehiclewhenyou regoinguphill You ll want to leaveextraroom to pass If avehicleispassingyouand doesn thaveenough room slowdown to make it easierfortheother vehicle to get by As yougooverthetop of ahill be alert Therecouldbesomethingin y...

Страница 216: ...ide to look at theviewortakepictures Lookforpull offs or parkingareasprovidedforscenicviewing Anotherpart of thismanualtellshow to useyourparkingbrake see Parking Brake intheIndex Buton a mountainorsteephill youcandoonemore thing You canturnyourfrontwheels to keepyourvehiclefromrolling downhilloroutintotraffic 4 49 ...

Страница 217: ...Your Driving and fhe Road Here s how Downhill Parking AN470032 Turn your wheelstotheright Youdon thave to jam your tiresagainstthecurb if there is a curb A gentle contact is allyouneed 4 50 ...

Страница 218: ...Uphill AN470039 If thereisacurb turnyourwheelstotheleft if thecurbisattherightside of yourvehicle AN470046 If you regoinguphillonaone waystreetandyou reparkingontheleftside yourwheelsshouldpointtotheright 4 51 ...

Страница 219: ...mayputtoomuchforceonthe parkingpawlinthetransmission Youmay find it difficult to pulltheshiftlever out of P Park Thisiscalled torquelock To preventtorquelock always besure to shiftinto P Park beforeyouleavethedriver sseat To find out how see ShiftingInto P Park in theIndex When you areready to drive movetheselectorlever out of P Park BEFORE youreleasetheparkingbrake If torquelock doesoccur youmayn...

Страница 220: ...lbrushorbroom a supply of windshield washerfluid a rag somewinterouterclothing a smallshovel a flashlight a redcloth and a couple of reflectivewarningtriangles And ifyou will be driiing undersevereconditions include a smallbagofsand a piece of old carpetor a couple of burlapbagstohelpprovidetraction Besureyou properlysecuretheseitemsinyourvehicle Driving on Snow or Ice Most of thetime thoseplacesw...

Страница 221: ...hesurfaceunder thetiresevenmore Your anti lockbrakesimproveyourabilitytomakeahardstoponaslippery road Eventhoughyouhavetheanti lockbrakingsystem you llwanttobegin stoppingsoonerthanyouwouldondrypavement See Anti lock inthe Index Allowgreaterfollowingdistancesonanyslipperyroad Watchforslipperyspots Theroadmightbefineuntilyouhitaspot that scoveredwithice On anotherwiseclearroad icepatchesmay appeari...

Страница 222: ...extraclothing make body insulatorsfrom newspapers burlapbags rags floormats anythingyou can wraparound yourself or tuckunderyour clothing to keepwarm You can runtheengine to keepwarm butbecareful Snowcantrapexhaustgasesunderyourvehicle Thiscancause deadly CO carbonmonoxide gastogetinside CO could overcome youand kill you Youcan tsee it or smell it so youmightnotknow it is in yourvehicle Clearaway ...

Страница 223: ...inandrepeatthisonly when you feel really uncomfortablefromthe cold But do it as littleas possible Preservethefuel as long as you can To help keepwarm youcangetout of thevehicleand dosomefairlyvigorousexerciseseveryhalf hour or so untilhelpcomes If You re Stuck in Deep Snow Thismanualexplainshow to getthevehicleout of deepsnowwithout damagingit See RockingYourVehicle in theIndex Towing a mailer I A...

Страница 224: ... you do here are someimportantpoints e e There are manydifferentlawshaving to do withtrailering Makesure yourrig will belegal notonlywhereyoulivebutalsowhereyou llbe driving A goodsourceforthisinformationcanbestateorprovincial police Considerusingswaycontrolwithautilitymodel if yourtrailer will weigh 3 000 pounds 1361 kg orless orwithawagonmodel if yourtrailer willweigh 4 000 pounds 1800 kg orless...

Страница 225: ...skyourdealerforourtraileringinformationoradvice oryoucanwriteusat theaddresslistedinyourWarrantyandOwnerAssistanceInformation Booklet In Canada write to GeneralMotors of CanadaLimited CustomerAssistanceCenter 1908 ColonelSamDrive Oshawa Ontario L1H 8P7 Weight of the Trailer Tongue Thetongueload A ofanytraileris an importantweighttomeasurebecause itaffectsthetotal grossweight ofyourvehicle Thegross...

Страница 226: ...driver s door orsee Loading YourVehicle intheIndex Thenbesureyoudon t goover the GVW limitforyourvehicle Hitches It s important to havethecorrecthitchequipment Crosswinds largetrucks going by androughroadsare a fewreasonswhyyou llneedtheright hitch Herearesomerulestofollow If yourvehiclehas a stepbumperandyouaregoing to use a ball type hitch removethepadandcutholes init tomatchthehitchandsafety ch...

Страница 227: ...urvehicle sbrakesystem if thetrailer sbrakesystem will use morethan 0 02 cubicinch 0 3 cc of fluidfromyourvehiclesmastercylinder If it does bothbrakingsystemswon tworkwell You couldevenloseyour brakes Will thetrailerbrakepartstake 3 000 psi 20 650 kPa ofpressure If not thetrailerbrakesystemmustnotbeusedwithyourvehicle If everythingchecksout this far thenmakethebrakefluidtapatthe portonthemastercyl...

Страница 228: ...sure thatthe load is secure and that the lights andanytrailerbrakesare still working Following Distance Stayatleasttwice as farbehindthevehicleaheadasyouwouldwhen driving your vehiclewithoutatrailer Thiscanhelpyou avoid situationsthat requireheavybrakingandsuddenturns Passing You ll needmorepassingdistanceupaheadwhenyou retowingatrailer And becauseyou re a gooddeallonger you ll need to gomuchfarth...

Страница 229: ...ethepossibilityofengineandtransmissionoverheating If youhaveanautomatictransmission youshould use D or as youneed to alowergear whentowingatrailer Operatingyourvehicle in D whentowing atrailerwillminimizeheatbuildupandextendthe life of yourtransmission Or if youhaveamanualtransmissionwithfifthgearandyouaretowinga trailer it sbetternot to usefifth gear justdriveinfourthgear or as you need to alower...

Страница 230: ...e Index I When You Are Ready to Leave After Parking on a Hill 1 Applyyourregularbrakesandholdthepedaldownwhileyou Startyourengine Shift into agear and Releasetheparkingbrake 2 Let upon the brakepedal 3 Driveslowly until thetrailer is clear of thechocks 4 Stopandhavesomeonepickupandstowthechocks MaintenanceWhenTrailerTowing Your vehiclewillneedservicemoreoftenwhenyou repullingatrailer See theMainte...

Страница 231: ... Winches See TrailerWiringHarness in theIndex If youwish to useapowerwinchonyourvehicle only use it whenyour vehicle is stationaryoranchored transmissionmaybedamaged Usetheregularbrakes settheparkingbrakeorblockthewheels to keep yourvehiclefromrolling 4 64 ...

Страница 232: ...oad Hazard Warning Flashers 5 2 Other Warning Devices 5 3 Jump Starting 5 3 Towing Your Vehicle 5 7 Engine Overheating 5 8 Engine Fan Noise 5 16 If a Tire Goes Flat 5 16 ChangingaFlat StoringtheJack If You re Stuck In Tire 5 16 and Tire 5 30 Sand Mud Ice or Snow 5 31 5 1 ...

Страница 233: ...y also let police know youhave a problem Your front and rear turnsignallightsflashon and off Butthey won t flash if you are braking F 1 K2503 Pressthebuttonin to makeyourfrontandrear turn signal lights flashon and off Your hazardwarningflashersworknomatterwhatpositionyourkeyisin andeven if thekeyisn tin ...

Страница 234: that can explode orignite They contain enough electricity to burn you If YOU don t follow thesesteps exactly some or all of these things anhurt you Ignoringthesestepscouldresult in costlydamage to your vet 3 that vouldn t becoveredbyyourwarra 1 iying to startyourvehiclebypushing or pulling it could Y I Jge yaur chicle even if youhave a manualtransmission And if vou have an utomatic transmission...

Страница 235: ...erminalsoneachbattery CAUTION A Usingamatchnearabatterycancausebatterygas to explode b Peoplehavebeenhurtdoingthis andsomehavebeenblinded Use a flashlight if you needmorelight Besurethebatterieshaveenoughwater You don tneed to add water to the DelcoFreedom batteryinstalledineverynew GM vehicle But if abatteryhas filler caps besurethe right amountof fluid is there I f it is low addwater to takecare...

