5dB steps, and the line section pr10 to -20dB
of adjustment.
EQ Switch-
This switch turns the equalizer section on.
Ø Switch-
This switch reverses the phase of the unit 180°.
Four position LED array-
The first LED indicates that the unit has power turned
The second LED indicates the presence of signal.
The third LED indicates the presence of a +4 dB
The fourth LED indicates the presence of a peak
amplitude signal.
This is a high pass filter with 3dB loss at 300Hz,
160Hz, 80Hz, and 50Hz with an 18dB cut per octave
Low Equalization -
This section has a shelving slope with four frequency
selections: 220Hz, 110Hz, 60Hz, and 35Hz. This
equalizer affects the selected frequency and all others
below it.