Inverter Technology:
Taking comfort and effi ciency
to the next level
Century’s “V” Series ductless mini-split
heat pumps maximize comfort by reducing
temperature fl uctuations and at the same
time save an estimated 40% or more
on energy consumption, compared with
traditional mini-split systems.
What’s different about the “V” Series?
It uses state-of-the-art inverter
An inverter is an electrical
device that varies the
frequency of the power
going to the compressor.
This allows the compressor
to run at variable speeds so
that it can precisely match the power with
the demand.
A microprocessor adjusts the compressor
speed by sampling the ambient air
temperature in the room or space
being cooled or heated. At start up,
the compressor runs at high RPMs to
quickly reach the desired temperature
in the room. Then it slows down to
a low rotation speed to maintain the
temperature. However, during times of
high demand such as weather extremes,
or even a large gathering in the room,
the compressor ramps up to a faster
speed to meet the demand.
Compare this to a traditional system
which cools by running the
c o m p r e s s o r u n t i l t h e
setpoint is reached and
then tur ns off. This
on-off cycling results in
temperature fl uctuations
that affect comfort, and
also adds to wear and tear of
the components.
Temperature isn’t the only contributor
to comfort: humidity is critical. Dehu-
midifi cation, especially during hot, muggy
weather, is an integral component of
cooling. When the compressor in a tra-
ditional system cycles off, dehumidifi ca-
tion also stops. With an inverter system,
excess moisture in the air is removed all
the time because the unit runs constantly,
although mostly at “economy” speed.
Ductless mini-splits can save you money when it comes to adding
on to your house. If your current HVAC system is correctly sized to
your existing structure, it may not have the capacity to handle the
new square footage. Rather than replacing the entire system, you
can cool and heat your new space with a mini-split—and save the
cost of installing ductwork.
Advantages of
Inverter Technology
Reaches the desired
temperature quickly
Provides precise temperature
control and continuous
dehumidifi cation (cooling mode)
Extends component life by
eliminating on-off cycling
Operates exceptionally quietly
because the DC compressor
runs mostly at low speed,
which also reduces any
vibration and associated noise
Saves energy by matching
the compressor speed to
the demand; rated at up
to 20.0 SEER
Extra heating capacity even at
low ambient temperatures