1.4.5 Dual Battery Charger, HA-M32DCHG
The following illustrations show the external views of Dual Battery Charger, HA-M32DCHG.
Figure 1.6
Table 1.8 Name and function of each part
No. Name
1 Dual Battery Charger Jack
For cable to connect another Dual Battery Charger.
2 Recharge Status Indicator LED Indicates status of recharging Rechargeable Battery Pack..
Lit up with Green: Charging complete.
Lit up with Red: Battery pack problem or standby due to the surrounding
temperature being beyond the specified temperature range
(Approximately 0°C to 40°C) (charging resumes when the temperature
reaches the range.)
Lit up with Orange: Charging
Light-out: Not charging
3 Battery Power Supply Terminal Terminal to connect Rechargeable Battery Pack..
4 AC Adaptor Jack
Jack to connect output of optional AC Adaptor to supply power.
5 Mounting Part for attachment to
connect additional Dual Battery
To connect 2 or more Dual Battery Chargers, fix attachment to these