Страница 236: ...on tlettheotherendtouchmetal Connect it to thepositive terminal of the good battery Usearemotepositive terminal if the vehiclehasone 8 Now connecttheblacknegative cabletothegoodbattery snegative terminal Don tlet the otherendtouchanythinguntilthenextstep Theotherend of thenegativecable doesn t go to thedeadbattery It goes to a heavy unpaintedmetalpartontheengine of thevehiclewiththedeadbattery 9 A...

Страница 237: ...hevehiclewiththegoodbatteryandruntheenginefor 11 Try tostartthevehiclewiththedeadbattery awhile If it won tstartafterafewtries itprobablyneedsservice 12 Removethecablesinreverseordertopreventelectricalshorting Take REMOVE CABLES IN THIS ORDER I 5 6 ...

Страница 238: ...t passengers ride in a vehicle that is being towed e Never tow faster than safe or posted speeds e Never tow with damaged parts not fully secured Never get under your vehicle after it has been lifted by the tow truck Always use separate safety chains on each side when towing a vehicle Whenyourvehicle is beingtowed havetheignitionkey off Thesteering wheelshouldbeclamped in astraight aheadposition w...

Страница 239: ...en if you just open the hood Stay away from the engine if you see or hear steam coming from it Just turn it off and get everyone away from the vehide until it cools down Wait until there is no sign of steam or coalant before opening the hood If you keep driving when your engine is overheated the liquids in it can catch fire You or others could be badly burned Stop your engine if it overheats and g...

Страница 240: in a trafficjam shift to N Neutral window as necessary If younolongerhavetheoverheatwarning youcandrive Just to besafe driveslowerforabout ten minutes If thewarningdoesn tcomebackon you candrivenormally If thewarningcontinues pull over stop and park yourvehiclerightaway If there s still nosign of steam pushtheacceleratoruntiltheenginespeedis about twice as fast as normalidlespeed Bringtheengine...

Страница 241: ...nk B Radiatorpressurecap C Enginefan AAn electricfanunderthehoodcanstartupevenwhen the engine is notrunningandcaninjure you Keep hands clothing and tools awayfromanyunderhood electric fan CAUTION If thecoolantinsidethecoolantrecoverytankorsurgetankisboiling don t do anythingelseuntilitcoolsdown 5 1 0 ...

Страница 242: ...uld causeanenginefire andyou could be I burned Getanyleakfixedbeforeyoudrivethevehicle I If thereseemstobenoleak check to see if theelectricenginefan if you haveone isrunning Iftheengineisoverheating thefanshouldberunning If it isn t yourvehicleneedsservice Starttheengineagain to see if theregularfanrunswhentheenginedoes If it doesn t yourvehicleneedsservice Turn off theengine How to Add Coolant t...

Страница 243: ...oohot but youwouldn tgettheoverheatwarning Your enginecould catch fireandyou or others could beburned Use a 50150 mix of clean water and a proper antifreeze I I NOTICE I In cold weather water can freeze andcracktheengine radiator heater Icoreandotherparts Use the recommendedcoolant 1 1 L k I I PO206 CAUTION You canbeburned if youspillcoolantonhotengineparts Coolant containsethyleneglycol and it wi...

Страница 244: ... high speed Never turnthe cap when the cooling system Including the radiator pressure cap is hat Wait for thecoolingsystemandradiato pressure cap to cool if you everhave to turn the pressure cap I 8 K2511 How to Add Coolant to the Radiator 1 You canremovetheradiatorpressurecapwhen the coolingsystem includingtheradiatorpressurecapandupperradiatorhose is nolonger hot Turnthepressurecap slowly to the...

Страница 245: ...pushdown as you turn it Removethepressurecap L K2341 3 Filltheradiator with thepropermix up to thebase of thefillerneck 4 Then fill thecoolantrecoverytankto COLD 5 Put thecapbackonthecoolantrecoverytank butleavetheradiator pressure cap off 5 1 4 ...

Страница 246: ...or the enginefan 7 By thistime thecoolantlevelinsidetheradiatorfillerneckmaybe lower If the level islower add more of thepropermixthroughthefiller neckuntil the levelreachesthebase of the fillerneck 1 K2515 8 Thenreplacethepressure cap Besure the arrows on thepressurecap line up likethis 5 1 5 ...

Страница 247: ...ntainyourtiresproperly If airgoesout of a tire it smuchmorelikely to leakoutslowly But if youshouldeverhave a blowout hereareafewtips aboutwhat to expectandwhattodo I f a fronttirefails theflat tire willcreate a dragthatpullsthevehicletoward thatside Takeyourfoot off theacceleratorpedalandgripthesteeringwheel firmly Steer to maintainlaneposition thengentlybrake to astopwellout of thetraffic lane A...

Страница 248: ... 3 Shiftamanualtransmission to 1 First or R Reverse 4 If youhaveafour wheel drivevehicle besurethetransfercase 5 Turn off theengine is in adrive gear not in N Neutral To be evenmorecertainthevehiclewon tmove you can put chocks at the front and rear of the tire farthestaway from the onebeing changed That would be the tire on the otherside of thevehicle at the opposite end I L I Thefollowing steps w...

Страница 249: ...eone Turnthe wing nut counterclockwise and take it andtheadapter off the bolt Take the tireout of thevehicleand removethe tire cover Jack and Tools PO287 If yourwagon model has a jackcover lift thetab up to release the cover thentake it off ...

Страница 250: ...turnthewingnutcounterclockwiseandtake it and the retainer off Take the jack andstoragebox out andtake the tools out of the box Your vehiclemayhaveapair of emergencyglovessecured to thejack You canusethemwhenchanging the tire or duringotheremergencysituations Remember to replacethemwiththejack so youwillhavethemhandy if neededlater 5 1 9 ...

Страница 251: ...manging the Tire 1 K2519 Startwiththejack thejackhandleandtheratchet If theflattireis onthe rear of thevehicle you llneedthejackhandleextensionsalso K2535 Theratchethasan UP anda DOWN marking 5 20 ...

Страница 252: ... will lift thejackhead a little Beforeraisingthevehicle do thefollowing things Put your spare tire neartheflattire Remove the wheel trim 1 K2367 If there is a wheelcover remove it byusingthe flat end of thesocket Pry along the edge of thewheelcoveruntil it comes off Be careful therim edgesmay be sharp Don ttry to remove it withyourbarehands 5 21 ...

Страница 253: you tounscrewandtakethem off Thentakethehubcap off If thewheelhas a trimring remove it by usingtheflatend of thesocket K2368 If thewheelhas a smoothcenterpieceor a centerpiecewithrecessednuts removeitusingtheflat end of thesocket Placetheflatendofthesocket in theslot on thewheeland pry outgently 5 22 ...

Страница 254: ... nuts Don tremovethemyet I JACK LOCATIONS ALL MODELS K2120 CAUTION I A Getting under a vehicle when it is jacked up is dangerous If the I vehicle slips off the jack youcould be badly injured or killed Never get under a vehicle when it is supported only by a jack I 5 23 ...

Страница 255: ...Besure to fit thejack ift headintotheproperlocationbeforeraisingyourvehicle Front Rear r 1 1 PO288 Raisethevehiclebyrotatingtheratchetclockwise Makesurethe UP markingfacesyou Usethejackhandleextensionsiftheflattireisonthe rear of thevehicle Raisethevehiclefarenough off theground so thereis enoughroomforthesparetire to fit ...

Страница 256: ...K2527 qemove all thewheelnuts and take off the flat tire 1 K2529 5 25 ...

Страница 257: ...a cloth or a paper towel to do this but be sure to use a scraper r wire brush later if you need to to get all the rust or dirt off Removeanyrustor dirt fromthewheel bolts mounting surfaces orspare wheel Placethespareonthewheelmounting surface CAUTION Never use oil or greaseonstuds or nuts If you do the nutsmight comeloose Yourwheelcould fall off causing a seriousaccident I K2127 Replacethewheelnut...

Страница 258: ...front Rear Tightenthenutsfirmly in a criss crosssequenceasshown Rotatetheratchet clockwisewiththe UP markingfacing you 5 27 ...

