Power Switch:
This will turn on the power to the amp.
Standby Switch:
This will put your amp to play mode. Do leave the amp on standby for 30-60 seconds before
putting to play position, to allow the vacuum tubes to warm up, and for the toanz to be ready for
your onslaught.
Note: Please connect speaker or other suitable load at all times, when the amplifier is turned on.
Resonance Control (Global, meaning it applies to Clean and OD channels):
This allows you to adjust low end to the power amp section.
NFB Control (Global):
This allows you to vary the amount of negative feedback in the power amp. Start at noon, adjust
to taste.
Presence Control (Global):
Adjusts upper mids and highs of the power amp section. Start at noon, adjust to taste.
Wired like a vintage British amp’s Presence Control, some scratchiness is to be expected.
Master 2 Control:
This is the HOD channel volume control.
Master 1 Control:
This is the OD channel volume control
Treble Control:
This is the treble control of the OD and HOD channel (shared).
Middle Control:
This is the midrange control of the OD and HOD channel (shared).
Bass Control:
This is the low end control of the OD and HOD channel (shared).
Gain 2 Control:
This is the gain/distortion control of the HOD channel.