CFM BLACKSTONE 1000 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 19

Содержание BLACKSTONE 1000

Страница 1: ... CFM Corporation Formerly Now ...

Страница 2: ...xceed your expectations please allow us the opportunity to make it right by calling us toll free between the hours of 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m Eastern Standard time Monday through Friday We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase 1 800 668 5323 Statement of Commitment CFM Corporation 2695 Meadowvale Boulevard Mississauga Ontario L5N 8A3 Canada 800 668 5323 www cfmcorp com Service Note ...


Страница 4: ...creational vehicle and or boat 3 Locatethe barbecueawayfrom any combustible construction byatleast 24 inches 61cm Donotlocate thebarbecue grillundera ceiling orcover Heatfromthe grillcould cause damage Place thegrillona levelsurface Thegrill willoperate bestif itis notfacingdirectly into thewind Avoidmoving thegrillwhileitisin use 4 Thegrillareamustbeclearandfree fromcombustible materials spare LP...

Страница 5: ...wlimiting device which whenactivated willlimit theflowof gasto 10cubic feetperhour 4 Thepressure regulator andhoseassem blyprovided isfactory setatanoutlet pres sureof 11inches water column 4lb per sq inch WARNING Any attempt toadjust theregula torisdangerous andcould create a situation causing personal injury orproperty damage Consult yourLPgasdealer ifyouthink the regulator isnotworking properly...

Страница 6: thecylinder inanupright andsecure manner withcontrol valve turned offandthePOLpluginplace DoNottransport cylinder inpassenger com partment ofa vehicle DoNotleave cylinder indirect sunlight orin a highheatareasuchasa closed cartrunk Highheatareas could cause therelief valve toventgas DoNotstorecylinder ina building garage oranyotherenclosed area Storeoutdoors ina wellventilated area awayfromp...

Страница 7: ...ed port Purging canbeaccomplished using a hoseend valvecontaining a bleed portwhich alsoal lowsforevacuation without theuseofan adapter B Hoseendvalvewithout a bleedport Whena hoseendvalve doesnothavea bleedport a separate device mustbeused forevacuation C Purging using a Type1connection LP Gascylinder evacuation canbeaccom plished during eachpurging byusing a Type 1connection TheType1valveoutleth...

Страница 8: ...1 hardwarebag D pillar 1 base 1 GettingStarted 1 Please follow thestepsintheorder that theyarepresented 2 Assemble thegrillatthelocation thatyou intend to useit 3 Youmaywantto placeanoldtowelor clothattheassembly siteto prevent scratches toyourdeckand or to prevent nutsandboltsfrombecoming lost 4 Havea friend help While theunitismade oflightweight aluminum thereisa lotofit Anassistaht canmaketheas...

Страница 9: ...dle 1 handlestandoff 2 1 standoffgasket m m 2 grill lid 1 rock grate 1 ceramrc briquettes 1 b a g Iq Y side tables 2 cooking grids 2 piece warming rack 1 L P gas cylinder 1 heatshield 1 greasepan 1 N 2 cYlinder retainer wire 1 z ...

Страница 10: ...nch a7l16 openendwrench base 1 t l pillar 1 Assernbly Step2 Attachthe Pillar to the Base Lockthepre assembled casters onbasebypushing downonthe latch iffi Th is symbol istohelp lr ffiJ orient areaofassembly hardwarebag A containing f ...

Страница 11: ...ugh theholesinthefrontof thebase Thread nutsontobolts Alignrearholes andinsert bolts Addnutsandusewrenches to tighten 4 Carefully turntheassembly upright 5 Check thepre assembled control valvelocated inside thepillar lf it hasplastic capscovering the backvalveorifices theplastic capswillneedto beremoved now Remove theplastic film covering thefrontofthecontrol panelplate ...

Страница 12: ...nch a7l16 open endwrench f Position thegrillbottom ontothepillar sothattherearhingestrutsaretoward theopensideofthepillar asshown Fourholes inthebottom willalign with tworearholesandtwofrontslotsinthe pillar I I I l I I I J J I I I J l t ffi 5 L1 D 5 d A I R r 5j 4 5tZ F 4 i5 ffi _a T U 14 20 x 1 4 s v ...

Страница 13: ...thetwoblackleadwires valveendsareinside theburner tubes beneath theqrillbottom Press the extending through thegrillbottom loose endsoitheleadwiresontothe metaltabslocated onthebackofthe 4 Insert fourboltsintothebottom s holes igniter unit andsecure withnuts r ...

Страница 14: ...lesinthe support armsofthesidetables as shown Slidea gasket washer overthe threaded endofthebolt NOTE Thegasket washers areintended tofit tightly ontheboltssoasto holdthe boltsinplacewhileattaching theside tabletothegrill Prepare bothsidetablesinthis manner using fourbolts andgasket washers foreachtable 3 hardwarebag C containing ...

Страница 15: ...4 Attach thesidetable tothefourholes located inthesideofthegrillbottom using thelocking hexnutsprovided Attach theopposite sidetableinthe samemanner i i x F ...

Страница 16: tl Az 2 I f f i l t r 7 e hingepin 114 20 x 5 8 114 20 14x1118 4 4 2 1 Position thebackofthelidsothatthe rearholes areinlinewiththehinge struts onthebackofthegrillbottom Gently setthegrilllidontothegrill bottom fools needed a7l16 openendwrench a flatbladescrewdriver ...

