S41, S32 OCU and 11R MCU
Quick Reference Guide
3.4.2 Transition OCU from Passive Mode to Active Mode
From Passive Mode the OCU can be moved into an Active (Transmitting) mode;
OCU start sequence; From Passive Mode, Press the Stop switch and then press the Start switch within 3
The Status E-Stop LED will now flash showing it is transmitting, the Status LED will remain OFF unless the
battery is between 20 and 40% when it will flash Amber or below 20% when it will be flashing Red.
At this point the OCU is operative and the target machine will be under direct control, verify the connection by
activating a non-motion function such as the Alarm button. Test all functions briefly at the start of the work
3.4.3 Transition OCU from Active Mode back to Passive Mode
The machine may be brought to a halt at any time by simply releasing the motion control button that will
deactivate the motion control, or in an emergency pressing the STOP button that will typically deactivate the
crane main contactor as well. When the STOP button is pressed the OCU sets the STATUS LED Red and the
ESTOP LED Green and sends a positive stop command to the MCU and then terminates transmission, both of
which will deactivate all commands and de-energize the crane main contactor.
From this stage the OCU can either be transitioned back to Active mode of switched off.
3.4.4 Transition OCU from Passive to OFF.
From Passive mode, press and hold the STOP button for 3 seconds to power down or if left for 3 minutes it will
power down automatically.