PC/Other devices to this 24 Port
PoE Switch
Via a twisted pair cable straight through, this switch can be connected to PCs, servers and
other network devices.
Power Device to this 24 Port with 24 Port Fast Ethernet PoE Switch and getting 48V
power source through Cat. 5/6 cables
Using Cat. 5/6 twisted-pair cable to connect Power Device to the port 1~24 of this switch, and
then this switch will supply 48V power to Power Device over Cat. 5/6 twisted-pair cable. Please
be noted Power Device should also comply with IEEE 802.3af/ IEEE802.3at. and the PoE
Max. 30Watt each PSE/PoE port
2. Software Configuration
supports web-based configuration. Upon the completion of hardware installation,
can be configured through a PC/NB by using its web browser such as Internet
Explorer 6.0 or later.
Set the IP segment of the administrator's computer to be in the same range as
accessing the system. Do not duplicate the IP Address used here with IP Address of
or any other device within the network.
Please refer to the following steps
Example of Segment: (Windows 7)
Step 1 :
Please click on the computer icon in the bottom right window, and click
“Open Network and
Sharing Center”