working mode
CAVI energy level:
Time can be flexibly
adjusted. When
release time is 0,
the handpiece is at
the state of
constant suction.
Storm Vacuum&RF
Time: 10-15 min
RF mode:
NOR mode
PRO mode
RF energy level: 3-7
Time can be flexibly
adjusted. When
release time is 0,
the handpiece is at
the state of
constant suction.
Storm BIO & Photon
Time: 10-15min
BIO mode:
M1: constant
working mode
M2: discontinuous
working mode
PHOTON mode:
P1: light is
constantly on
P2: light flashes
Energy level: 3-7
both hands alternately, 3
5. Move both hands
upwards alternately in
undulating motion, 3 times.
6. Soothe the area, 3 times
7. Push four meridians
upwards with bending
fingers of both hands, 3
8. Soothe the area, 3 times
9. Repeat the operation on
the other side.
10. Wipe the treatment
area clean with hot towel, 2
11. Apply gel evenly to the
treatment area, 2 minutes.
12. RF operation: push
Bladder Meridian(BL) -
Kidney Meridian(KI) - Liver
Meridian(LV) - Gallbladder
Meridian(GB) upwards to
popliteal fossa respectively,
3 times.
13. Move in small spiral
curve on calf to dissolve fat,
3 times
14. Move the instrument
upwards to popliteal fossa
and soothe the treatment
area with hand, 3 times.
15. Push 4 meridians from
popliteal fossa to the top of
thigh respectively, 3 times.
16. Move the handpiece in
small spiral curve from
popliteal fossa to the top of
thigh to dissolve fat, 3
17. Push meridians from
popliteal fossa to the top of
thigh, 3 times.
18. Storm Vacuum&Cavi
operation: push Bladder
Meridian(BL) - Kidney
Meridian(KI) - Liver
Meridian(LV) - Gallbladder
Meridian(GB) upwards to
popliteal fossa respectively,
3 times.
Technique13, 19
Technique14, 18, 24
Technique15, 17, 21,
23, 25
Technique16, 22, 26
Technique28, 29, 30,
31, 32
Technique33, 35, 40,
42, 47