Страница 259: ...nutstightened with a torque wrench to the promr toraue I For propertorque see WheelNutTorque intheIndex Putthewheeltrimbackon Forvehicleswithplasticnutcaps tightenthe capsuntiltheyarefingertight thentightenthemanadditionalone halfturn withtheratchet Removeanywheelblocks Storing a jack a tire or otherequipmentinthepassenger compartment of thevehiclecouldcauseinjury In a suddenstop or collision loos...


Страница 261: ... yourvehiclehasthem to thejackusingtheprovided strap Slidetheretainerovertheboltontothejackandputthewingnut on Turn thenutclockwiseuntil it istightagainsttheretainer Replacethejackstoragecover if yourvehiclehasone bysimplyreversing theremovalproceduredescribedearlier Storing the Tire Besure the J bolt is hookedproperly for your model or tiresize asshown n I BOLT J BOLT ADAPTER ADAPTER NOTE Use low...

Страница 262: If You re Stuck In Sand Mud Ice or Snow Whatyou don t wantto do whenyourvehicle is stuck is tospinyour wheels Themethodknownas rocking canhelpyougetoutwhenyou re stuck butyoumustusecaution If youletyourtiresspinathighspeed theycanexplodeandyouor I I otherscouldbeinjured And thetransmissionorotherparts of the vehiclecanoverheat Thatcouldcauseanenginecompartmentfire orotherdamage Whenyou restuck ...

Страница 263: ...ccelerator pedal while you shift and presslightly on the accelerator pedal when the transmission i s in gear If that doesn tgetyou out after a fewtries you may need to be towed out Or youcanuseyourrecoveryhooks if yourvehicle has them I f you do needto be towedout see TowingYourVehicle in the Index Using the Recovery Hooks m K2456 If youevergetstuck in sand mud ice or snow yourvehiclemaybe equippe...

Страница 264: ...ightout Never pull on thehooksatasideways angle Thehookscouldbreak off andyouorotherscouldbe i Irec from the chain or cablesnappingback b J7 d K2457 I NOTICE INeverusetherecovery hooks to tow thevehicle Your vehicle could be damaged and it would not becovered by warranty I 5 33 ...

Страница 265: ......

Страница 266: ...ormationabout yourvehicle and a sectiondevotedto its appearancecare Service 6 3 Fuel 6 4 Checking Things Under the Hood 6 8 Hood Release 6 8 Engine Oil 6 9 Air Cleaner 6 16 Automatic Transmission Fluid 6 17 Manual Transmission Fluid 6 20 Hydraulic Clutch 6 21 Transfer Case 6 23 Front Axle 6 24 Rear Axle 6 24 Engine Coolant 6 25 Power Steering Fluid 6 29 Windshield Washer Fluid 6 31 Brake Master Cy...

Страница 267: ... Inflation Tire Pressure 6 49 TireInspectionandRotation 6 52 WhenIt sTimeforNewTires 6 53 Buying New Tires 6 53 Uniform Tire Quality Grading 6 54 WheelAlignmentandTireBalance 6 55 Wheel Replacement 6 55 Tire Chains 6 56 Appearance Care 6 57 CleaningtheInside OfYourVehicle 6 58 CleaningtheOutside Of YourVehicle 6 61 Appearance Care Materials 6 64 Vehicle Identification Number 6 65 ServicePartsIdent...

Страница 268: ...hiclethanthismanualcan To ordertheproperservice manual see ServicePublications in theIndex You shouldkeep a recordwithallpartsreceiptsandlistthemileageandthe date of anyserviceworkyouperform See MaintenanceRecord inthe Index CAUTION I A You can be injured if you try to do servicework on a vehiclewithout L knowingenough about it Besureyouhavesufficientknowledge experience andthe properreplacement p...

Страница 269: ...l I K228 Useregularunleadedgasolineratedat 87 octaneorhigher It shouldmeet specifications ASTM D4814 in the U S andCGSB 3 5 92 inCanada These fuelsshouldhavetheproperadditives so youshouldnothave to add anything to thefuel In the US andCanada it s easy to besureyougettherightkind of gasoline unleaded You llsee UNLEADED rightonthepump Andonly unleadednozzleswill fit intoyourvehicle sfillerneck Besu...

Страница 270: ... must be cosolvents and corrosion eventers in this fuel to help avoid these problems Gasolines for Cleaner Air Your useofgasolinewithdetergentadditiveswillhelppreventdepositsfrom forming in yourengineandfuelsystem Thathelpskeepyourengineintune andyouremissioncontrolsystemworkingproperly It sgoodforyourvehicle andyou llbedoingyourpartforcleanerair Manygasolinesarenowblendedwithmaterialsthatcalledox...

Страница 271: ...sorwillbedamaged All of thatmeanscostly repairsthatwouldn t be coveredby your warranty To checkonfuelavailability ask an auto club or contact a major oil company that doesbusinessinthecountrywhereyou llbedriving You can also write us at the followingaddressforadvice Just telluswhere you re going andgiveyourVehicleIdentificationNumber VIN GeneralMotors of Canada Ltd InternationalExportSales Post Of...

Страница 272: ...ougetgasolineonyouandthensomethingignitesit youcould be badlyburned Gasolinecansprayoutonyou if youopenthefuel fillercap too quickly Thisspraycanhappen if yourtank is nearly full and is morelikely in hot weather Openthe fuel fillercapslowly andwait for any hiss noise to stop I Then unscrew the cap all the way When you putthecapback on turn it to theright clockwise untilyouhear a clickingnoise I NO...

Страница 273: ...hicle Thengo to the front of thevehicleandpull up onthesecondaryhoodrelease Liftthehood PO217 CAUTION AIf yourvehicle h airconditioning theauxiliaryfanunderthehood can start upandinjure you evenwhentheengine is notrunninc y 8gKeep your hands clothing and tools awav from anv underhoo Wk selectric fan you have one 6 8 ...

Страница 274: ...roporspillthingsthatwillburnontoa Beforeclosingthehood besure all thefillercapsareonproperly Thenjust pullthe hood downandcloseitfirmly Engine Oil It sa good idea to checkyourengine oil everytimeyougetfuel In order to getanaccuratereading the oil mustbewarmandthevehiclemustbeon levelground Turn off theengineandgivethe oil afewminutestogetback down intothe oil pan If youdon t theoildipstickmightnot...

Страница 275: ...o Add Oil If theoilisat or belowthe ADD mark thenyou llneed to addsomeoil Butyoumustusetherightkind Thispartexplainswhat kind of oil to use Forcrankcasecapacity see CapacitiesandSpecifications intheIndex I Don t add toomuchoil If yourenginehas so muchoilthatthe oil level getsabovetheuppermarkthat shows theproperoperatingrange your engine could I 6 1 0 ...

Страница 276: ...K2390 Just fill it enough to putthelevelsomewhere in theproperoperatingrange Push thedipstickallthe waybackinwhen you re through 6 1 1 ...

Страница 277: ...tbe on theoilcontainer eitherbyitselforcombinedwithother quality designations suchas W C C SG CD SF SG CC etc These lettersshowAmericanPetroleumInstitute API levels of quality I NOTICE f you use oils thatdon thave the SG designa J can cause mgine damage notcoveredby your warranty 6 1 2 ...

Страница 278: ...SAE 5W 30 Vehicleswith Light Duty Emissions 8500 GVWR or less As shown in thischart SA 5W 30 is bestforyourvehicle However you canuse SAE 1OW 30 ifit s going to be 0 F 18 C orabove 6 1 3 ...

Страница 279: ...eavyDutyEmissions 8501 G W R or more As shown in this chart SAE 1OW 30 isbest for yourvehicle However youcanuse SAE 5W 30 if it s going to becolderthan 60 F 16 C before yournext oil change Whenit svery cold below 0 F 18 C you shoulduse SAE 5W 30 6 14 ...

Страница 280: ... below freezing outside andmosttripsare less than 10 miles 16 km Theengineisat low speed most of thetime as in door to door You tow a traileroften Mosttripsarethroughdustyplaces Thevehicleisfrequentlyoperatedoff road delivery orinstop and go traffic I f anyoneofthese is trueforyourvehicle thenyouneedtochangeyour oil andfilter every 3 000miles 5000 km or 3 months whichevercomesfirst VehicleswithLig...

Страница 281: ...or properly throwawayclothing or ragscontaining usedengine oil A L f L J _ i j I j Usedoilcanbe a realthreat to theenvironment If YOU changeyourown oil be sure to drain all free flowing oil from the filter before disposal Don t ever dispose of oil by putting it in the trash pouring it on the ground intosewers or intostreams or bodiesofwater Instead recycle it bytaking it to a place thatcollects us...

