M e n u f u n c t i o n s
To browse through the page, use any of the scroll keys. To select a
highlighted item, press
, or press
to open the link. To enter letters
and numbers in the text editor, press the keys
, and to enter
special characters, press
Options while browsing
, and the following options may be available:
to open a new list of options that are specific to the page.
to return to the homepage of the service provider.
to save the page as a bookmark.
to show a list of other options, for example, some security
to reload and update the current page.
to exit the service. See Disconnect from a service on page 105.
The service provider may also offer other options.
Disconnect from a service
To quit browsing and to end the connection, select
, or press and hold
Your radio may have some bookmarks loaded for sites not affiliated with Cassidian.
Cassidian does not warrant or endorse these sites. If you choose to access them, you
should take the same precautions, for security or content, as you would with any
Internet site.
While browsing, select
, or, in the idle mode, select
. Scroll to the bookmark that you want to use, and
to make a connection to the page associated with the
When you have received a bookmark (sent as a bookmark),
is displayed. Press
, and press
to save the bookmark.
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