Third Edition, Nov 2016
ACS V4.2
Section F. Can Seamer
Seaming Wheel Proximity Adjustment
When the cylinder arm that pushes the Seaming Roll to the Chuck is fully extended the Seaming Wheel reaches it's closest
position to the Chuck. This position can be altered (moved closer to or further away from the chuck) by making the Seaming
Wheel Proximity Adjustment.
Set the unit into manual mode.
To adjust the proximity of Die No. 1 (First Operation Seam Roll) first move this die into the chuck by turning the selector
switch for Die No. 1 on. (If the die does not move be sure that your E-stop buttons are not engaged and that your air
is on). Locate the set bolt nut. For this adjustment it is located on the block that the piston, which controls the
movement of Die number one, is threaded into. This set nut must be loosened (2 or 3 full turns).
Once loosened, the piston can now be rotated with a 1/2” wrench.
Rotating the piston on the First Op Seaming Roll in a clockwise direction will move the seaming wheel CLOSER to the
chuck. Observe the gap between the seaming wheel and the chuck as you turn the piston.
Once the gap has been adjusted, retighten the set bolt.
Figure 40 Seaming Wheel Proximity
Seaming Wheel Height Adjustment
The height of each seaming wheel relative to the chuck can be adjusted as described below (refer to Figure 41).
Set the unit into manual mode.
Loosen the set bolt (Figure 41 Photo A) which is located on the arm directly above the seaming wheel.
Grab the nut at the base of the seaming wheel (or use an Allen key as shown in Figure 41 Photo B) to turn the
seaming wheel. Clock-wise moves the wheel up. Counter clock-wise moves it down.
Observe the gap between the top surface of the chuck and the overhanging section of the seaming wheel. There
should be approximately one paper width of gap apparent on the first operation seaming wheel (0.003”-0.005”).
Approximately 1.5 times that for the second operation seaming wheel. (Figure 41 Photo C)
Once the seam wheel height has been adjusted, retighten the set bolt.
0.003” - 0.005”