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SERVICE MANUAL | 25 Frame Plunger Pumps


(763) 780-5440 | [email protected] |

General Safety Information


Do not operate pump with flammable or explosive liquids unless extraordinary safety precautions are observed. Leaks of flammable or explosive 

liquids, if exposed to elevated temperatures, static electricity, sparks or other hazards, will result in flame or possible explosion, causing serious 

personal injury, death or property damage.

1.  Before operating pump with flammable or explosive liquids, ensure proper maintenance has been performed.
2.  Do not operate pump with flammable or explosive liquids if leaks are detected.
3.  Only pump flammable or explosive liquids that are compatible with pump component materials.
4.  Do not operate pump with flammable or explosive liquids without safeguards or safety systems to detect leaks, elevated temperatures,  

spark prevention or any other hazards defined by the NFPA systems.

5.  Do not remove Flammable Liquids Product Suitability Hang Tag to assure proper safety.
6.  Follow ATEX guidelines for potentially-explosive atmospheres.


Do not service pump or electrical equipment while energized. Electricity can cause personal injury, death or property damage.

1.  Adhere to “Lock Out” and “Tag Out” procedures for electrical equipment.
2.  Before commencing pump service, turn power supply off. 
3.  Keep water away from electrical outlets and electrical devices.
4.   Electrical components must be installed by a qualified electrician to avoid risk of electrocution.


Do not service pump while energized. Moving, rotating or reciprocating parts can crush and cut, causing personal injury, death  

or property damage.

1.  Adhere to “Lock Out” and “Tag Out” procedures for electrical equipment.
2.  Before commencing pump service, turn power supply off, turn water supply off, squeeze trigger on gun to relieve system pressure. 
3.  For mobile equipment, be sure engines and hydraulics are turned off and secured to avoid accidental start.
4.  Do not operate with safety guards removed.
5.  Always use safety guards on all belt drives, couplings and shafts.


Do not touch pump, accessories or drive system while operating and until cool down is complete. Touching hot surface areas of the pump, 

accessories or drive system can cause severe burns or personal injury.  


Do not allow spray to contact any part of the body or animals. Pumped liquids under high pressure can pierce skin and underlying tissue  

or can deflect debris leading to serious personal injury or death.

1.  Relieve all line pressure in the inlet line to the pump and discharge line from the pump before performing any maintenance on the pump.
2.  When a high-pressure gun is not in use, set safety trigger lock (safety latch) to avoid accidental high-pressure operation and personal injury  

or property damage.

3.  Do not check for leaks with hand. Use a piece of cardboard to check for leaks.
4.  Review cleaning procedures to minimize heavy back blasting.
5.  Wear adequate safety equipment and clothing when operating a high-pressure  

sprayer. Never use high-pressure spray with bare feet or exposed skin, and always wear safety glasses.


Do not operate pump with hot water, chemicals or other hazardous liquids unless extraordinary safety precautions are observed.  

Pumping hot water, chemicals or other hazardous liquids can expose personnel to serious injury.

1.  Provide guards or shields around equipment to protect personnel.
2.  Wear mask, goggles or eye protection while operating high-pressure equipment.
3.  Obtain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and take appropriate safety measures for the liquid being handled.

Содержание 2560

Страница 1: ...www catpumps com Product Quality Reliability and Support You Expect SERVICE MANUAL 25 FRAME PLUNGER PUMPS PUMP MODELS INCLUDED 2560 2565 2560BH 2565BH ...

Страница 2: ...le of Contents IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS It is the responsibility of the user to read and understand all instructions important safeguards and safety precautions before operating or servicing any pump Failure to do so may result in property damage personal injury or death GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION AND SYMBOLS Payspecialattentiontothefollowingsignalwords safetyalert symbolsandstatements Safety...

Страница 3: ...o Lock Out and Tag Out procedures for electrical equipment 2 Before commencing pump service turn power supply off turn water supply off squeeze trigger on gun to relieve system pressure 3 For mobile equipment be sure engines and hydraulics are turned off and secured to avoid accidental start 4 Do not operate with safety guards removed 5 Always use safety guards on all belt drives couplings and sha...

Страница 4: ... and hold gun with both hands to control kick back A IMPROPER USE OF FITTINGS HAZARD Donotoperatethepumpwithimproperly connected sized wornorloosefittings pipesorhoses Operatingthepumpundertheseconditions couldresultinpersonalinjuryandpropertydamage 1 Ensure all fittings pipes and hoses are properly rated for the maximum pressure rating and flow of the pump 2 Check all fittings and pipes for crack...