Страница 282: ...tictransmissionfluidlevel is whenthe engine oil ischanged Refer to theMaintenanceSchedule to determine when to changeyourfluid See ScheduledMaintenanceServices intheIndex How to Check Because thisoperation can be a little difficult youmaychoosetohavethis doneat a GeneralMotorsdealership Sewice Department If you do ityourself be sure to follow alltheinstructionshere oryoucould get a falsereading on...

Страница 283: ...eference Lettheenginerunatidlefor five minutes if outside temperaturesare 50 F IO C or more If it s colderthan 50 F 1O C you mayhave to idletheenginelonger A hotcheckmust follow whenfluidis added duringacoldcheck To check the fluidhot or cold Parkyourvehicleon a levelplace Place theshiftleverin P Park withtheparkingbrakeapplied Withyourfootonthebrakepedal movetheshiftleverthrougheach gearrange pau...

Страница 284: ...ricants in theIndex If the fluid level is low addonlyenough of theproperfluidtobringthe level uptothe COLD areafor a cold checkorthe HOT areafor a hotcheck It doesn ttakemuchfluid generallylessthan a pint Don toverfill We recommendyouuseonly fluid labeled DEXRON IIE becausefluidswiththat labelareespeciallymadeforyourautomatictransmission Damagecausedby fluid otherthan DEXRON llEis notcoveredbyyour...

Страница 285: ...le fluidcandamageyourtransmission Too much can 1 mean that some of the fluid could comeoutandfallon hot engineparts starting afire Be sure to getanaccuratereading if youcheckyour transmissionfluid I I Checkthe fluld level onlywhenyourengineis off thevehicle is parked on a level place andthetransmissionis cool enough foryou to restyourfingers on the transmissioncase Then follow these steps K24 1 Re...

Страница 286: ...nts in the Index 1 Removethefillerplug 2 Addfluidatthefillerplughole Addonlyenoughfluidtobringthefluid 3 Installthefillerplug Besurethatthefillerplugisfullyseated levelup to thebottom of thefillerplughole Hydraulic Clutch I Thehydraulicclutch in yourvehicle is self adjusting A slightamountofplay 1 2 inch to aninch in thepedalisnormal 6 21 ...

Страница 287: ...ldcheck thefluidlevelin your clutchmastercylinderreservoirandwhat to add See OwnerChecksandServices and RecommendedFluidsandLubricants in theIndex Now to Check I K2344 Theproper fluid shouldbeadded if theleveldoesnotreachthebottom of thediaphragmwhenit s in place in thereservoir Seetheinstructionsonthe reservoircap 6 22 ...

Страница 288: ...our wheel drivevehicles However theyhave two additionalsystemsthatneedlubrication Transfer Case When to Check Lubricant Refer to theMaintenanceScheduletodeterminehowoftentocheckthe lubricant See PeriodicMaintenanceInspections intheIndex How to Check and Add Lubricant d T i I PO230 If thelevelisbelowthebottom of thefiller plug hole you ll need to add somelubricant Addenoughlubricanttoraisethelevel ...

Страница 289: ...ferentialisatoperatingtemperature warm add enoughlubricanttoraisethelevel to thebottom of thefillerplughole If thedifferential is cold addenoughlubricant to raisethelevel to 1 2 inch 12 mm below thefillerplughole What to Use Refer to theMaintenanceSchedule to determinewhatkindof lubricant to use See RecommendedFluidsandLubricants intheIndex Rear Axle When to Check and Change Lubricant RefertotheMa...

Страница 290: ...erplughole you llneedtoadd somelubricant Add enoughlubricant to raisethelevel to thebottom of the filler plug hole What to Use RefertotheMaintenanceSchedule to determinewhatkind of lubricantto use See RecommendedFluidsandLubricants in theIndex Engine Coolant I PO593 6 25 ...

Страница 291: ...ling system can be dangerous I Plain water orsomeotherliquidlikealcohol canboilbeforethe propercoolantmixwill Yourvehicle scoolantwarningsystem isset for thepropercoolantmix Withplainwater or thewrongmix your enginecouldgettoohotbutyouwouldn tgettheoverheatwarning Your enginecouldcatchfireandyouorotherscouldbeburned Use a 50 50mix of cleanwaterand a properantifreeze j I i yo wuse an improper coola...

Страница 292: ...covery tank I CAUTION 4Turning the radiatorpressure cap when the engineandradiator are hot canallowsteam and scaldingliquids to blow out and burnyou badly With thecoolant recovery tank you will almostneverhave to add coolant attheradiator Neverturn the radiatorpressure I cap even a little when the engine and radiator are hot I Addcoolantmixat the recoverytank butbecarefulnot to spillit 1 CAUTION I...

Страница 293: ...andpossibleengine magefromoverheating Besurethearrowsonthecaplineupwith werffowtube on theradiatorfiller neck m recommended I Thermostat Enginecoolanttemperatureiscontrolled by a thermostatintheenginecoolant system Thethermostatstopsthe flow of coolantthroughtheradiatoruntilthe coolantreaches a presettemperature Whenyoureplace your thermostat an AC thermostatisrecommended 6 28 ...

Страница 294: ...ndwipethedipstickwitha clean rag Replacethecap andcompletelytightenit Thenremovethecapagainand look atthefluid level on thedipstick K2693 When theenginecompartment is hot thelevelshould beat the FULL Whentheenginecompartment is cool thelevelshouldbeatthe FULL mark COLD mark 6 29 ...

Страница 295: ...ntenanceScheduletodeterminewhatkind of fluid to use See RecommendedFluidsandLubricants intheIndex NOTICE I Whenaddingpowersteeringfluid or makingacompletefluidchange alwaysusetheproperfluid Failure to usetheproperfluidcancause leaksanddamagehoses and seals 6 30 ...

Страница 296: ...Windshield Washer Fluid To Add Openthecaplabeled WASHER FLUID ONLY Add washer fluiduntilthe bottle is full 6 31 ...

Страница 297: ... Addingbrakefluidwon tcorrect aleak If youaddfluidwhenyourliningsareworn thenyou llhave too much fluid whenyougetnewbrakelinings Youshouldadd orremove brakefluid asnecessaryonlywhenwork is doneonthebrakehydraulic system 4 If you have toomuchbrakefluid it canspillontheengine Thefluid will burnhhe engineishotenough You orotherscouldbeburned andyourvehiclecouldbedamaged Addbrakefluidonlywhenwork is d...

Страница 298: ...pisalsousedastheHydro boostpump Referto PowerSteeringSystem inthissectionwhencheckingfluidlevel or addingfluid Replacing Brake System Parts The braking systemon a modernvehicle is complex Its many parts haveto beof topqualityand workwelltogether if thevehicle is to havereallygood braking Vehicleswedesign andtesthavetop quality GM brakeparts in them asyour vehicledoeswhen it isnew Whenyou replace p...

Страница 299: ...theoriginalequipmentshockabsorbersinboth extendedlengthandstrength Wheel Nut Torque Forvehicleswithdualwheels whenthevehicle wheelorfastenersarenew havethetorqueset atthefirst 100 1 000 and 6 000 miles 160 1600 and 9600 km UsethetorquespecifiedintheappropriateSpecificationChartlater inthissection Single Belt Accessory Drive If yournewvehicleuses a serpentinebelt it islighter andmoredurable thansys...

Страница 300: ...s soonas possible Theairconditioningwillnotworkwhenthetemperature is below 40 F 4 C Fluid Leak Check Afterthevehiclehasbeenparkedforawhile inspectthesurfaceunderthe vehiclefor water oil fuel or otherfluids Waterdrippingfromtheair conditioningsystemafter it hasbeenusedisnormal If you noticefuelleaks orfumes the causes should befoundandcorrectedatonce Lubrication Accelerator Control System Your main...

Страница 301: ...doorlockbolts lockstriker plates dovetailbumperwedges etc athinfilm ofengineoilshould be applied Theseatadjustersandseattrackshouldbelubricatedwithchassisgrease Doorweatherstripsandrubberhoodbumpersshouldbelightlycoatedwitha rubberlubricant Neverusetoomuch ofanylubricantandbesuretowipeupanyextra lubricant whenyou are finished Yourmaintenanceschedulewill tellyouhowoftentolubricatetheseitems See Rec...

