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Содержание CX-20

Страница 1: ...AⅡt 卩 口thf Ⅱ d r E AX 臼 彐 二 J臼t m USER MANUAL 9 J 洌 9 Ⅱ 0 艹 D ...

Страница 2: ...ssembling please make sure the叩 ta刂 ng mark on the blade should be consistent vvith the rotating direction of the engine on the loading position 3 Use the hexagonal wrench induded to wrenCh ghuy the decorauon cap ofthe engine Please note thatthe black decoration caρ shouId be tightly mIstθ d in anuˉ Clockwise direct on and the s very decoration cap shouId be tightly佃 isted in clockwisθ dirθ Cuon L...

Страница 3: ...cator hen GPs receiVes less than6sateⅢ tes the green indicator vvi be fIashing ˇ Vhen GPs receives rnore than6sate ites the indicator WiII shoⅥ eternal bright ON Caution VVhen itis under POsitioning MOde or Return N1ode GPs should receive rnore than6sate ites Thatis to say the green light vvi keep eternal bright N 1 IntroduCtion Ofthe pane丨 of the transmitter 24C antenna status Indicator 2 Mode se...

Страница 4: flashing red that rneans丨 ocking ofthe engine is successfu y nished U呷 濯 糕 1紫 mglne ud 浊 汛 哚 扩 mgne un料 拥呓 捐 glne 叩 腽 Fl靴 ng 4 CaⅡ bratiOn ofthe compass When you conductthe in iaIflying on the neⅥ ground please rnake sure ca brating the compass first 0nly vVhen you have Ga brated the compass vve can you make sure the norrnal returning voyage function ofthe aircraft 彳 Ca braJng steps 1 Pu the th...

Страница 5: ...ntrolthe thro廿 le leVer rnanua y to getthe right height you need and then setthe thro廿 le to the neutral position the aircraft wiⅡ stiⅡ keep the current same height Underthe height setting mode operating the controlleVe1the aircraft wi fly fomard or backward left side nying r right side flying as perthe preset height 1 Underthe mode of preset height the throt丨 e shou丨 d be placed on neutral p siti...

Страница 6: ...ced in the middle pos ion 50 Push upward to the Ⅲ mmerlas pidure1shown switCh on the power ofthe transmitte1indicator f0rthe3rnodes w I keep eternaI b ght N then push the contrOIleVer on both sides ofthe transmiuerto the rnaxirnum and keep rota刂 ng in any direc刂 on as pidure2shown After rota刂 ng for2circIes puI he throule back to neutraF position 50 two direction of auXⅡ iary channeI AUX1AUX2 are ...

Страница 7: ... itin the specia卜 purposed bauery Gompartment charge and discharge the battery for one tirne eVery3rnonths to keeρ the activeness ofthe batte卩 u VVhen the charging刂 mes ofthe batteγ is more than300臼 mes llVe d suggestto repIace the batte es FOrthe exhausted ba ery pIease discharge the baueγ ti compIeteIy no eIectric y and then dispose as aste 5 Ifthere is any phenomenon like sWo en or damaged plea...

Страница 8: ...omρo ed of many pmcse e ec廿 oniC Comρ onent and the mechan c parts Please do p蹿 ventthe mo sture or waterfrom seep ng nto the mechanic body so as nottO Gause bfeakdown ofthe mechan c and e ectron G component and avo d causing acc dent 3 Use tl泠 produd pr pe门 y Please use the ooginaI conlponentto upgrade or re equip rrepaⅡ tlts mode so asto make sure safety f this nyin9saucer Press the operaung ins...