Страница 5: ... head of the pump 2 Ensure oil is filled to the center red dot on sight gauge for forward rotation 3 If reverse rotation is unavoidable ensure oil is filled to slightly above center red dot on sight gauge C BELT TENSION HAZARD Donotoperatepumpwithexcessivebelttension Excessivebelttensionmaydamagethepump sbearingsorreducehorsepower 1 Rotate pump crankshaft before starting to ensure shaft and bearin...

Страница 6: ...le Most system failures are not due to the pump but fail because of other system components The Preventative Maintenance Check List on page 22 provides a summary of the various system maintenance concerns for all high pressure systems The seals on our pumps operating under normal conditions will perform for a minimum of 1500 hours with most lasting much longer The valves typically perform for 3000...

Страница 7: ...AL BACKUP RING Tools Needed 1 10 mm Hex Socket 2 Small Flat Tip Screwdriver 3 2 x Large Flat Tip Screwdrivers 4 Pick 5 Reverse Pliers PN 30696 6 14mmCombinationWrench 7 Rubber Mallet 8 Oil Bubble Gauge Tool 9 Lubricating Oil 10 Liquid Thread Sealant Seal Valve Kit Pump Diagram VALVE KITS PN 31292 Qty 1 2 3 4 6 5 10 9 7 8 1 SEAL KIT 2560 2560BH PN 76853 Qty 1 2565 2565BH PN 76854 Qty 1 ...

Страница 8: ...destopryout ofchamber 1 01 Usea10mmhexsockettoremovethesix 6 hexsocketheadscrews HSH fromthe dischargemanifold 1 02 Supportthemanifoldfromunderneath Usingarubbermallet tapthemanifoldto separatefromtheinletmanifoldandremove completely 1 03 Placethedischargemanifoldonaflatsurface withtheV packingspacerboresfacingup 1 07 Usingapick removebothsetsofO ringsand backupringsfromV packingspacers 1 08 Useas...

Страница 9: ...ivertoprythefirst V packingupwardandremove NOTICE Becarefulnottoscoretheinsideof themanifold 1 16 Inspectthemanifoldboretoensuresealing surfaceissmoothandfreefromcorrosion 1 11 Inserttwo 2 flattipscrewdriversonopposite sidestoprythemanifoldawayfromthe crankcase 1 14 RepeatforthesecondV packing inspectboth forwearordamage 1 17 Fliptheinletmanifoldoversolow pressure sealsarefacingupwards 1 12 Remove...

Страница 10: ...ort catpumps com www catpumps com 1 19 Inspecttheinsidediameterofthelow pressuresealsforwearordamage Servicing the Seals 1 18 Useaflattipscrewdrivertoprythelow pressuresealupwardandremove MANIFOLD AND SEAL REMOVAL NOTICE Becarefulnottoscoretheinside ofthemanifold ...

Страница 11: ...mcrankcase housing 1 23 Usinga14mmcombinationwrench loosen theplungerretainer 1 21 Removelow pressuresealwasher 1 24 Beforecompletelyremovingtheplunger retainer stopandpushtheplungertowards thedriveendtobreakloosefromtheretainer Removetheplungerandretainer Servicing the Seals 1 28 Useapicktoremovekeyholewasherand barrierslingerlocatedbehindtheplunger Inspectfordamage 1 26 Usingapick removetheplung...

Страница 12: ...e fromsealkitandapplyalubricanttooutside surface Servicing the Seals 1 32 Lookforsteppedsideofplunger Thisside goestowardsthepumpcrankcase 1 35 Threadplungerassemblyontoplungerrod byhand 1 33 InsertplungerretainerwithO ringand backupringintonon steppedsideofplunger 1 36 Usinga14mmcombinationwrench torque to108in lbs 7 5ft lbsor10Nm 1 34 PlaceadropofLoctite 242 onthethreaded endoftheplungerrod 1 37...

Страница 13: ...pringsgoontheinsideofthe grooves andO ringsontheoutside 1 46 ApplyalubricanttotheV packingspacer O rings 1 43 InstallthefirstV packingwiththegroove sidefacingup 1 39 Applyalubricanttotheoutsidesurfaceofthe low pressureseals 1 40 Onesideofthelow pressuresealhasa groove Installgroovesidefacingdownand pressintoplace Loctite and 242 are registered trademarks of the Henkel Corporation SEAL INSTALLATION...

Страница 14: ...heinletmanifoldandV packingspacersand pressintoplace 1 52 ReplaceinletmanifoldO rings 1 54 Installsix 6 HSHscrewsbyhand Usinga 10MMhexsocket tightenscrewsusing appropriatecross patternforevenalignment Torqueto355in lbs 30ft lbs or40Nm 1 48 Rotatecrankshaftsooutsidetwoplungersare evenatfurthestdistancefromcrankcase 1 49 Installinletmanifoldbyhand ensuringeven alignment Pressintoplace Servicing the ...