Страница 302: to drive aDelcoFreedom battery Youneverhave to Whenit stimeforanewbattery werecommend Getonethathasthecatalognumbershownon yourvehiclefor 25 daysormore take off the black negative cablefromthebattery This will helpkeepyourbattery fromrunningdown CAUTION 1 Batterieshave acid thatcanburnyouandgasthatcanexplode You I canbebadlyhurt if youaren tcareful See JumpStarting in the Index for tips onworki...

Страница 303: ...lthe screws Halogen Bulbs Halogenbulbshavepressurizedgasinsideandcanburst if you drop or scratchthebulb You or otherscouldbeinjured Take special car whenhandlinganddisposing of halogen bulbs CAUTION I NOTICE I Avoid touchingthebulbor letting it come in contactwithanything da Oil fromyourskinormoistureonthe bulb cancausethebulb to explode when it isturned on If eithercomes in contact with the bulb ...

Страница 304: ...pport 2 Pull thecompositeheadlightlens out 3 Unplugtheelectricalconnector 4 Turn the bulb counterclockwiseandremoveit 5 Put the new bulbinand turn it clockwise until it istight 6 Plug in the electricalconnector 7 Puttheheadlightback into thevehicleand tighten thetwoscrews 6 39 ...

Страница 305: ...s K2681 1 Removethescrewsandtakeouttheparkinglturnsignallightassembly 2 Squeezethetabontheside o f thelightsocketwhileturningthesocket counterclockwise 3 Pulloutthesocket 4 Push in gently on the bulb turn it counterclockwiseandremove it from thesocket 6 40 ...

Страница 306: ...eand tightenthescrews Side Marker Bulb P 1 Removethescrewsand pull outtheparkinglturosignal light assembly 2 Reachthroughtheopeningandturnthesidemarkerbulbsocket 3 Pull the bulb straightout of the socket counterclockwiseandremoveit 4 Putanewbulbintothesocketandpushitinuntil it is tight 5 Putthesocketbackintothesidemarkerassemblyandturn it clockwise to tightenit 6 Replacetheparkinglturnsignallighta...

Страница 307: ...thescrewsand lift off the lens 2 Pull the bulb straightout of thesocket 3 Putanew bulb into thesocket and push it in until it is tight 4 Replacethelens and tightenthe screws Rear Lights PO498 1I Open the tailgate or rear doors 6 42 ...

Страница 308: ...ssemblyandtightenthescrews You maywant 9 Closethetailgateorreardoors Fuses and Circuit Breakers Thewiringcircuits in yourvehicle are protectedfromshortcircuits by a combination of fuses circuitbreakers andfusiblethermallinksinthewiring itself Thisgreatlyreducesthechance of firescaused by electricalproblems See Fuses and CircuitBreakers in theIndexformoreinformation touseamagneticscrewdriverwhenins...

Страница 309: ...etrailer wiring harnessisprotectedby an in line fuse in thebatteryfeedwire Thisfuse is nearthejunction block See Trailer WiringHarness in theIndexformoreinformation Fuse Block m i lW K2644 Thefuseblock is in theinstrumentpanelonthedriver sside You canremovefuses with afuseextractor if youhaveone To remove fuses if youdon thaveone hold theend of thefusebetweenyourthumb andindexfingerandpullstraight...

Страница 310: ...r fuelmixtureataproperlevel Useonlyunleaded fuel in yourvehicle If youuseleadedfuel youcoulddamageyouroxygen OS sensorand three waycatalyticconverter TheMalfunctionIndicatorLamp SERVICE ENGINE SOON onyour instrumentpanelletsyouknowwhenyouremissioncontrolsystemneeds service Thelightwillcomeonbrieflywhenyoustartyourenginetoletyou know that the system is working If it doesnotcomeonwhenyoustartyour en...

Страница 311: ...leWeightRating GAWR To findoutthe actualloadsonyourfrontandrearaxles youneedtogotoaweighstation andweighyourvehicle Your dealercanhelpyouwiththis Besureto spreadoutyourloadequallyonbothsidesofthecenterline NeverexceedtheGVWR for yourvehicle ortheGrossAxleWeightRating GAWR foreitherthefrontorrearaxle And if you do haveaheavyload youshouldspread it out ADo not load your vehicle any heavier than the ...

Страница 312: ...hings in the cargo area of yourvehicle Try to spreadthe Never stack heavierthings likesuitcases inside the vehicle so weightevenly that some of them are abovethe tops of the seats Whenyoucarrysomethinginsidethevehicle secure it wheneveryoucan I I Don t have a seat folded down unless you need to I Trailering Package GROSSCOMBINATIONWEIGHTRATING GCWR PO340 IfyourvehiclecomeswiththeTraileringPackage ...

Страница 313: ...blades youmayneed to put a limit on how manypeopleyoucarryinsideyourvehicle Besure to weighyourvehiclebefore you buyandinstallthenewequipment NOTICE 1 rims Wedon tmake tires Yournew vehiclecomeswithhighqualitytiresmadeby a leading tire manufacturer Thesetiresarewarranted by the tire manufacturersandtheirwarrantiesaredeliveredwitheverynewvehicle If yoursparetireis a differentbrandthanyourroadtires ...

Страница 314: ... mph 135 kmh if you have 16 inchtires See SpecialTireInflation in this sectionformoreinformationon loading and inflationpressuresatspeedsabove 65 mph 105 kmh Underinflatedtires pose the samedangerasoverloadedtires Inflation Tire Pressure TheCertification Tirelabelwhich is ontherearedge of thedriver sdoor or ontheincompletevehicledocument in thecab showsthecorrectinflation pressuresforyourtires whe...

Страница 315: ...averadialtires whichmaylookproperlyinflatedeven if they re underinflated If yourtireshavevalvecaps besuretoputthembackon Theyhelp preventleaks by keepingoutdirtandmoisture Special Tire Inflation If youhave 16 inchtires onyourvehicle and You ll bedrivingforverylongatspeeds of 66mph 105km h to75 mph 120 km h wherelegal inflatetires 10 psi 70kPa morethan therecommended cold inflationpressure You llbe...

Страница 316: ...K2474 6 51 ...

Страница 317: ...etireshavebeenrotated adjustthefrontandrearinflationpressure asshownontheCertificationRirelabel Makecertainthatallwheelnutsare properlytightened See WheelNutTorque in theIndex 1 CAUTION Rustordirt on a wheel or on thepartstowhich it is fastened can makethewheelnutsbecomelooseafter a time Thewheelcould come off andcauseanaccident Whenyouchange a wheel remove anyrustordirtfromplaceswherethewheelatta...

Страница 318: ...ric The tire hasapuncture cut orotherdamagethatcan tberepairedwell because of thesizeorlocation of thedamage Buying New Tires To findout what kindandsize of tiresyouneed look at the Certificationnire label ThetiresinstalledonyourvehiclewhenitwasnewhadaTire PerformanceCriteriaSpecification TPCSpec numberoneachtire ssidewall Whenyougetnewtires getoneswiththatsameTPCSpecnumber That way yourvehicle wi...

Страница 319: ...mentcourseasatiregraded 100 The relative performance of tiresdependsupontheactualconditions of their use however andmaydepartsignificantlyfromthenormduetovariations in drivinghabits servicepracticesanddifferences in roadcharacteristicsand climate Traction A B C Thetractiongrades fromhighest to lowesrare A 8 and C Theyrepresent thetire sabilitytostoponwetpavement as measuredundercontrolled conditio...

Страница 320: ...dandbalancedcarefullyatthe factory to giveyouthelongest tire life andbestoverallperformance In most cases youwillnotneed to haveyourwheelsalignedagain However if younoticeunusualtirewear or yourvehiclepullingonewayor theother thealignmentmayneed to bereset If younoticeyourvehicle vibratingwhendrivingon a smoothroad yourwheelsmayneed to be rebalanced Wheel Replacement Replaceanywheelthatisbent crac...

Страница 321: ... cause problems with bearing life brake cooling speedometerlodometercalibration headlight aim bumperheight vehicle groundclearance and tire or tire chainclearance to the body and chassis A Putting a used wheel on your vehicle is dangerous You can t know how it s been used or how many miles it s been driven It could fail suddenly and cause an accident If you have to replace a wheel use a new GM ori...

