SharpenIng proCedureS
general proCedure
Read this before starting to sharpen.
Either blade may be sharpened first. You will find when sharpening correctly that the blade you
are sharpening always ends up to be the top blade. The free blade always hangs freely below the
blade being sharpened.
In any
sharpening stage you should lay the back of the blade on the magnet
surface as close to the pivot of the scissors as feels comfortable. Then, slide the scissors blade—
cutting edge first—under the hold-down spring using slight thumb pressure as shown in Figure 8.
Make sure that you
allow the hold-down mechanism to control the sharpening angle for you.
Continue moving the scissors blade into the hold-down slot until gentle contact is made with the
rotating diamond disk. Upon contact, you should pull the scissors promptly but
slowly and evenly
toward you, keeping the blade in contact with the diamond disk all the way to the tip of the blade.
Each sharpening stroke should take 1-2 seconds for a 6” scissors. Longer scissors require more
time; for example, 3-4 seconds for a 10” scissors. It is convenient to complete all sharpening steps
on one blade before beginning to sharpen the second. Proceed as follows:
for Standard SCISSorS
(Note: for knife-edge scissors blades use only the special procedure on page 7).
Press switch to “ON”.
Step 1—Fine Stage
Always start with the FINE stage. Use the General Procedure outlined above; select one blade and
pull it through that slot three (3) times.
a. If a uniform burr is felt (see item 4, page 4) along the entire back of the blade, give the blade
one (1) faster pull (1 second per pass) to reduce the size of the burr. Proceed to Cleaning step
below. You are now finished with this blade and you can start sharpening the next blade.
b. If no burr is felt proceed to Step 2 below.
Step 2—Coarse Stage
Following the General Procedure, pull the blade through the COARSE stage (Figure 9) 4-5 times and
check for a burr. With some blades it may take 10-15 strokes to develop a burr along the entire
blade length. When a burr has developed, give one last fast pull (1 second) and then repeat Step
1 in the FINE stage.
After each blade is sharpened, clean the blade with a soft cloth of folded paper towel.
the blade and burrs are now very sharp. Then slowly close the scissors, which will cut off the burr.
Then clean off with the cloth any burr fragments that may remain.