Switches the alphabet keys between upper case and lower case characters. The
upper case mode is indicated by the “CAPS” symbol on the display.
Cursor Keys
Move the cursor on the screen. Each press moves the cursor in the direction noted
on the keys pressed, while holding down the keys causes continuous, high speed
movement. Each cursor key also takes on a different function when pressed in
combination with the [Shift] key.
[Shift] +
Cursor left
Moves to beginning of logical line (L.TOP)
Cursor right
Moves to end of logical line (L.END)
Cursor up
Moves to File top in editor mode (F.TOP)
Cursor down
Moves to File end in editor mode (F.END)
Insert / Delete Keys
( INS , DEL )
INS inserts a space at the current cursor position by shifting everything from the
cursor position right one space to the right. Its function is different when editing C
programs though.
DEL deletes the character at the current cursor position and automatically fills in the
space by shifting everything to the right of the cursor one space to the left.
Holding down either of these keys causes continuous high-speed operation of the
respective function.
Break Key
( BRK )
Terminates manual operations, program execution, printer output, and LIST output.
Also reactivates the power supply when it has been interrupted by the Auto Power
OFF function.
Backspace / Clear Line Key
( BS / L.CAN )
Deletes the character located immediately to the left of the cursor and automatically
fills in the space created by shifting everything from the cursor position right one
space to the left.
In combination with the Shift key, clears the content of the line where the cursor is
located, and brings the cursor to the left of the screen.
Clear Screen / Home Key
( CLS / HOME )
Clears the content of the screen and locates the cursor at the upper left corner of the
In combination with the Shift key, locates the cursor at the upper left corner of the