Страница 322: ...ything in acontainer to cleanyour vehicle besure to followtheinstructions Andalwaysopenyour doors or windowswhenyou recleaningtheinside Never usethese to cleanyourvehicle 0 Gasoline 0 Benzene 0 Naphtha 0 Carbon Tetrachloride Acetone Paint Thinner 0 Turpentine 0 Lacquer Thinner Nail Polish Remover They can all be hazardous somemorethan others and they can all damageyourvehicle too NOTICE I I I 6 57...

Страница 323: ...hem don tsaturatethestainedarea If aringformsafterspotcleaning cleantheentireareaimmediately or it willset Using Foam Type CIeaner on Fabric Vacuumandbrushthearea to removeanyloosedirt Alwayscleanawholetrimpanel or section Masksurroundingtrimalong stitchorweltlines MixMulti PurposePowderedCleanerfollowingthedirectionsonthe Usesudsonlyandapplywithacleansponge containerlabel Don tsaturatethematerial...

Страница 324: ...ill need to cleanyourupholsteryoften to keep it looking new Furtherinformationoncleaningisavailablebycalling 1 800 433 3296 in Minnesota 1 800 642 61 67 Special Cleaning Problems Greasy or Oily Stains Likegrease oil butter margarine shoepolish coffee withcream chewinggum cosmeticcreams vegetableoils waxcrayon tar and asp ha1t Carefullyscrape off excessstain Thenfollowthesolvent typeinstructionsabo...

Страница 325: ...nesorwaxesmaycauseannoyingreflectionsin thewindshieldandevenmake it difficult to seethroughthewindshieldunder certainconditions Care of Safety Belts Keepbeltscleananddry Do notbleachordye safety belts If youdo it may severely weaken them In acrashthey might not be able to provide adequate protection Clean safety belts only with mild soap and lukewarm I water Glass Glassshouldbecleanedoften GMGlass...

Страница 326: it often withlukewarmorcoldwater Don twashyourvehicleinthedirectrays of the sun Don tusestrongsoaps orchemicaldetergents Useliquidhand dish or carwashing non detergent soaps Don tusecleaningagentsthatcontainacid or abrasives All cleaning agentsshouldbeflushedpromptlyandnotallowedtodryonthesurface or they could stain Drythefinishwithasoft cleanchamois or a 100 cotton towel to avoidsurfacescratch...

Страница 327: ...shes Thesebrushescantake off the xotective coating White Sidewall Tires Your GeneralMotorsdealerhasa GM WhiteSidewallTireCleaner Youcan useastiffbrushwith it Weatherstrips Theseareplaceswhereglassormetalmeetsrubber Siliconegreasethere will makethem lastlonger sealbetter andnotstickorsqueak Applysilicone greasewithacleanclothatleasteve sixmonths Sheet Metal Damage If yourvehicle is damagedandrequir...

Страница 328: ...derbodywith plain water Cleananyareaswheremudandotherdebriscancollect Dirtpacked inclosedareas of theframeshouldbeloosenedbeforebeingflushed Your dealer oranunderbodywashingsystemcandothisforyou Chemical Paint Spotting Someweatherandatmosphericconditionscancreate a chemicalfallout Airbornepollutantsfalluponandattackpaintedsurfacesonyourvehicle This damagecantaketwoforms blotchy ringlet shapeddisco...

Страница 329: ...46L Cleaner or vinyl 0 473L andfabric 1050244 16 02 Fabric Cleaner Spot and stain removal on cloth I050427 23 02 Glass Cleaner Glass cleanina and sDot cleaning I 0 680L on vinyls 1050429 6 Ibs Multi PurDose Cleans vinvl and cloth on door trim 2 72 kg Powder cleaner seats and carpet also tires and mats 1050729 8 02 Vinyl Top Cleaning of vinyltops 1051055 16 02 Preservatone Vinyltopdressing IO51398 ...

Страница 330: ...e You can see it if you look throughthewindshieldfromoutsideyourvehicle The VIN alsoappears ontheVehicleCertificationandServicePartslabelsandthecertificates of titleandregistration Engine Identification Theeighthcharacter in yourVIN is theenginecodeforyour GM engine Thiscodewillhelp you identify your engine specifications andreplacement parts in thissection 6 65 ...

Страница 331: ...Service Appearance Cam L pe w I 3 z m I Z 1 IIL e Qo 1 It C 9 Q v 0 a w O t J POI72 6 66 ...

Страница 332: ...ul if you ever need to orderparts On thislabel is Your VIN Its model designation Paint information A list of all productionoptionsandspecialequipment Be surethatthislabelisnotremovedfromthevehicle Add on Electrical Equipment Don t addanythingelectrical to yourvehicleunlessyoucheckwithyour dealer first Someelectricalequipment can damageyourvehicleandthe damagewouldn tbecovered by your warranty Some...

Страница 333: ...e System BY Emissions 5 7 V8 K TBI U S Can 7 4 V8 N TBI us LightDutyEmissionswith8500 GVWR andbelowor HeavyDutyEmissionswith8501 GVWRand above TO291 Wheel Nut Torque MODEL DESCRIPTION RQUE C 1500 5 bolts 14mm 120 ft Ibs 160 Nmm K 1500 C K 2500 6 bolts 14mm 120 ft Ibs 160 N m C K 2500 8 bolts 14mm 120 ft Ibs 160 Nem I TO2951 Cooling System Capacity VIN QUANTITY ENGINE CODE Without N C With AIC 5 7L...

Страница 334: ...ds refrigerant be sure the proper refrigerant is used If you re not sure ask your GM dealer TO302 Fuel Tank Capacify I 1 Utility Model Standard 30 Gallons 113 ters Wagon Model Standard 42 Gallons 159 Liters Allquantitiesareforacompletelydrytankandareapproximate TO2971 Service Replacemenf Part and Filfer Recommendations 5 7 K 6 2 C 6 2 J 6 5 F Oil Filter PF5 1 PF35t PF35t PF35 PF35 PF35 PF35 1 Air ...

Страница 335: ...ux Batt Relay DomeLamp Ctsy andGloveBoxLps TR 9 Radio Memory Clock HornRelay HornFeed ParkLamps C49SWIllum Headlamp On Warning RadioIllum H V A C Illum Haz Flasher SeatBeltBuzzer Stop Lmps A B S Memory WindshieldWiper Washer RadioFeed Pwr Windows DoorLocks RearWindowDefogger Crank Discreet FourWheelDrive DaytimeRunningLights RearWindow Wiperwasher CigarLighter RearHatchRelease Fuse 20 Amp 15 Amp 1...


Страница 337: ... 21 1 2 I Readina Lamps I 211 2 Roof ConsoleLamps 194 InstrumentPanelCompartmentLamp 194 FourWheelDriveShiftLever 161 FourWheelDriveIndicator 194 Heateror NC ControlLamp 1003 Courtesy Lamp 168 1Ashtray Lamp I 194 MalfunctionIndicator ServiceEngine Soon Suburban only tCanadian Vehicles only 74 UpshiftIndicator 74 Power Rating 55 65 1 2 1 35 65 2 65 2 1 Candle Power I 32 2 1 1 10 12 2 X I TO293 6 72...

Страница 338: ...intenance Services 7 3 Scheduled Maintenance Services 7 4 Selecting The Proper Maintenance Services 7 4 GasolineEngineswithLightDutyEmissions Maintenance Schedule I 7 6 GasolineEngineswithLightDutyEmissions Maintenance Schedule II 7 8 GasolineEngineswithHeavyDutyEmissions Maintenance Schedule I 7 1C GasolineEngineswithHeavyDutyEmissions Maintenance Schedule II 7 12 6 2L and 6 5L Diesel Engines Mai...

Страница 339: ...Scheduled Mainfenance Services Explanation of Scheduled Maintenance Services 7 18 Owner Checks and Services 7 22 RecommendedFluids Lubricants 7 25 Maintenance Record 7 27 Service Station Checks 7 28 7 2 ...

Страница 340: ...ality of theair we breathe Improper fluid levelsoreventhewrong tire inflationcanincreasethelevel of emissionsfromyourvehicle To helpprotectourenvironment and to help keepyourvehicle in goodcondition pleasemaintainyourvehicleproperly Recording Maintenance Services TheMaintenanceRecordneartheendofthissectionprovides a placefor you to recordthemaintenanceperformedonyourvehicle Wheneverany maintenance...

Страница 341: ...rvices To find thepropermaintenancescheduleforyourvehicle youmustknowtwo things Whatengineyourvehiclehas andhowyouuseyourvehicle Your enginetypewilltellyouwhichchart to use andyourdrivingconditionswill tellyouwhichscheduletouse Thechartsarefoundlater in thissection Selecting the Proper Maintenance Chart Yourengine type GasolineorDiesel anditsemissionsclassification Light Duty or HeavyDutyEmissions...

