Tools :
Welder, tin, tweezers or needlenose
pliers and cutters
Welder, tin, tweezers or needlenose
pliers and cutters
Mounting tabs : E50, E60, E70, E80, E90 y E100
1. We will place the varicap diode.
It has a completely flat face with the screen and
the other side with two chamfers.
Chamfers face is looking at the L1 coil.
2. We will put in place and we will open
slightly pins not to fall when turning the circuit.
3. The solder. The welding time can not be long
because it could hurt you.
4. Cut the excess corner with cutting pliers.
Mounting transistors
1. We will place the transistors.
T1 - S9014 (NPN type)
T2 - 8050 (NPN type)
T3 - S9015 (PNP)
Check While the model, the position of the
flat face and therefore the three pins.
2. We will put in place and we will open slightly
pins from falling when turning the circuit.
3. The solder. The welding time can not be long
because it could harm
4. Cut the excess corner with cutting pliers.
VARICAP diode assembly