6.
When
used,
the
short
‐
lived
anti
‐
cooker
take
away
from
the
cookers
will
not
affect
the
induction
on
the
work
of
anti
‐
cooker
take
away
from
the
cookers
on
more
than
a
minute,
induction
cooker
will
automatically
shut
down
Used
and
the
warning
Fire
hazard:
After
heating,
induction
cooker
cooking
surface
and
high
temperature
processes,
direct
contact
will
burn
the
skin,
must
be
handled
with
care,
burn
hazard:
cookers
heat
faster
than
other
electric
or
coal
are
faster
begging,
anti
‐
food
into
the
pre
‐
Heat
the
oil
or
liquid
off
must
be
a
small
study,
high
‐
temperature
food
and
liquid
may
burn
skin
Risk
of
electric
shock:
Do
not
allow
water
to
enter
the
induction
cooker
inside,
if
the
Sapo,
or
boiling,
a
liquid
into
the
products
of
the
internal,
immediately
unplug
the
liquid
dry,
if
the
solution
of
this
into
the
electronic
box,
the
risk
of
electric
shock,
do
not
spray
water
or
cleaning
products,
liquid
may
enter
the
circuit
board
and
a
short
circuit
or
electric
shock
Cleancookers
To
maintain
a
clean
appearance
and
extend
the
life
of
you
every
day
cleaning,
please
unplug
the
power
cord
cookers
and
let
cool
completely,
then
wipe
with
a
clean
wet
rag
cookers,
WarrantyCard
Customer
Name
Address
Product
Type
DateofPurchase
Distribution
units
Salesordernumber
Maintenance
records
Maintenance
Date
Maintenance
of
content
Repairer
Customer
Signature
Warrantycard(receipt)
Customer
Name
Address
Product
Type
DateofPurchase
Distribution
units
Sales
order
number
Maintenance
records