Страница 17: ...ure it HINTThereisanairspacebetween thebackofthelidandthegrillbottom where youcaninstall thepins Repeat fortheopposite side E 5 4 5 b h r I I I I I k I i j v S 7 l l 1 Raise thelidto attach thefront handle Attacha handlestandoff tothefront ofthegrilllid asshown lnsert oneendofthehandle intothe holeofthestandoff Whileholding thehandle inplace assemble theopposite standoff to thelidinthesamemanner 2...

Страница 18: toolsneeded rock grate 1 ceramic briquettes 1 b a g Assernbly Step6 Installing the Internal Components inthe Grill N Place thesingle rock grate intothegrill bottom K N ...

Страница 19: ...rgoodair flowduring use NOTICE THESPACING Theproperamount ofbriquettes are supplied andthereisnoneedtoadd more Somespace between the briquettes ls necessary F Ff Setthetwocooking gridsonthefront andbackledges formed inside thegrill bottom fora levelcooking surface F s NN Setthewarming rackontotheback ofthecooking grids 4 ...

Страница 20: ... to complete theconnection donotusethis valveandregulator 7 Makesurethehosehasnokinks orsharp bends andclears anyareasthatwillbecome hotduring use Neverputstrain onthehose whereitjoinsa fitting Therubber fuelsup plyhosemustnottouchthebottom grill casting during use 8 Before lighting grill checkallconnections forleaksusinga mildsoapywatersolution 20 WARNING Connect theLPcylinder tothe grilloutdoors...

Страница 21: ...rearound the cylinder collar asshown lnsert theleftendofthe wireintothesmall opening inthebase Flextheright sidesothatit fitsintotheopposite opening ontheright sideof thebase i Thegrillis shownclearso as fo seefhisstepbetter a b t 2 l ...

Страница 22: ...1 Place theheatshield inside the pillar abovethecylinder 2 Place analuminum panintothe opening intheheatshield tocatch grease drippings during use NATURAL GASMODELS i t i t no tools needed heatshield 1 LP gasstyle or naturalgas style greasepan 1 22 ...

Страница 23: ...willstopa leak lf necessary replace the faultypartwitha replacement partrecom mended bythemanufacturer WARNING DoNotattempt to repair thecyl inder valveifitshould become damaged thecylinder mustbereplaced lf youareunable tostopa leak shutoffthe gassupply atthecylinder valve Remove thecylinder fromthegrill Calla gasappli anceserviceman or LPgasdealer DoNot useappliance until theleakiscorrected Perf...

Страница 24: ...fromelectrode tip s andmetalsurfaces by lightly sanding withanemery cloth orfine grain sandpaPer LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS Read allthestepsbefore beginning STEP1 Check burner venturi tubes for blockage fromaninsectnest Refer tothe maintence section labeled CLEANING THEBURNER VENTURI TUBES STEP2 Ensure thatboththeburner control knobs areintheOFFPosition STEP 3 OPEN GRILL LID WAR lNG Attempting io light...

Страница 25: ...closed forfive minutes before cooking CAUTION Donottouch anyhotgrillparts Theoutside ofthegrillbottom especially be comes veryhotduring use lt maybeneces sary touseprotective gloves Locating theMatchLightingHole beneaththelowerrightcornerof the grillbottomcasting HOWTOSHUT OFFTHEGRILL STEP1 Turntheburner control knob s to off Theburner flame willgoout STEP2 TurnoffthetopLPcylinder valve byturning ...

Страница 26: ...residue Check forclogged burner holes or blocked venturi tubes Regular useofyourgrillwillactually help keepitoperating moresmoothly lt isnotun usualforsimilar unitsto heata littlediffer ently COOKING withYOURNEWGRILL Coatcooking gridswithcooking oilto pre ventfoodfromsticking Preheat thegrill aboutfiveminutes before cooking Cook withliddownwhenpossible Thiswillkeep temperature even conserve fuel i...

Страница 27: ...theat place foodandwaterinfoilpanwithcorrugated bottom adding waterasneeded 3 lf doing skillet orstir fry cooking limit the amount ofoilanddirect heatused 4 Cookfoodsthatburneasily overanindi rectheat Light onesideoftheburner and place thefoodontheother sideforcooking Thefoodwillcookslower butshould be moretender Thismethod ofcooking also reduces grease flareup Adda small panof waterto helpkeepmea...

Страница 28: ... coupling sleeve with3 8 female endisprovided Install theconnector atthepipeend after theshut off valve This mustbeinstalled inthelocation where the grillwillbeinuse Refer totheINSTALLA TIONportion ofthemanual forguidelines on safelocations Natural Gasunits areequipped witha 12 footlongquick connect fuelhoseinplaceof theshorter hose regulator attached tothe burner valve Ofcourse a LPcylinder is no...

Страница 29: ...Hardware Bag D 114x11 8 Hinge Pin HairPin 114 x20 x 5 8 Bolt 114 x20 HexKepsNut Handle Gasket Pre assem bled Components quantity description 1 Base Assembly consisting of 1 BaseCasting 16 114 x20 x 112 Bolt 2 Locking Caster 2 Gaster 1 PillarAssembly consisting of 1 Pillar Casting 4 4 4 4 8 B 8 paftnumber AM000402 AM000804 AM000704 10 24 x 3 8 Screw Printed ControlPlate 10x24x1l2 Bolt Valve Regulat...
