New home with
20-120 min.
20-30 min.
Breaking down harmful gas, such as formaldehyde, which is released
from furniture and walls, and which may take a long time to disappear.
Inside a vehicle
20 – 40 min
10-20 min
Eliminate smoke and dust particles, break down harmful substances,
eliminate all kinds of odors and keep air fresh.
Sterilization of non-
organic items:
clothing, cooking
utensils, pacifiers,
bottles, toothbrushes,
5-10 min
Ozone has fungicide properties and is capable of destroying all kinds of
toxins, bacteria and viruses — such as Covid-19.
Because it is a gas, it can reach any area.
To apply this function we must insert the items to be treated in a closed
bag or container, inserting the ball at the end of the tube, and then
closing the bag or container as tightly as possible. The tube connected to
the machine will inject the ozone into the container and the gas will
completely disinfect all the elements inside. It is recommended to use
the sanitized items 20 minutes after this application.
Ozonizing water or
products in liquid
medium: Volume of 1
and 10 liters.
10-20 min
Treatments such as ozone can also be applied in water, without
interfering with pH, thus preventing the aggression of other chemicals
such as chlorine or bleach without diminishing the hygiene and
disinfection capacity.
Ozonized water has a hygienic purpose. Ozone eliminates 99.9% of
bacteria, viruses and pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables,
hormones and antibiotics in meat, etc., thus extending the shelf life of
fresh produce for a longer period of time (+ 30%).
C.D.Products S.A.