Introducing TK-800
This part of the display shows monetary amounts. It
also can be used to show the current date and time.
Department number
When you press a department key to register a unit
price, the corresponding department number (01 ~
04) appears here.
Taxable sales status indicators
When you register a taxable item, the corresponding
indicator is lit.
PLU, flat-PLU, subdepartment number
When you register a PLU, flat-PLU, subdepartment
item, the corresponding PLU, flat-PLU, subdepart-
ment number appears here.
2nd, 3rd menu indicator
When you press the
key to designate the 2nd/3rd
menu or register a 2nd/3rd item, the corresponding
indicator is lit.
Number of repeats
Anytime you perform a repeat registration (page 30),
the number of repeats appears here.
Note that only one digit is displayed for the number
of repeats. This means that a "5" could mean 5, 15 or
even 25 repeats.
Total/Change indicators
When the TOTAL indicator (upper segment) is lit,
the displayed value is monetary total or subtotal
amount. When the CHANGE indicator (lower
segment) is lit, the displayed value is the change due.
Receipt on/off, X, Z indicators
Receipt ON/OFF: When the register issues receipts,
this indicator is lit. (REG/RF mode only)
X: Indicates READ mode
Z: Indicates RESET mode