Page 3
Operating Tips
This section is designed to enable you to get the best measurement results
out of your instrument.
Always check the battery status of the instrument before use.
Always calibrate the instrument prior to carrying out any
any previous data recorded prior to taking new readings
and after calibrating.
The instrument can be set-up in advance to the required frequency and
time weightings/ criterion and exchange rates for the measurements
that you are wanting to carry out.
To work out the most suitable range to select first take initial samples
of the expected noise levels from the area you will be measuring in.
Then select the range which these levels fall nearest the middle of e.g. if
the levels expected are around 85dB then select the ‘55 – 120 range’
When taking noise measurements hold the instrument as far in front of
the body as is comfortable to minimise interference of the sound field.
If using the instrument as a dosemeter with the optional dosemeter
microphone then clip the dosemeter microphone as near to the
operators ear as possible e.g. shirt collar.
Use the ‘Shift Duration’ feature to automatically calculate the projected
dose functions if your workers shift duration is different to 8 hours.
To prevent accidental keypresses which could affect the results, use
the LOCK feature to lock-out the keypad.
Always point the microphone towards the main source of the noise to
be measured (0° reference direction).
When measuring low noise levels on the bottom range, be aware of the
self generated noise levels of the instrument – see specifications.