Страница 15: ...spectvalveplugO ringandbackupringfor cuts nicksordamage 2 07 ThevalveseatO ringmayremainin themanifold Useapickorsmallflattip screwdrivertoremoveO ring 2 05 Usingapick removeO ringandbackupring fromvalveplug NOTICE Valveassemblycanbedisassembled forinspectionandservicing thenreassembled Ifreplacingthecompletevalvekitassembly skiptoValveInstallation2 37 2 06 Useareverseplierstograspthecenterofthe v...

Страница 16: ...lveseatO ringand backupringforcuts nicksordamage 2 16 Usingapick removeO ringandbackupring fromdischargevalveseat 2 13 Removedischargevalveseatbyhand 2 14 Inspecttaperedsurfaceofdischargevalve seatforwear pittingordamage NOTICE Pittingonthevalveorvalveseatisan indicationofcavitation 2 17 Insertaflattipscrewdriverthroughinlet springretainerjustaboveinletvalve Twist tocreateasmallgapbetweeninletspri...

Страница 17: ...ainerbyhand 2 19 Inspectinletvalvespringretainerforcracks excessivewearordamage 2 20 Inspectspringforpropertensionorany damage Servicing the Valves 2 21 Inspecttaperedsurfaceofinletvalveforwear pittingordamage 2 22 Inspecttaperedsurfaceofinletvalveseatfor wear pittingordamage 2 23 InspectinletvalveseatO ringforcuts nicksor damageandremove ...

Страница 18: ...getheruntilitsnapsinto place 2 30 Replacedischargevalvebackupring then O ringontodischargevalveseat 2 32 Placedischargevalveontodischargevalve seatwithtaperedsurfacefacingdown 2 28 Placeinletvalvespringretainerontoinlet valveseat VALVE REASSEMBLY 2 27 Placespringontosteppedsideofinletvalve 2 25 Holdinletvalveseatwithtaperedsurface facingup 2 24 ReplaceinletvalveO ring 2 26 Placeinletvalveontoinlet...

Страница 19: ... www catpumps com Servicing the Valves 2 34 Placedischargevalvespringretaineronto dischargevalveseat 2 35 Pushassemblytogetheruntilitsnapsinto place 2 33 Placespringontosteppedsideofdischarge valve 2 36 Applyalubricanttotheoutsidesurfaceofthe inletvalveseatO ring VALVE REASSEMBLY ...

Страница 20: ...stallvalveplugbackupring thenO ring andapplyalubricanttooutsidesurface NOTICE ValveplugO ringfacesdownwhen installedinthemanifold 2 41 Installfour 4 HSHscrewsbyhand 2 42 Usinga10mmhexsocket tightenHSH screwsusingappropriatecross pattern forevenalignment Torqueto355in lbs 30ft lbs or40Nm 2 37 Applyalubricanttotheoutsidesurfaceofthe dischargevalveseatO ring VALVE INSTALLATION TORQUESEQUENCE Servicin...

Страница 21: ...w crankcase oil level Crankcase oil that appears cloudy or milky in the Oil Bubble Gauge indicates the presence of water in the crankcase A water oil mix does not provide enough lubrication to the components in the drive end and will cause damage This damage can occur on the plunger rods or the crankshaft and connecting rods Also without a layer of oil on the drive end components oxidation and rus...

Страница 22: ... seals and valves immediately Service as required to restore system performance Depending upon operating conditions maintenance intervals for seals kits range between 1 500 and 8 000 hours Pump valves typically require changing every other seal change If system performance degrades or changes check valves immediately Depending upon operating conditions maintenance intervals for valve kits range be...

Страница 23: ...3 0 ConnectingRodScrews M8 M13Hex 130 10 8 15 0 BubbleOilGauge M28 OilGaugeTool 44050 45 3 8 5 0 TECHNICAL BULLETIN REFERENCE CHART NO SUBJECT MODELS 002 Inlet Pressure vs Liquid Temperature All Models 024 Lubrication of Low Pressure Seals All Models 034 Servicing Crankcase Section Ball Bearing Models 3FR 4FR 5FR 10FR 25FR 3CP 5CP 3PFR 5PFR 25PFR 28PFR 036 Identifying Your Pump All Models 043 Serv...

Страница 24: ... kit Increase frequency of service Knocking noise Inlet supply Inadequate inlet liquid supply Check liquid supply Increase line size or pressurize Bearing Broken or worn bearing Replace bearing Oil leak Crankcase oil seal Worn crankcase oil seal Replace crankcase oil seal Crankshaft oil seal and O ring Worn crankshaft oil seal or O ring on bearing cover Remove bearing cover and replace O ring and ...
