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Item 68247
Operating instructions
read the EntirE iMpOrtant SaFEty inFOrMatiOn section at the beginning of this
manual including all text under subheadings therein before set up or use of this product.
regulator area Set Up
1. Designate a work area that is clean and well-lit.
The work area must not allow access by
children or pets to prevent injury.
2. Locate the Regulator on a flat level surface to
ensure proper pump lubrication and to prevent
damage to the unit. Keep at least 12″ of space
around the unit to allow air circulation.
3. Route the power cord from the regulator to
the grounded wall outlet, along a safe path
without creating a tripping hazard or exposing
the power cord to possible damage.
General Operation
At the beginning of the day’s first use of the
Air Regulator, check for air leaks by applying soapy
water to connections while the Air Regulator is pumping
and after pressure cut-out. Look for air bubbles. If air
bubbles are present at connections, tighten connections.
Do not use the Air Regulator unless all connections are
air tight, the extra air leaking out will cause the regulator
to operate too often, increasing wear on the regulator.
tO prEVEnt SEriOUS
inJUry anD DEatH FrOM
Do not exceed 160 pSi
1. Adjust the Regulator Knob (1C) so that the
air output is enough to properly power the
tool, but the output will not exceed the tool’s
maximum air pressure at any time. Turn the
knob clockwise to increase the pressure and
counter-clockwise to decrease pressure. Adjust
the pressure gradually, while checking the
air output gauge (6B) to set the pressure.
2. Make sure the air tool’s throttle or switch is in the
off position. Connect the air tool to the air hose.
3. Open the in-line Shutoff Valve.
4. Use the air tool as needed.
5. After the job is complete, turn the
compressor’s Power Switch OFF.
6. Disconnect the Air Regulator.
7. Close the in-line Shutoff Valve.
8. Bleed air from the tool then disconnect the tool.
9. Drain the Air Filter/Regulator of water daily. With the
unit under pressure, open the Drain Plug (14A) to
expel any accumulated moisture from the Air Filter.
10. Clean, then store the Air Regulator indoors.
Maintenance and Servicing
procedures not specifically explained in this manual must
be performed only by a qualified technician.
tO prEVEnt SEriOUS inJUry FrOM acciDEntal OpEratiOn:
turn the power Switch “OFF” and unplug the regulator from its electrical outlet
before performing any inspection, maintenance, or cleaning procedures.
tO prEVEnt SEriOUS inJUry FrOM rEGUlatOr FailUrE:
Do not use damaged equipment. if abnormal noise or vibration occurs,
have the problem corrected before further use.