Страница 342: ...dule to followonceyoufindtheproper maintenancechart to use MAINTENANCESCHEDULE I Is anyoneofthese true foryourvehicle Mosttripsare less than4miles 6 kilometers Mosttripsare less than 10 miles 16kilometers andtheoutside Theengine is at low speedmost of thetime as in door to doordelivery temperatures are belowfreezing stop and gotraffic orcommercialuse You operate in dustyareasoroff roadfrequently Y...

Страница 343: ... WITH LIGHT DUTY EMISSIONS FOOTNOTES See Explanation of ScheduledMaintenanceServices inthissection An EmissionControlService tTo determinetheemissionsclassification of yourenginerefer to Selectingthe ProperMaintenanceChart in thissection TO337 7 6 ...

Страница 344: ...MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE It TO334 7 7 ...

Страница 345: ... or e Oil Filter Change Every 12 Months or e 2 Chassis Lubrication Every 12 Months or e 3 ClutchForkBallStudLubrication 5 CoolingSystemService Every 24 6 AirCleanerFilterReplacement Months or 7 FrontWheelBearingRepack 8 Transmission Service 25 DriveAxleService 26 BrakeSystemsInspection FOOTNOTES See Explanation of ScheduledMaintenanceServices in thissection AnEmissionControlService tTo determineth...

Страница 346: ...MAINTENANCESCHEDULE Ilt e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e THESERVICESSHOWNONTHISCHART UP TO 60 000 MILES 100 000 km ARE TOBE DONEAFTER 60 000 MILES AT THESAMEINTERVALS TO333 7 9 ...

Страница 347: ...ces in thissection L Also aNoiseEmissionControlService IApplicableonly to vehicles sold in theUnitedStates To determinetheemissionsclassification of yourenginerefer to Selectingthe An EmissionControlService Proper Maintenance Chart in this section TO339 I If yourdrivingconditionsmeetthosespecified in ScheduledMaintenance m 7 1 0 ...


Страница 349: ...m No 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 1 22 24 25 I 26 I FOOTNOTES An Emission Control Service See Explanation of ScheduledMaintenanceServices inthissection A Also aNoiseEmissionControlService I Applicableonly to vehiclessoldintheUnitedStates t To determinetheemissionsclassificationofyourenginerefer to SelectingtheProper Maintenance Chart in T033f Oil FilterChange Every12Months o...

Страница 350: ...gconditions do NOT meet thosespecified in Scheduled MaintenanceServices in thissection useMaintenanceSchedule II 9 THESERVICESSHOWNONTHISCHART UP TO 60 000 MILES 100 000 km ARE TO BE DONE AFTER 60 000 MILES AT THESAME INTERVALS TO335 7 1 3 ...

Страница 351: ... dirt operating conditions off road may require the air filter to be checkedasoftenasevery 300 miles 483 km andreplacedasnecessary An Emission Control Service See Explanation of ScheduledMaintenanceServices inthissection Applicableonly to truckssold in theUnitedStates A Also aNoiseControlService applicable to vehicleswithengine VIN Code J t This maintenance schedule applies to all diesel engines a...


Страница 353: ... Control Service See Explanation of ScheduledMaintenance Services in thissection W Applicableonly to trucks sold intheUnitedStates A Also aNoiseControlService applicable to vehicleswithengine VIN Code J t This maintenance schedule applies to sll diesel engines available TO331 7 1 6 ...

Страница 354: ...gconditionsdo NOT meetthosespecified in Scheduled MaintenanceServices inthissection useMaintenanceSchedule II 0 THE SERVICES SHOWNON THIS CHARTUP TO 60 000 MILES 100 000 km ARE TO BE DONE AFTER 60 000MILES AT THE SAME INTERVALS TO336 7 17 ...

Страница 355: ...eSchedule 2 Balljointsandkingpinbushingsshouldnotbelubricatedunlesstheir temperature is 10 F 12 C orhigher Whentheweatheriscold let themwarmupbeforelubrication or theycould be damaged Also besure to checkallthevehiclefluidlevelsatthistime 3 CLUTCH FORK BALLSTUDLUBRICATION Lubricatetheclutchfork ballstudthroughthefittingontheclutchhousing Lubricantmustbe added sparingly tothefitting asonly 0066 Ib ...

Страница 356: ...police delivery or othercommercialservice If the vehicle is notusedmainlyunderany of theseconditions change the fluid and filterevery 30 000miles 50 000 km forvehiclesunder 8600 GVWRorevery 24 000 miles 40 000 km forvehiclesover8600 GVWR See AutomaticTransmissionFluid in theIndexformore information ManualTransmission Transmissionfluiddoesnotrequireperiodic changing 9 CDRV SYSTEMINSPECTION Checkthe...

Страница 357: ...ension Adjust or replaceas needed 19 EVAPORATIVECONTROLSYSTEM ECS INSPECTION Check all fuelandvaporlinesandhosesforproperhookup routing andcondition Checkthatthepurgevalveworksproperly ifequipped Replaceas needed 20 SHIELDSANDUNDERHOODINSULATIONINSPECTION Awlnspect shieldsandunderhoodinsulationfordamage orlooseness Adjust or replaceasrequired installationtoseethatgasketsareseatedproperlyand all ho...

Страница 358: ...ingremoved to keepthevehiclefromrolling 25 DRIVE AXLE SERVICE Check readfrontaxle fluid levelandadd as needed Checkconstantvelocityjointsandaxlesealsforleaking Locking differential Drain fluid at first oil changeandrefill Check fluid levelandadd asneededatsubsequent oil changes In dusty areas ortrailertowingapplicationsdrain fluid atevery 15 000 miles 24 135kilometers and refill every oil change I...

Страница 359: ...ection At Least Once a Month Tireinflation pressure check Check thetiresforproperinflation If they are low inflatethemtothelevelspecified onthecertificationlabel or onthe tireinflationcharts See Loading YourVehicle or Inflation TirePressure in theIndex At Least Once a Year Keylockcylinderlubrication Lubricatekeylockcylinderswithengine oil Seethe RecommendedFluidandLubricants chart in thissection T...

Страница 360: ...a fairlysteephill withthevehiclefacingdownhill Keepingyourfoot ontheregularbrake setthemanualparkingbrake CAUTION To checktheparkingbrake Withtheenginerunningandthe transmissionin N Neutral slowlyremovefootpressurefromtheregular brakepedal Do this untilthevehicleisheld bytheparkingbrakeonly To checkthe Park mechanism sholdingability Applytheregularbrake andshift to P Park Releasethemanualparkingbr...

Страница 361: ... theengine is cold andnotrunning Do notoilanyaccelerator or cruisecontrolcables Replace anycablesthathavehigheffort or excessivewear ExhaustSystemInspection Inspect the completesystemincluding the three waycatalyticconverter Inspectthebodynear the exhaustsystem Look forbroken damaged missing or out of positionparts as wellas open seams holes looseconnections or otherconditionswhichcouldcauseaheat ...

Страница 362: ...s of NLGlGrade2 2atagoryLBorGC LB GMPart No 1052497 3iM PowerSteeringFluid GMPart No 1050017 or 2quivalentconforming to GM spec9985010 3M Lubricant GMPart No 1052182 orequivalent IEXRON IIE AutomaticTransmissionFluid GMPart No 1051 855 lOT 3 a CastrolCo Syntorq orequivalent GMPart No b StandardTransmissionFluid GMPartNo 12345349 12346074 Differential a Standard Saginaw Front andRearAxle I b Lockin...

Страница 363: M e r TailgateHandlePivotPoints a Engine oil GMPart No 1050109 b Chassisgreasemeetingrequirements of GM 6031 M GMPart No 1052497 Chassisgreasemeetingrequirements of NLGl Grade2 Category LB orGC LB or GM Part No 1052497 Chassisgreasemeetingrequirements of GM 6031 M E M Part No 10524971 Engine oil Useregularengine oil or asyntheticlight weiahtenaine oil SAE 5W 30 Chassisgreasemeetingrequirements...

Страница 364: ...duledMaintenanceServicesisperformed recordthedate odometerreading servicesperformed listitemnumbers and whoperformedtheservicesintheappropriatecolumn Inaddition retain copies of yourreceipts Itissuggestedthatreceiptsbekeptwithyour Owner sManual 7 27 ...

