— 5 —
Interpretation of ARVI readings on Overhead
Appropriate line-to-line voltage class
No Indication
Voltage below line-to-line voltage class
Circuit Condition
Probably de-energized and read-
ing is due to static; however, do not
assume that circuit is de-energized.
Instead, check and confirm circuit
condition by another method.
All interpretations should take into account the circuit configuration, length, proximity
to other lines; and should be consistent with previous experience on same circuit with this
instrument. If ever in doubt about interpreting ARVI reading under any circumstance,
always assume circuit is energized and take appropriate safety precautions.
Do not allow universal fitting to touch any part of URD cabinet, to become grounded
in any other way, or to contact another phase as this will cause erroneous voltage
indication and could cause severe personal injury or damage to equipment.
Operation — Underground (URD) C403-3374 ONLY
Always use appropriate length stick even if wearing rubber gloves.
Contact with universal ferrule or other part even with rubber gloves will cause
erroneous voltage indication.
Always use with a universal pole of proper length to maintain its calibration.
When using the ARVI on underground systems, the same basic rules and
procedures apply as with overhead; for example, maintaining proper working
clearances to all parts of the tool, keeping tool clean and dry. However, the
following are two additional instructions when using the tool on underground
equipment. The readings taken in URD cabinets will typically be higher than on
an overhead line.
Do not use any probes on the ARVI when testing live-front URD equipment.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury or damage to equipment.
Turn unit on by pushing and releasing the power switch.
3. Make contact with the line to be measured with the shepherd hook per the
following instructions:
a. Keep ARVI perpendicular to the phase conductor.
b. Keep ARVI away from poles or structures a distance at least twice the
circuit’s phase spacing, i.e. test out on span rather than near structure,
jumpers, risers, cutouts, insulators, ground wires and any system com-
ponents other than the conductor being tested.
c. Test three or four locations to check consistency. Where little or no
consistency is apparent, consider the highest reading as correct.
4. If the ARVI is left on the conductor for approximately 15 seconds, it will go into
the Auto-Hold mode and hold the voltage indication until reset (see Auto-Hold
section of these instructions).