Page 19
Click on the button “
” to add a new notification e-mail address.
Now enter the user name and the e-mail-address of the person you want to notify in case of a
malfunction. Of course you can register multiple users. After confirming with OK you’ll see the
Now check your inbox. You'll receive an automated confirmation mail with your activation-
code. With this you can change the status from ‘unconfirmed’ to ‘confirmed’ by clicking on the
appropriate name, select
” and enter the code you just received via e-mail in the new
window. You’ll see that the status „unconfirmed“ disappears and from now on you’ll be notified
in case of a malfunction.
By selecting a name and clicking on „delete“ you can delete the e-mail notification.
Media Interface
Here you can activate iTunes and DLNA. For further information please refer to the related
chapters in this manual.
DLNA is short for Digital Living Network Alliance. This Digital Living Network Alliance is a
cooperation of different enterprises with the objective to standardize the interfaces of devices
of multiple manufactures. DLNA allows you to play media data, for example audio or video files
on different devices. For example you can play a video that is stored on a DLNA-compatible
device on a DLNA-compatible TV. To activate DLNA enter the IP address of your Integrita music
server in a browser via the Control Center.
Log in with your user name „admin“ und and password „admin”, then click “
”, then
choose „
Media Interface
“ and set the check box „
activate DLNA
Finally select a media drive that can be accessed via DLNA. All files and media in this folder can
now be accessed via DLNA.