The C8 Optical Tube Assembly • 17
T H E 8 " O P T I C A L T U B E A S S E M B L Y (#11023-1)
The Celestron 8 Optical Tube Assembly (OTA) is simply the telescope without
an equatorial mount and clock drive unit. In its standard configuration, the C8
Optical Tube Assembly is designed to attach to a standard, but very rigid,
photographic tripod for terrestrial viewing. However, this does not mean that
the C8 Optical Tube Assembly can not be used for astronomical viewing. It
can also be used with your own heavy duty German equatorial mount or it can
be used as an altazimuth telescope for casual astronomical observations. The
C8 Optical Tube Assembly (11023-1) is shipped in one carton which contains
the telescope and all standard accessories which include:
• 25mm SMA Ocular 1-1/4"
• Visual Back 1-1/4"
• Star Diagonal 1-1/4"
• 6x30mm Finder and Bracket
• Balance Bracket (for tripod adaption) - Dovetail Slide Bar
• Lens Cap
Figure 3-1