Страница 365: ...cestationattendant to performthese under hoodchecksateachfuel fill Checktheengine oil levelandadd if necessary Checktheenginecoolantlevelintherecoverybottleandadd if Checkthewindshieldwasherfluidlevelandadd if necessary necessary Seetheseitems in theIndex for informationonhow to checkthem ...

Страница 366: ...driver s door See Page 6 46 the driver s door SeePage 6 46 I PO224 7 29 ...

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Страница 368: ...syouhow to obtainservicepublicationsandhow to report anysafetydefects Customer Satisfaction Procedure 8 2 Customer Assistance for Hearingspeech Impaired 8 3 GM Participation in BetterBusinessBureauMediatiordArbitrationProgram 8 3 Reporting Safety Defects 8 4 Roadside Assistance 8 5 Service Publications l ii iiF l ba 8 6 8 1 ...

Страница 369: ...ontactthe GMofCanadaCustomerAssistance CenterinOshawabycalling1 800 263 3777 English or1 800 263 7854 French InMexico call 525 254 3777 In PuertoRicoor U S VirginIslands call 1 809 763 1315 Inallotheroverseaslocations contact GM International ExportSales in Canadaby calling1 416 644 4112 Forpromptassistance pleasehavethefollowinginformationavailable to give theCustomerAssistanceRepresentative Your...

Страница 370: ...tochangeeligibilitylimitationsand or to discontinue its participationinthisprogram OurexperiencehasshownthattheCustomerSatisfactionProcedure describedearlierinthissectionhasbeenverysuccessfulinachieving customersatisfaction However ifyouhavenotbeensubstantiallysatisfied Chevroletwantsyou to beaware of GMs voluntaryparticipationina no chargemediation arbitrationprogramcalledBBB AUTO LINE Thisprogra...

Страница 371: ... theprincipals offairnessandequity and arenotrequiredtoduplicatethefunctions of courtsbystrictlyapplyingstate or federallaw If youwish to gotocourt however wedonotrequirethat youfirstfileaclaimwithBBB AUTO LINE unlessstatelawprovides otherwise Whateveryourpreferencemaybe rememberthat ifyouare unhappywiththeresultsofBBBAUTOLINE youcanstillgotocourt becauseanarbitrator sdecisionisbindingon GM butnot...

Страница 372: ...ssistanceCenter Post Office Box 7047 Troy Michigan48007 7047 InCanada please call us at1 800 263 3777 English or 1 800 263 7854 French Or write General Motors of Canada Limited CustomerAssistanceCenter 1908ColonelSamDrive Oshawa OntarioL1H8P7 Chevmlet Geo Roadside Assistance To enhanceChevrolet sstrongcommitmenttocustomersatisfaction Chevrolet is excitedtoannouncetheestablishment of theChevroletlG...

Страница 373: ...ableonly in thefifty US states andthe DistrictofColumbia andonlyforlighttruckswith GWVR lessthan 10 000 pounds 4536 kg In Canada informationpertaining to ProductServiceBulletinsandIndexes can be obtainedbywritingto GeneralMotorsofCanadaLimited Service PublicationsDepartment 1908Colonel Sam Dr Oshawa Ontario L1H 8P7 Chevroletregularlysends its dealersusefulservicebulletinsaboutChevrolet products Ch...

Страница 374: ...ecificPSP syoumaywant Priceinformationforthe PSP syoumaywant to buy How You Can Get an Index Indexesarepublishedperiodically Most of the PSP swhich couldpotentially applytothemostrecentChevroletmodelswillbelisted in themostrecent publicationforthatmodel year Thismeansyoumaywanttowait untilthe end of themodelyearbeforeorderinganindex if you are interested in buying PSP s pertainingtoacurrentmodel y...

Страница 375: ...SP s are meant fortechnicians Theyarenotmeantforthe do it yourselfer Technicianshavetheequipment tools safetyinstructions andknow howto do ajobquicklyandsafely Chevroletreservestherighttochangetheseprocedureswithoutnotice Service Publications You cangettheseProductServicePublicationsbyusingtheorderformat theend of thisbook Youcan also getServiceManualsandOwner Publications ...

Страница 376: ...7 3 19 Cassette Deck 3 16 CassetteTapePlayerCare 3 21 Automatic Transmission 2 17 FIuid 6 17 Axle Front 2 32 6 24 Rear 6 24 Rear Locking 2 22 B Battery 6 37 Belts See Safety Belts BetterBusinessBureau Mediation 8 3 Blizzard 4 55 Brakes Adjustment 4 18 Antilock 4 15 Antilock Warning Light 2 70 Fluid 6 32 Four wheel Antilock 4 16 Hydro Boost System Hydraulic Pump 6 33 Master Cylinder 6 32 Parking 2 ...

Страница 377: ... Increase Speed 2 43 OnHills 2 45 Clock 3 15 3 18 Passing 2 45 Reduce Speed 2 44 Resume 2 43 Set 2 42 ToGet Out Of 2 45 Cup Holder 2 57 CustomerAssistanceforthe Hearing or SpeechImpaired 8 3 CustomerSatisfactionProcedure 8 2 D Canada Only 2 47 DaytimeRunningLights Indicator Light 2 47 2 73 Dome Lights 2 48 Doors 2 5 Panel 2 9 Across an Incline 4 31 4 32 After Off Road Driving 4 34 At Night 4 35 Br...

Страница 378: ...69 Finish Care 6 61 Damage 6 62 Automatic Transmission 6 17 Brake 6 32 Fluid Capacities 6 68 Coolant 5 11 Front Axle 6 24 Hydraulic Clutch 6 21 Leak Check 6 35 ManualTransmission 6 20 Power Steering 6 29 Radiator 5 13 Rear Axle 6 24 Recommended Fluids 7 25 Transfer Case 6 23 Windshield Washer 2 40 6 31 Four wheel Drive 2 30 6 23 Transfer Case 2 30 6 23 Front Axle 6 24 Fuel 6 4 Filling YourTank 6 6...

Страница 379: ...2 64 J Jack and Tools 5 18 Removal 5 18 Storage 5 29 5 30 Jump Starting 5 3 K Key Release Lever 2 13 Keys 2 3 L Lights 2 46 Brake System Warning 4 17 Bulb Replacement 6 37 Charging SystemLight 2 71 CheckGagesLight 2 73 Dome 2 48 Front Parkingnurn Signal 6 40 Headlights See Headlights Indicator 2 68 Operation 2 37 Reading 2 49 Roof Marker 6 42 ServiceEngine Soon 2 72 6 45 Rear 6 42 Replacement Char...

Страница 380: ...sion 2 26 ParkingBrake 2 23 Passing Other Vehicles 4 21 4 61 Pavement Markings 4 8 Periodic Maintenance Power Inspections 7 24 Door Locks 2 7 Steering 4 18 Steering Fluid 6 29 Winches 4 64 Product Service Publications 8 6 R Radiator Pressure Cap 6 28 Radio See Audio Systems RearWindowDefogger 3 11 Recommended Fluids And Lubricants 7 25 Recovery Hooks 5 32 ReplacementParts 6 68 ReportingSafetyDefec...

Страница 381: ...ft Lever 2 25 In Emergencies 4 19 Tips 4 18 Storage Compartments 2 55 Other 2 61 Sun Visors 2 53 Secondary Air Injection Service Steering 4 18 T Tachometer 2 67 Tailgate 2 7 Electric Glass Release 2 34 Theft 2 10 Thermostat 6 28 Tilt Wheel 2 35 Tires 6 48 Balancing 6 55 Chains 6 56 Changing a Flat 5 16 5 20 Flat 5 16 HubCapsNVheelNutCaps 5 22 Inspection and Rotation 6 52 Loading 6 46 New Pressure ...

Страница 382: ...9 See Four Wheel Drive Vehicle W Warning Lights Gages and Indicators 2 68 2 76 Also See Lights Devices Other 5 3 AlignmentandTireBalance 6 55 Aluminum 6 62 Hub CapsNheel NutCaps 5 22 Nut Torque 6 34 6 68 Replacement 6 55 Used Replacement 6 56 Windows 2 33 Windshield Washer 2 40 Rear Window 2 54 Washer Fluid 2 40 6 31 Winter Driving 4 53 Wipers Windshield 2 39 Blade Chatter 6 60 Blade Inserts 6 35 ...

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