Stretching is one of the most important elements of a good fitness, many users don't stretch
enough, or stretch incorrectly. Stretching can be time consuming, but it is important for good
exercise form and injury prevention.
Important rules for stretching:
1. Always warm up prior to stretching.
2. Do not bounce. A stretch should be a gentle movement. Slowly go to the point where you
feel tension in the muscle.
3. A good stretch should not hurt. If you are stretching to the point of pain you are stretching
too hard.
4. To lengthen the muscles hold the stretch for 30 to 40 seconds.
Stretching Routine
Toe points -- Lift one foot off the floor and gently point the toe. Hold for a few seconds. Now,
flex your foot pointing your toe up. Do about five of these on each foot.
Ankle Circles -- Stand with your weight on one foot. Lift one foot off the floor and gently point
the toe. Rotate your ankle and do about ten circles in each direction. Then change feet. Do this
two or three times with each foot.
Arm Circles -- Hold your arms straight out to the side. Make small circles going backward,
gradually getting larger and larger. Rest for a second and do the same thing in the forward
direction. Do this a couple of times until your arms, shoulders and upper back are warmed up.
Hamstring and Lower Back -- Slowly bend forward from your waist with your knees slightly
bent. Reach for the floor and hold. Only bend as far as comfortable.
Lower back -- While lying on your back, bring both knees up towards the chest with the hands.
Round the lower back and relax into the stretch. Don't do this stretch on a hard surface...use a
stretching mat, which will provide the required support.
Shoulder Stretch -- Standing upright, cross left arm over chest. Place your right hand on your
upper arm and pull arm in tight to chest. Be sure to keep shoulders down and do not pull at
the elbow. Hold, and then repeat stretch with other arm.
Neck Relax -- Turn and look over your right shoulder and hold. Repeat on the left side. Don't
hyper-extend the neck, or tilt it backwards.