4. Fitting the magnetic seal strips:
Two magnetic seals are supplied to fill the gap between the cabinet
and the edge of the products. These simply fit against the left and
right edges. To make it easier, it is useful to apply a little sticky tape
to the top and bottom of each strip to prevent curling. Note that the
seal may need to be cut to length.
5. Sit the appliance in the housing:
Lift the appliance onto the supporting shelf (Ensure ventilation
requirements have been met) and push the unit into until it is
standing proud by between 50 and 75mm (Not important as long
as the machine is stable). We recommend that you seek the help of
another individual when handling this product.
6. Fitting the width spacers:
For cabinets with 15mm thickness sides a small spacer is required
to be fit. The spacer is shown in the next image. This ensures
perfect alignment when installed. There are four spacers, two for
the top hinges and two for the bottom hinges; these simply push
into position on each hinge.
7. Fit the top hinge alignment guides (i.e. Gasket protection
The gasket protection pieces double up as guides to
ensure that the product is at the required depth in the cabinet when
installed. Fit one to the top hinge and one to the bottom hinge, as
shown in figure 9.