This function can be activated by setting the CCE parameter. In this case when the store temperature
overrun the SMX limit the collector pump is deactivated and consequently the collector temperature
begins to rise. To protect also the collectors from excessive heating when the collector temperature
reach the CMT limit the pump is switched on again in order to discharge the collectors to the store.
Obviously in that case the protection of the collectors instead of the retaining of maximum store
temperature is of higher priority. As a result the store temperature begins to rise again up to 95°C.
Then the pump stops again as the absolutely maximum store temperature limit has been reached.
Reverse Store Cooling Function.
If for some reasons (i.e Collector Cooling Function activation) the water store can be charged more
than desired. During the night when the collectors and the piping has notably lower (more than 5°C )
temperature compared to the store the system can reject the excessive energy simply by running the
circulation pump. This function causes reverse cooling of the store and can be enabled when
RSE=YES. The reverse cooling stops when the store temperature fall below the SMX limit.
Piping High Temperature Protection Function
If under any circumstances the collector temperature exceed the limit of CHT the corresponding
pump is switched off to protect the piping and the store from the overheated medium.
Submenu Thermo
This submenu contains only two parameters. These parameters define the way the simple thermostat is
functioning if the selected configuration contains such virtual device. The value of DHW means the
desired temperature of the domestic hot water that the thermostat will try to maintain by activating the
pump. The parameter DWH is the hysteresis of that thermostat.
When the desired domestic water temperature has not been achieved the thermostat activates the
pump. The pump is deactivated when the temperature reach the DHW limit. Again when the
temperature fall below (DHW-DWH) the pump is activated again.
Submenu Logic
For some operating configurations i.e No6 and No9 the stores can be charged according to different
methods. For instance the individual method charges the stores as being completely independent. The
system checks only the present situation and charges the store immediately if the necessary conditions
are fulfilled. This charging method is called
and can be selected when SEL parameter of menu
Logic take the value 1.
Reversely when the SEL take value 2 the charging method changes. In this case the stores are charged
up to the SMX values in a sequential manner. In other words the lower priority stores remain cool until
the first is fully charged. Then the next store is charged and so on. If any of the highest priority stores is
discharged the system stops immediately the charging of the others and keeps focus on this. This
charging method is called
. When a highest priority store is charged the display shows the
letter “w” indicating that this store waits until the complete charge of its predecessor.
In No4 and No5 configurations because of the three way motorized valve no parallel charge is allowed.
Here the store connected to S2 probe has always higher priority and it is charged firstly.
Submenu Cal.
For various reasons the temperature as read from a probe can differ slightly from the correct value.
This submenu offers the possibility of adding or subtracting an offset. The parameters TR1 to TR4 affect
the temperatures as read from the corresponding sensors. The maximum allowable offset is 5
Submenu Test
This submenu is particularly useful when for testing purposes the activation of any reley is needed. To
activate the relay 1 modify the SEL value of this submenu to 1. By giving a value of 2 or 3 the second
and the third relay is activated. The value 0 deactivates all the relays. When exiting from the Test
submenu the relays function again as being in normal operation mode.
Choose at the beginning the correct configuration mode and enter this selection to Config submenu.
Setup the parameters of the used differential thermostats and the simple thermostat as well.
If the factory preset parameters are used the device will function as the following Table 7 indicates.
Study carefully the various cases and became familiar with the signs shown in the display.
Table 7
The left most symbol indicates the collector. Beside this symbol the temperature is
30°C. The store in the second line has also temperature 30°C. The virtual differential
thermostat DT-1 has been set and the corresponding relay is deactivated.
The DT-
1 counts the time interval DEL prior to activate the relay. In position 1 a “d”
letter is shown.
The time interval DEL has elapsed and the position 1 shows a rotating dash indicating
that the pump relay has been activated.
The store temperature is over the SMX=65°C limit. The pump has stopped despite the
temperature difference still exists. A dash is appeared in position1.
The store is fully charged. However because the collector temperature is 110°C and
CCE=YES the collector cooling has been activated. The pump runs to cool the
collector into the store. In position 1 a ro
tating dash and the letter “C” is shown
The store temperature is over the 95°C limit. So despite CCE=YES and CMT=100°C
the pump stays off to protect the store from overheating.
At night when the collector temperature is at least 5°C lower than the store if
RSE=YES the reverse cooling is activated and the surplus energy is directed to the
environment through the collector and the piping. A rotating dash and the letter “R” is
shown alternately in position1.
The collector temperature is now over the limit of CMT. The pump relay stops to
protect the store and the piping from overheat medium. The cell 1 shows the letter “H”.
The collector temperature is < CMN and simultaneously CME-
YES. Athe letter “m” is
now displayed in position 1. The pump relay remains inactive.
In case of anti-ice protection activation (AFE=YES) and if the collector temperature is
lower to AFT the pump relay is activated and a the letter “F” as well as a rotating dash
is shown in position 1 of the display.