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The Smart Calculator

Exploring Patterns

Using the Activity:

Students discover how to use the 

 and the 

 keys to find products that form patterns.

• The 

 key can be used to enter the first factor into the memory of the calculator.

• The 

 key can be used to recall the first factor and to find other products.

Example For the first product in problem 1, 16 




 16. For the second product, 


10 = 160. Continue using a similar key sequence to find all of the products. Note: The

 key should be used to clear the memory before a new first factor is entered.

Assessment  Encourage students to check their final products to be sure they see a pattern.


See example for key sequence.  l. 16; 160; 1,600; 16,000. The first two digits are 1 and 6.  Each product has one

more 0 at the end than the previous product.  2. 1,089; 2,178; 3,267; 4,356.  The first digits are the whole

numbers in order starting with 1, the second digits are whole numbers in order starting with 0, the third digits

are whole numbers starting at 8 and going backwards, and the last digits are whole numbers starting at 9 and

going backwards.  3. 98,901; 87,912; 76,923; 65,934.  The first digits are whole numbers starting with 9 and

going backwards, the second digits are whole numbers starting with 8 and going backwards, the third digits are

all 9s, the fourth digits are whole numbers in order starting with 0, and the last digits are whole numbers in

order starting with 1.  4. 9,801; 98,901; 989,901; 9,899,901. The first digits are all 9s, the second digits are all

8s, the next to last digits are all 0s, and the last digits are all 1s.  Each product has one more 9 after the 8 than

the previous product.  5. 72; 792; 7,992; 79,992.  The first digits are all 7s and the last digits are all 2s.  Each

product has one more 9 after the 7 than the previous product.  6. 111,111; 222,222; 333,333; 444,444.  The first

product is all 1s, the second all 2s, the third all 3s, and the fourth all 4s.

Thinking Cap

As an extension, students continue the pattern they found in each problem. They can use the key

sequence they discovered to check their answers.


 Number Patterns


 To use the calculator to discover

and extend patterns.

NCTM Standards:


Patterns, and Functions
