each produces approximately 1,460 pounds
of thrust (sea level ISA + 10°C).
To improve automation and efficiency, the en-
gines are controlled by dual-channel full au-
thority digital engine controls (FADECs).
Engines are started with electrical starter-gen-
erators, which are powered by the onboard
battery or a ground power unit (GPU).
Ice-protection, fire-detection, and fire-extin-
guishing systems are provided for each en-
gine. The engine pylons have ram-air inlets and
exhausts to provide cooling airflow through the
cabin air heat exchangers.
Anti-ice protection is provided to the engine in-
lets, and deice protection is provided to the
wings, and empennage by engine bleed air.
Engine bleed air directly heats the engine in-
lets and generator cooling inlets. The wings,
vertical tail, and horizontal stabilizers are de-
iced by boots inflated by engine bleed air reg-
ulated to 20 psig (service air). The windshields
are electrically anti-iced and defogged. Electric
heat also anti-ices the pitot-static systems, stall-
warning vane, and engine inlet-mounted T2
sensors. Ice detection lights on the glareshield
help the pilot detect icing on the windshield.
A light on the outside left fuselage helps the
pilot detect icing on the wings.
A single electrically driven hydraulic pump
supplies pressure for operation of the landing
gear and wheel brakes through a closed center
system. The main gear are equipped with hy-
draulically operated antiskid-controlled wheel
brakes. Pneumatic backup is available for emer-
gency landing gear extension and braking.
Primary flight control is accomplished through
conventional cable-operated surfaces. An
aileron-rudder interconnect provides improved
lateral stability. Trimming is provided by
aileron, elevator, and rudder tabs. The eleva-
tor trim is both mechanically and electrically
actuated. Aileron and rudder trim are electri-
cally activated. The flaps are electrically ac-
tuated and are on the trailing edges of the
wing. Electrically powered speedbrakes are on
the upper and lower wing surfaces. Nosewheel
steering is mechanically controlled by the rud-
der pedals through steering bungees.
The aircraft has a two-zone automatic temper-
ature control system that is split into cabin and
cockpit. An independent vapor cycle air-con-
ditioning system provides cooling to the cabin
and cockpit.
Conditioned engine bleed air is used for cabin
pressurization and temperature control. Cabin
pressurization is controlled by an autosched-
uling pressurization system. The crew need
only to adjust destination elevation any time
prior to or during flight and the controller au-
tomatically controls cabin pressure for oper-
ation at the highest practical differential
pressure with minimum rates and changes.
A 22-cubic-foot oxygen bottle (40-cubic-foot
optional) supplies oxygen to the quick-donning
masks for the crew and automatic dropout
masks for each passenger. If cabin altitude
becomes excessive, passenger oxygen masks
deploy automatically (by electrical release)
and can be deployed manually (by oxygen
pressure) upon pilot command.
The Mustang uses a Garmin G1000 three-dis-
play “glass cockpit” to present most indica-
tions for flight instrumentation, navigation,
avionics, and aircraft systems. The displays in-
clude two 10.4-inch primary flight displays
(for pilot and copilot) and a 15-inch multifunc-
tion display.
The standard factory-installed avionics pack-
age includes the fully integrated flight in-
struments, flight guidance, communications,