ChaseCam PDR100 User Manual – 4/10/09
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may not know how to properly handle MPEG-2 files. If you get an error message or a message
saying you are missing a CODEC, this means you should download and install a CODEC, or use
an alternate player. See the chasecam.com website for more information and downloads. We do
recommend the free software available from videolan.org. This player is called VLC and works on
most computer platforms.
Video editing recommendations. ChaseCam sells a video editing product called DashWare that
allows trimming, titling, etc. You can also merge data with custom gauges and more. See
chasecam.com for more information.
Creating DVDs using your PDR files. In Windows, you can simply drag and drop the video files to
a DVD writer.
Updating PDR Software – FIELD UPGRADING
The PDR is easily field upgradeable. This means you can easily download an updated software
system and load it to your Compact Flash card, install the card in your PDR. Close the door and
then boot up the PDR while holding down the MENU key on the keypad. Continue to hold down
the menu key for three seconds. When you see a steady text display showing the UPDATER
software, release the menu key.
This will then show you some text on the LCD that it is updating
the software. If the update is successful, the UPDATER will turn off the PDR. When the PDR first
boots up, it will display the version of the software that is loaded in it.
To see the current version of software available to the user, please visit
and visit the PDR100 Digital Video Recorder FAQs, or you
can just download the latest version from
We HIGHLY recommend keeping your PDR up to date with the latest features.
Using the optional mounting bracket
To mount the PDR securely to a hard surface, place the Mounting Bracket Base to in the location.
Please note orientation of the PDR when installed, for wiring access and also location of the
switch and LED. There are six pre-drilled holes with countersinks on the inside bottom of the
bracket, these are designed for number 6 screws. Do not use any other type of screws except for
flathead in order to clear the bottom of the PDR module. These screws are in a pattern that is two
rows that are spaced 1.00-1.25” apart (check which version!), with the holes spaced 1.50” from
the center. Alternately, you can use up to ¼” screws on the outer ears to bolt down the bracket.
These ¼” slots are 1.00-1.25” apart also, and spaced at 5.45” from center to center. Later
brackets use the 1.00 spacing. Earlier brackets were 1.25”. Brackets can also be mounted to our
SM30 suction cup base for easy mounting in cars or to roll bar clamps supplied from ChaseCam.
Once the bracket is securely attached, insertion of the PDR is very simple. Just center the PDR
over the bracket and with a slight angle towards one side, push the PDR down. You should hear
an audible click as it snaps into place. To remove, just push one side of the mount away from the
PDR and pull up on the PDR to release. Many repeated installations and removals might loosen
up the snap. In that case, simply push the side of the metal (with the PDR not installed) towards
the middle to reset the tension.
For an even more permanently secure method, install the retaining cover over the PDR. Align the
edges onto the rubber of the PDR and over the handles of the mounting bracket. Using the
supplied pin, lock the retainer to the bracket. You will still have access to the LCD screen and
keypad. We recommend this retainer for vehicles that undergo higher shock and vibration.
ChaseCam also offers a solid retaining cover for better protection.
Troubleshooting (common tests and/or solutions):