User Manual
Version B
Keypad Entry
Continue Notification if Return to Normal
Relay to activate/deactivate going in/out of alarm
5.4 Relay List Setup
When any input goes into an alarm condition, a list of relays can be controlled. Each list can contain up to nine
physical relays (located in the same controller or communicated with via Modbus). There are a total of 98 Relay
Lists available, numbered 1 to 98.
Initially, each physical relay is assigned to the Relay List of the same number; e.g., physical relay 41 would be the
first relay in Relay List 41.
Using Relay Lists allows the user to define different relay activation combinations once and then reference the
Relay List for several inputs. This is particularly useful for controlling multiple relays (like a light and a contact to a
DCS system) for all inputs.
Relay Lists can be set up at any time.
5.4.1 Relay Operations
From the Program Mode –
There are two main operations available from the Relay function
Activating/deactivating relays in a Relay List
Assigning relays to a Relay List
Press 2 to Setup List
Keypad Entry
Relay List Setup
1-98 Relay List Number
Relay List Position
Relay Channel Number