Section 365–361–206
of the RCV PRESCRIPTION GAIN allows finely controlled adjustment (0.1dB increments) for an output level from
+10 to –22dBm.
The adjusted VF signal is then buffered via the RCV GAIN circuit and routed through transformer T2 which pro-
vides dc isolation from the line and a balanced output level at T1&R1 (pins 8 and 7).
Lead Conditioning During CGA
The 3653–61 contains a TP (trunk processing) RELAY, which provides control to a set of dry contacts between
pins 2 and 6 (1-lead and 2-lead) of the module connector. During a carrier failure, the TP RELAY is activated via a
signal on the CGAW (carrier group alarm wink) lead which causes these contacts to close, wink open for 70 milli-
seconds after a 2.5 second delay, then close again. The 2-lead can be grounded (option Y) to provide a switched-
ground output on the 1-lead.
The 3653–61 mounts in one channel unit slot of a 360/363 D4 terminal. The 3653–61 is equipped with an insert/
eject lever in the form of a hinged front panel which ensures a positive connection of the channel unit’s card-edge
connector to the backplane connector when the unit is installed. The insert/eject lever also facilitates removal of
the unit.
Installation and removal of modules should be done with care. Do not force a module into place. If
excessive resistance is encountered while installing a module, remove the module and check the
card guides and connector to verify proper alignment and the absence of foreign material.
Align the channel unit with the appropriate card-guided slot of the terminal. Slide the unit into the slot with the
front panel in a horizontal (up) position. When the top portion of the hinged front panel is under the front lip of the
terminal, push down on the front panel until it is in the vertical position. The channel unit’s card-edge connector
will begin to make contact with the inner portion of the backplane connector. Continue applying light pressure onto
the bottom edge of the front panel until the unit snaps into place.
Installer connections are made to the channel unit by wire-wrapping leads onto the associated 50-pin connectors
located on the backplane assembly of the 360/363 D4 terminal. When installing a 3653–61 into a non-connecto-
rized 360/363 D4 terminal (00-suffixed), make the required connections to the T&R (pins 50 and 48), T1&R1 (pins
8 and 7), and the 1 and 2 leads (pins 2 and 6) of the appropriate connector. On connectorized 360/363 D4 termi-
nals (360–10, –11, etc.) connections are made via 25-pair female connectors (CINCH 222–22–50–023 or equiva-
lent) to the appropriate 25-pair male connectors of the 360/363 D4 terminal. Refer to Section 360–000–200 for
the wiring diagrams of the female connectors with respect to the 360/363 D4 terminal being used. Electrical con-
nections are made when the unit is installed.
The following paragraphs describe the screw, jumper and switch options that are used to condition the 3653–61
for proper application and operation. Also refer to Figure 6 and Table 2 for a drawing showing the option locations
and a table summarizing the option conditioning requirements.
When opening a screw option, rotate the screw counterclockwise two full turns to ensure that the connec-
tion is open. When closing a screw option, rotate the screw clockwise until it seats.