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© 2014 Charleswater

June 2014




 Workstation Continuous Mini Monitor

Installation, Operation and Maintenance 

Made in the

United States of America

Figure 1.  Charleswater 





Continuous Mini Monitor.


The Jewel


 Workstation Continuous Mini Monitor 

independently monitors the operator and the 

worksurface.  The instant an operator’s wrist strap or 

cord fails, the monitor will issue audible and visual 

alarms alerting the user of the problem.  In the same 

manner, the unit also confirms that a path to ground 

of less than 500 megohms exists from the ESD 


The Jewel


 Workstation Continuous Monitor is a Single 

Conductor Impedance Sensing Continuous Monitor 

which per ESD Handbook TR20.20 section “a 

small AC voltage is used in a detection circuit designed 

to eliminate false alarms and adjustment.  They use the 

phase difference between current and voltage to detect 

changes in impedance of the grounding cord, wristband 

and person. No adjustments are required.”

Per ESD Handbook ESD TR20.20 section, 

“Typical test programs recommend that wrist straps that 

are used daily should be tested daily.  However, if the 

products that are being produced are of such value that 

knowledge of a continuous, reliable ground is needed, 

and then continuous monitoring should be considered or 

even required.”

Advantages Of Continuous Monitoring 

Over Periodic Testing

“When considering constant [or continuous] 

monitors, the equipment cost including the wrist 

strap, maintenance and training cost, labour time for 

performing wrist strap tests, and the potential failures 

due to non-functional wrist straps should be considered.

A broken wrist strap may expose products to ESD 

over an entire shift if it is checked only at shift change 

with wrist strap checker.” (ESD TR 12-01 Section 4.2 

Selection Considerations)

The Jewel


 Workstation Continuous Monitor eliminates 

the need for periodic wrist strap tests and logging.  

Continuous monitoring is superior to periodic or 

pulsed testing, and can save a significant amount of 

money in testing costs and rejected product.  Periodic 

testing detects failures after ESD susceptible products 

have been manufactured.  The costs of dealing with 

the resulting catastrophic or latent defects can be 

considerable.  Jewel


 Workstation Continuous Mini 

Monitors eliminate the need for operaters to test wrist 

straps and log the results; by their function, these 

monitors satisfy the ISO 9000 and ANSI/ESD S20.20 

test logging.  ANSI/ESD S20.20 Section 

Personnel Grounding Guidance states “A log should be 

maintained which verifies that personnel have tested 

their personal grounding devices.”  Per ANSI/ESD-S1.1 

Annex A Section 6.1.3 “Daily (wrist strap system) testing 

may be omitted if constant monitoring is used.”  Per 

ANSI/ESD-S1.1 Annex A Frequency of Functional 

Testing, “The wrist strap system should be tested daily 

to ensure proper electrical value. Daily testing may be 

omitted if constant monitoring is used.”

Park Snap

The audible alarm is designed to alert both operator and 

supervisor.  The Park Snap feature provides a means 

for an operator to disconnect when normally leaving 

the work area, without the audible alarm sounding, and 

wrist cord storage (visual red LED will illuminate).  When 

the operator touches the Park Snap, the audible alarm 

is disabled for about 8-10 seconds.  The operator can 

remove the wrist strap cord and attach socket of the 

cord to Park Snap for storage.  The coil cord may also 

be removed from the jack on the Jewel


 monitor without 

the alarm sounding.  Once the coil cord is in the park 

position, the operator ground status light will remain red.

Wave Distortion Detection Technology 

Provides True 100% Continuous Monitoring

Wave distortion impedance circuitry monitors current /

voltage phase shifts and provides true 100% continuous 

monitoring.  Electrical current will lead voltage at various 

points due to the combinations of resistance and 

capacitive reactance.  By monitoring these “distortions” 

or phase shifts, the Jewel


 Workstation Continuous Mini 

Monitor will reliably determine if the circuit is complete.
