Unix Settings
Configuring for SCO Open Server 5.0.x
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Configuring for SCO Open Server 5.0.x
Finding Existing SCSI Controllers and Devices
The files
/usr/adm/hwconfig and /var/adm/messages
list the devices found during boot up
of Open Server. The current SCSI controllers can be found using the command:
This command produces output similar to:
%adapter 0x6400–0x64FF 11 type=alad ha=0
bus=0 id=7 fts=st0.
The current tape drives can be found using the command:
grep tape /usr/adm/hwconfig
This command produces output similar to:
%tape type=S ha=0 id=6 lun=0 bus=0 ht=alad
The information above shows that an Adaptec SCSI controller is installed (
) and a SCSI tape
drive (
) is installed as target id 6. SCSI ID #7 is almost always dedicated to the SCSI control-
ler. Never configure your target device for ID 7 unless you are absolutely sure the controller is not
addressed for ID 7.
Configuring the LTO-1 and LTO-2 Drives with mkdev
Once connected to the system, installation of the drive is performed using the following command:
A numeric-based menu appears. If you are replacing an existing SCSI tape drive, use option 3 to
remove the existing tape drive from the configuration files. Then follow the instructions below to add
an LTO-1 or LTO-2 drive.
From the menu, choose
Configure a SCSI or Enhanced IDE tape drive
From the next menu, choose
Install a SCSI tape drive
When prompted, enter the SCSI adapter string. To view the list of supported SCSI adapters,
use the
Enter the number of the SCSI host adapter attached to the drive. If one SCSI adapter exists,
enter the number zero (0).
NOTE: We suggest using the AIX commands .backup. and .restore when transferring data to
and from the LTO-1 and LTO-2 drives. These commands transfer data more quickly than other
commands such as tar and cpio. For cpio we suggest a blocking factor of 128. For tar we sug-
gest using the .N option and a factor of 128. Some older systems with poor video controllers
may experience a reduction in performance when using the .v option, which prints the path
names on the standard console during the backup. Unless there is a real need to see the filena-
mes as they are backed up we suggest not using the .v option. For commands that use density
and tape size settings the tape density is 124,000 bpi and the tape length is 1800 feet.